Not every housewife knows how to cook redcurrant jam. Many do not like to use it because of the large number of small bones, but there are ways to fix the situation. The berry is finicky and requires special treatment. There are many options with fruits that have an unforgettable taste. Experienced chefs share their recipes that will help preserve all the vitamins and fill the workpiece with new flavors.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

The benefits of redcurrant jam

On household plots, blackcurrants are grown more and delicious jam is made from it. But you can not discount the red fruits, which, of course, are slightly inferior in terms of the number of useful elements. They contain more vitamin C and pectin, which is important for the immune system and digestive tract.

Есть еще немаловажные питательные вещества полезные для организма человека:

  • витамин А (ретинол) и Р (флавоноид), аскорбиновая кислота: укрепляют стенки сосудов, положительно воздействуют на состояние кожи и волос;
  • iodine: necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • iron: helps fight anemia;
  • fibers: normalize bowel function;
  • potassium: useful for people suffering from pressure drops;
  • магний: необходим нервной системе;
  • calcium: strengthens the skeleton.
Important! The coumarins contained in the red variety of berries thin the blood, fighting blood clots. This should be taken into account for people suffering from reduced coagulability. Not recommended for use in peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.

All this can be attributed to red currant jam, which is prepared without prolonged heat treatment. Pectin, which is part of the composition, allows you to completely abandon this process.

How to cook redcurrant jam

For convenience, it is better to select large-fruited red currant varieties for jam. After collecting them, they are carefully sorted out, separating them from the branches.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

Here are some tips from experienced housewives:

  1. The berry spoils quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to start processing within 2 hours and be sure to rinse before cooking. You can make delicious compotes and jams from ripe red currants.
  2. Drying will be required if the recipe does not require the use of water.
  3. Without liquid, you can not put fruits sprinkled with sugar on the stove. It must be left overnight so that the berry gives juice.
  4. It is better to use enameled dishes for boiling the composition in order to prevent oxidation.
  5. During cooking, it is not recommended to stir the red currant so that it remains intact. After the shell is lost, the consistency becomes jelly-like.

It is advisable to choose glassware for storage, which is sterilized in advance along with lids.

Redcurrant jam recipes for the winter

Не стоит думать, что потребуется много усилий, чтобы приготовить на зиму вкусное варенье из красных плодов смородины. Приведенные ниже рецепты помогут разобраться в технологии и разнообразить вкус различными фруктами, даря каждой заготовке неповторимый аромат.

A simple recipe for redcurrant jam for the winter

This version of the jam, which will involve boiling the berries in syrup. It is suitable for housewives with no experience in preparing blanks, as well as with a small amount of time.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

The following products will be required:

  • granulated sugar – 1,5 kg;
  • filtered water – 250 ml;
  • red currant – 1 kg.


  1. Put a pot of water on the fire. While heating gradually, add sugar little by little and stir until it dissolves completely.
  2. Dip the sorted and washed red currants into the composition and bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Boil for about 5 minutes, skimming the foam from the surface with a spoon.
  4. Set aside.
  5. Повторить процедуру еще 2 раза с перерывом в 3 часа, если варенье не будет храниться в холодильнике.

Place hot in sterilized jars.

Thick redcurrant jam for the winter

Few people know that jam can be cooked using a slow cooker. The same recipe is perfect for a simple method in a bowl or pan.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • red currant – 1 kg.

Detailed description of the jam recipe:

  1. The berry must first be separated from the twigs, sorted out and washed in a colander. Scatter on a kitchen towel to dry quickly.
  2. Pour in parts into the multicooker bowl, sprinkling with sugar. Leave for 2 hours to release a sufficient amount of juice.
  3. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 50 minutes. It will be necessary to open occasionally to remove the resulting foam.

After the signal, you can immediately pour into jars and close. This composition is also suitable for making jam without heat treatment. To do this, it is enough to grind red currants in a blender or crush and sprinkle with sugar. Stir until all the crystals are dissolved, put in a container.

Варенье из красной смородины без косточек

In another way, this jam can be called jam. This recipe is suitable for families who do not like berry blanks because of the seeds.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

Dessert Ingredients:

  • currant (red) – 2 kg;
  • water – 1;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Algorithm of actions for making jam:

  1. In this case, the red currant does not need to be separated from the branches. It is enough to look at the bunches for the presence of damaged berries.
  2. Rinse the prepared fruits in a colander, drain excess liquid and transfer to an enameled wide basin, pour filtered water and put on the stove.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Перекладывать небольшими порциями в сито и перетирать деревянной лопаткой. Косточки выкидывать.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the puree and cook for another quarter of an hour.

В горячем виде распределить по сухим стерилизованным банкам. После остывания пектин, содержащийся в ягодах, желирует смесь.

Red and white currant jam

If several varieties of berries are collected, then you can cook assorted red currant jam, which will not be inferior in taste to the classic version.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • ягоды смородины (красного и белого цвета) – по 2 кг;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 3 kg.

