Red wine: benefits for women, interesting scientific facts

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“Wine! Only wine! ” – The heroine of the cult Soviet comedy film exclaimed. And she was right: scientists have proven that wine, especially red wine, has a positive effect on women’s health.

The health benefits of red wine for women

The secret of the drink is resveratrol, an organic compound from the group of phytoalexins. Plants produce phytoalexins intensively when they are in danger: a parasite gets inside or mold infects the leaves. It is in the latter case that grapes synthesize resveratrol, a natural antibiotic.

This substance not only protects the vine, but is beneficial for humans. Experiments have confirmed that resveratrol inhibits the development of tumors, reduces inflammation, regulates sugar levels, and improves vascular health and heart rhythm. In addition, it lowers blood cholesterol levels and the risk of obesity.

Resveratrol also suppresses the herpes virus, influenza, chickenpox … and, quite possibly, COVID-19 infection. Molecular biologist Henry Bayel, who works at the University of London, believes that this natural product has the highest concentration of resveratrol, which is beneficial for women.

Bayel found a link between resveratrol and female sex hormones: in particular, the substance that dark grapes produce stimulates estrogen receptors. This, in turn, activates the production of sirtuins – proteins that play an important role in intracellular metabolic processes.

Nature has entrusted sertuines with the function of eliminating damage to cells and DNA. In other words, they prevent premature aging at the intracellular level.

However, the biologist notes, resveratrol has a positive effect on estrogen receptors only when it is ingested in small quantities. On the contrary, high doses of the grape “antibiotic” slow down the release of sirtuins.

Grape medicine

The effect of resveratrol can explain the “French paradox”. It lies in the fact that the people of France, where wine is an everyday drink, have one of the lowest levels of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

In order for resvertarol to perform its task of medicine, you need to drink no more than one medium-sized glass per day. Such a regime, Henry Bayel is sure, helps to improve health and prolong life. And as for the ladies – then also reproductive youth.


  • dry wines are healthier than sweet ones;
  • store bottles of wine (in a horizontal position) in a cool dark place. A refrigerator will not work;
  • according to etiquette, the glass should be held by the stem.

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