Redcurrant Viksne

A red currant bush should be on every personal plot. It is called the health berry and is valued for its decorative appearance. It can be difficult for a novice gardener to decide on a variety, as there are a lot of them. Pay attention to the unusual Viksne currant, which can be either red or white. Consider her photo, get acquainted with the description and reviews of gardeners.

Redcurrant Viksne

Origin of the variety

Currant Viksne was obtained in Latvia on the basis of the Ogre fruit and vegetable station, which is breeding new varieties experimentally. The authors of the variety are breeders T. Zvyagina and A. Viksne. They got it from currant seeds Varshevich, which is characterized by the original color of the berries.

In 1997, the Viksne variety was included in the state register of Our Country. Opportunity to grow a plant in the North-Western part of the country and in the Black Earth region.

Hybrid description

There are two types of Viksne currant: red (also called cherry and pomegranate) and white. Subspecies are similar in almost all respects. They differ in color and taste of berries.

Attention! White currant is not a separate variety, it is an albino red berry.

Redcurrant Viksne


Bush Currant Viksne has spreading branches and can reach a height of 1 to 1,5 meters. The shoots are thick and straight, painted gray-brown. The buds are oblong and small, slightly deviated from the shoot.

Sheet The berry bush has five lobes, a wavy edge and a dark green color. Its surface is smooth and matte. The plate is straight, slightly pubescent below. The teeth are medium, blunt, crenate.

Flowers medium size, shaped like a deep saucer. They are located on large brushes that grow up to 11-16 cm in length. The sepals are pale, with lilac stripes.


The average weight of berries varies within from 0,7 to 0,9 grams. They are rounded, slightly elongated, with bright veins. Currant has a pleasant aroma and refreshing sweet and sour taste. Gardeners rate it at 4,5 points. The pulp contains a small amount of seeds. The skin is thin but strong.

Cherry currant Viksne has a dark red color of berries, so this species is sometimes called pomegranate. On a white-fruited shrub, fruits of a white-yellow color are formed. For other characteristics, subspecies have a similar description. Currant Viksne differs from other varieties in its high content of pectin (2,4%) and vitamin C (up to 37 mg per 100 grams).

Redcurrant Viksne

Ripe berries do not crumble and do not deteriorate. They can hang on the stem for a long time without losing their appearance and taste. Red and white currants are harvested together with brushes, since when the berries are torn off, the skin can be damaged.

Attention! Pectin helps to remove toxins and waste products from the human body.

Variety Features

Viksne currant – mid-early and high-yielding variety, which is not afraid of frost, traditional diseases and pests.

Yield and maturity

This variety of berry shrub gives a good and regular harvest. Red and white currant Viksne begins to bear fruit in the second or third year after planting. If you plant a seedling in early autumn, then in the summer you can get the first small crop (2-3 kg). In May, the plant blooms, and in mid-July, the fruits ripen.

The maximum amount of currants is harvested for 5-6 years of fruiting. Under favorable conditions from one bush You can remove up to 10 kg of juicy berries. The average yield of Viksne is 5-7 kg. One hectare of plantings can bring 17 tons of currants. This is a pretty high figure.


The Viksne currant variety has a number of positive aspects:

  • resistant to low temperatures, the plant can withstand severe frosts even without shelter;
  • tolerates drought and a sharp change in air temperature;
  • gives a stable and high yield;
  • resistant to anthracnose;
  • berries have excellent commercial and taste qualities;
  • ripe fruits not prone to shedding, they can hang on the bush for a long time.

Many gardeners prefer this variety of currant, so it is gaining popularity.


Like any variety, Viksne has some disadvantages:

  • plant may be affected by red gall aphids (reddening of the leaves);
  • due to early ripening, the fruit buds of the shrub may freeze slightly, which will lead to a decrease in yield;
  • with prolonged drought and lack of watering, currants will be small and sour;
  • fresh berries are not subject to long-term storage.

Viksne deserves attention, as its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Advice! Fresh and ripe currants bring the greatest benefit to the body, since in overripe or unripe berries the amount of vitamin C is half as much.


Viksne currant is distinguished by its versatility. It can be consumed fresh, frozen and processed. Due to the high content of pectin in berries, they make excellent jam, jelly, jelly and jam. Summer residents prepare delicious, homemade wine from white currants.

Redcurrant Viksne

The properties of white and red berries are widely used at elevated temperatures. Currant juice not only quenches thirst, but also works, as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Redcurrant of this variety contains substances that normalize and regulate blood clotting. Viksne is used to prevent heart attacks.

Features of the landing

If you follow the basic rules of agricultural technology when planting currants and provide regular care for the shrub, you can grow a healthy and strong plant that will bring a stable harvest.