Step by step preparation of jam:

  1. In syrup, boiled from water and 1 cup of sugar, lower the prepared set of berries and warm.
  2. Внести остаток сладкого песка и готовить не меньше четверти часа, удаляя пенку. Время зависит от необходимой густоты состава.

Cork the hot mass in glass jars.

Рецепт варенья из клубники с красной смородиной

Jam mix of bright color will remind you of a hot happy summer and give you an unforgettable taste.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • sugar – 2,5 kg:
  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • red currant – 1 kg.
Important! Необходимо использовать для термической обработки варенья только эмалированную посуду.

Method of preparation:

  1. Process both types of berries, removing the sepals from the strawberries and separating them from the twigs. Rinse in a colander, scatter on a kitchen towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Смородину размять пестиком или вилкой.
  3. Pour everything into a bowl and mix with sugar. Leave overnight so that the red fruits give juice.
  4. In the morning, bring to a boil on the stove, and catch the strawberries with a slotted spoon. Return it back only to the boiled currant syrup.

After a few minutes, transfer hot to jars.

Blueberry jam with red currant

Billets from one blueberry are rarely prepared because of the insipid taste. In this case, it will not work to cook jam from whole redcurrant berries, you only need its juice. The perfect combination of sweet and sour berries will appeal to the whole family.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • red currant – 750 g;
  • blueberries – 1,5 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg.

Detailed recipe:

  1. After washing and drying, red ripe currants should be slightly kneaded and heated to make the juice easier to squeeze. To do this, you can use a sieve or colander covered with a piece of gauze.
  2. Чернику перемолоть в блендере.
  3. Mix the prepared products with granulated sugar and send to the fire.
  4. Cook, stir constantly and remove the foam for 20 minutes.

Сразу разлить в стеклянную посуду, закупорить.

Варенье из яблок и красной смородины

Having done all the steps correctly, you get a wonderful version of jam.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • water – 1;
  • красные плоды смородины – 800 г.

Prepare the jam by repeating the steps described:

  1. Rinse currants, rinse and fill with water.
  2. Поставить вариться, разминая ее прямо в тазике толкушкой.
  3. Через 10 минут отставить и после небольшого остывания перетереть через крупное сито. Смешать красную массу с сахарным песком.
  4. Cut clean apples into slices, freeing from the seed part.
  5. Pour into currant syrup and cook for another 10 minutes over low heat. Be sure to remove the foam from the surface. If you divide this time into 2 heatings, then the pieces of fruit will remain intact.

Arrange in clean and sterilized jars in any way.

Варенье из сока смородины

You can make jam from the juice squeezed from red berries. It will be more like jam, but the bones will not come across.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • juice squeezed from currants – 3 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 3 tbsp.

Detailed guide:

  1. You can get juice in different ways: using a juicer, passing through a meat grinder and squeezing the mass in a gauze cut, wiping through a sieve. Only red currants should be washed and dried beforehand.
  2. Add sugar to the resulting ruby ​​​​liquid and mix.
  3. Bring to a boil over low heat. Collect foam.
  4. Adjust the density yourself.

Сразу заполнить джемом сухие подготовленные емкости, плотно закрыть.

Cherry jam with red currant

In this recipe for making jam, you should rely on your taste preferences. You may need to increase the amount of sweet powder.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

Grocery set:

  • red currant – 1 kg;
  • pitted cherries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.

Algorithm of actions for making delicious jam:

  1. Both types of fruits are well sorted and washed. Separate red ripe currants from twigs, and remove stones from cherries.
  2. Put everything in a deep saucepan, pour water and cook for half an hour over low heat.
  3. Pour in the granulated sugar and, gently stirring, wait for complete dissolution.
  4. Когда варенье немного загустеет, снять с плиты.
Advice! If there is no device for removing pits from cherries, you can use a hairpin or pin.

Transfer the hot composition to jars and close.

Red currant jam “8 minutes”

There are many recipes for redcurrant jam, but this preparation for the winter is distinguished by heat treatment, which involves quick preparation.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

The ingredients are simple:

  • sugar – 1,5 kg;
  • red currant – 1,5 kg.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Варенье будет без косточек. Поэтому нет необходимости обрывать красные ягодки смородины с веточек. Просто хорошо промыть их в дуршлаге, оставить, чтобы стекла жидкость, и разбросить на полотенце для подсыхания.
  2. Mix with sugar and put on a very hot stove.
  3. Without reducing the flame, cook for exactly 8 minutes, actively stirring the mass. During this time, the whole process of changing color and density will be visible.
  4. Remove from stove and grind through a sieve.

The sweet mass can be laid out in prepared dishes and corked.