Redcurrant Viksne

Terms of planting

The optimal time for planting Viksne currants is in early autumn, in the last ten days of September or in early October. The margin of time before the onset of stable frosts should be from 2 to 3 weeks, so that the seedling has time to take root and grow stronger. The air temperature when planting currants should not fall below +6 degrees. In the spring, a young bush will give the first shoots, and in July you can already get a small harvest.

Viksne can be planted in early spring, but this must be done before the buds swell. The whole year the currant will grow and develop. The first berries can be harvested only in the second year after planting.

Important! If frosts appeared in October and there is a possibility of an early onset of frost, it is better to plant currants in the spring.

Planting red currants. Spring and autumn.

seedling requirements.

It is recommended to buy Viksne seedlings only from trusted sellers. It should have a well-developed root system, and the branches should be strong and lignified. There may be cracks on the bark, and in some places it may peel off, which is quite normal.

The shrub should not have young shoots and leaves. The best option is a two-year-old seedling with a lush and strong root system.

Redcurrant Viksne

Site selection and preparation

In order for the Viksne seedling to take root well, develop quickly and give a rich harvest in the future, you need to choose and prepare the site for planting it correctly:

  • The place should be open and sunny, but at the same time protected from the cold wind. Currant can grow in partial shade, but it does not tolerate completely shaded areas. The ideal place is near the fence.
  • Viksna shrub needs slightly moist soil, wetlands and stagnant water should be avoided. Groundwater should not be closer than 80 cm from the surface.
  • The plant feels comfortable on light, slightly acidic, sandy or loamy soils. Heavy and clayey soil contributes to the weakening of the roots.
  • The landing site should be flat, slightly elevated.

A few months before planting the Viksne currant, the site should be cleared of roots and weeds. The soil needs to be dug to a depth of two bayonets of a shovel so that it absorbs water better and allows air to pass through. If the seedling will be planted in the spring, preparatory work must be carried out in the fall.

Important! Currants should not grow in one place for more than 14-15 years.

The planting process

Before planting, the seedling must be carefully examined, cut off the damaged and dry parts. Step-by-step instructions for planting redcurrant varieties Viksne:

  1. Dig grooves or holes 40-45 cm deep and wide. The distance between the bushes should be at least 1,5 meters. If you plant plants closer, they will interfere with each other.
  2. Fill each hole 2/3 with a prepared mixture of 1 part of humus, 2 parts of peat or compost, 250 g of superphosphate and 60 g of potash fertilizers. You can also add some wood ash to it.
  3. Water the planting hole with 5 liters of water.
  4. Spread the root system of the seedling and, tilting it to the side by 45 degrees, lower it into the recess.
  5. Cover the bush with earth, deepening its root neck by 6 cm. So it will form more new roots.
  6. Lightly trample the soil around the currant and pour plenty of settled water.
  7. Shorten the shoots, leaving no more than 4-5 buds on each (15-20 cm from the ground).

It is recommended to mulch the soil around the bush, this will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Features of care

Despite the fact that the Viksne variety is unpretentious, you need provide him with minimal care. On average, the plant needs watering every three to four days, especially during fruiting and flowering. Water should be poured onto the trunk circle of currants at the rate of 2-3 buckets per bush.

Redcurrant Viksne

Need on time remove weeds, as they contribute to the spread of aphids and clog the soil. It is recommended to loosen the soil around the currant of this variety. But this must be done carefully, since the Viksne root system is not deep.

The plant is fed twice. Before berries ripen (spring or early June) apply nitrogen fertilizers – urea or ammonium nitrate. Immediately after flowering, currants are fed with bird honor or mullein. In autumn, during digging, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added to the soil.

Adult bushes of this variety do not need constant pruning. But every spring it is recommended to remove damaged and dried branches.

Attention! Redcurrant Viksne is sensitive to chlorine, so chlorine-containing dressings should be avoided.

Reviews of gardeners

Maria, 29 years old, Voronezh
For several years now I have been growing Viksne red currants for myself and for sale. This is a versatile and unpretentious variety that is popular with buyers, as its berries have an attractive appearance. They are large and strong, and the seeds are almost not felt. Fruits are painted in dark, cherry color. There are not so many varieties of currants of this color. But its resistance to fungal diseases and pests is low. Therefore, every spring I spend preventive spraying of the shrub with a special aphid agent.
Mikhail, 51 years old, Lipetsk
Three years ago I bought a seedling of Viksne red currant to replenish the collection of unusual varieties. I was attracted to it by the pomegranate color of the berries and a pleasant taste with a slight sourness. They make excellent compotes and juices. Usually from a bush comes out 5-6 kg of crop. Only this year, the currant bloomed early and therefore froze. Not all tassels are tied, so there will be fewer berries than usual.


Viksne currant is not only easy to handle, but beautiful and not picky. During the fruiting period, red and white berries against a background of green foliage will decorate any garden. Therefore, gardeners plant it in the most prominent place in the backyard.

Currant color “Viskne” – video review from Greensad

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