Redcurrant jam with apricots

A wonderful combination of sweet fruit and sour berries in this jam is very popular with children.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • red currant (freshly squeezed juice) – 1 tbsp.;
  • peeled apricots – 400 g;
  • granulated sugar – 400

Все шаги во время приготовления:

  1. The fruit will need to be cleaned. To do this, it is first doused with boiling water, and then immediately poured with ice water. Now the skin will be easy to remove with a small knife. Cut the apricot into 4 pieces and remove the pit.
  2. Squeeze juice from red currants in any suitable way.
  3. After adding granulated sugar, mix and put in a cold place overnight. During this time, pieces of fruit are saturated with sweetness.
  4. In the morning, bring to a boil 2 times, warming up for 5 minutes. Take off the foam.

Put the hot composition into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Red currant jam with lemon

Цитрусовый фрукт усилит состав витамина С, а варенье станет прекрасным профилактическим средством зимой против простудных заболеваний.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

Prepare the following products:

  • сахар и красная смородина – по 2 кг;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Sort the berry, separating it from the branches, rinse under running water in a colander and spread on a towel.
  2. Roll a clean lemon on the table, pressing a little, divide it into halves and squeeze out the juice, which pour over red currants.
  3. Add sugar, mix.
  4. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, skimming the foam all the time.

Pour immediately into glassware, seal well.

Redcurrant jam with vanilla

Ванилин добавляют в варенье, чтобы усилить аромат.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • sugar – 1,2 kg;
  • vanillin – 30 g;
  • red currant – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 glass.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Without removing the berries from the branches, rinse the red ripe currants.
  2. Pour it with sugar, combine and leave at room temperature for 6 hours. During this time, juice should stand out in sufficient quantities.
  3. Долить в состав воду и добавить ванилин.
  4. Варить на среднем огне 35 минут. В этом случае пенку не удалять.

Prepare jars into which to pour hot dessert. Close.

Redcurrant jam with walnuts

 Прекрасная заготовка, которую не стыдно подать, принимая гостей.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

Ingredients of the jam:

  • apples – 1 kg;
  • red ripe currant – 2 kg;
  • honey – 2 kg;
  • water – 1;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • walnuts – 300

Prepare by reading the instructions:

  1. Rinse under running water separated from the twig and sorted berry.
  2. Залить половиной воды и поставить на плиту. Красную размягченную смородину после нагревания протереть через сито.
  3. Dilute sugar on the stove in the rest of the water and add honey.
  4. Peel and cut apples into slices without touching the seed box.
  5. Смешать все вместе с орехами и варить на маленьком пламени час, не забывая постоянно мешать.

Seal sterilized glass jars after filling with dessert.

Red currant jam in a bread machine

Using a bread machine will make it easier for the hostess to prepare healthy jam.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon


  • Quince (for thickening) – 15 g;
  • currant (red) – 0,7 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 0,35 kg.

Detailed recipe description:

  1. You will need to squeeze the juice from the berry. You can choose any method, for example, use a juicer.
  2. Pour the resulting composition into the bowl of the bread machine, add sugar and stir gently.
  3. Сверху будет квиттин, который продается в магазинах.
  4. Выставить режим «Варенье». Время приготовления составит час. Но это зависит от используемой модели гаджета.

After the signal immediately pour into jars. The cooled composition will resemble jelly.

Causes of very thin redcurrant jam

There are times when the jam turns out to be liquid. Do not try to boil it more than 3 times. You can only achieve the smell of burnt sugar.

Redcurrant jam recipes: thick, with blueberries, apricots, lemon

There are a few tips to avoid this:

  1. Harvest red currants only in dry weather. After rain, the fruits become watery.
  2. Если рецепт не предусматривает добавление воды, то продукт необходимо подсушить после промывания.
  3. Use a basin that has wide edges. More moisture will evaporate.
  4. You can fix jam with whole berries by crushing a certain amount of fruits so that the pectin contained in red currants gets into the syrup.
  5. Соблюдать пропорции сахарного песка. Можно добавить в состав немного лимонного сока, чтобы масса не кристаллизовалась.
  6. Some use agar-agar or Quittin as a thickener, as in the previous recipe.

If the situation could not be corrected, then from the resulting mass, you can simply cook jelly.

Калорийность варенья из красной смородины

The berry itself is a low-calorie product (only 40 kcal). Increases the energy value of granulated sugar. On average, it will be 267 kcal.

It should be borne in mind that some recipes are described with the addition of various ingredients, they also affect the performance.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is believed that jam is perfectly stored in a cool room for up to 2 years. But this can be influenced by various factors. It will ferment if not enough granulated sugar is added. Lemon juice often acts as a good preservative.

Lids also play an important role. Under tin without oxygen, the dessert will last longer. Humidity in the room interferes with the safety of the product.

Cold-cooked sweets should only be kept in the refrigerator or cellar. The shelf life will be reduced to 1 year.


There are many ways to cook redcurrant jam. The preparation is simple, but there will be a supply of vitamins, a delicious delicacy and the aroma of summer on cold winter evenings. Dessert will be a great addition to pancakes, pancakes and other confectionery.

Red currant jam “5 Minutes”

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