Red wine can accompany a sumptuous dinner or brighten up a dull evening after a hard day. Many are sure that its use, like any other alcoholic beverage, harms the body. Others, on the contrary, prefer red wine, considering it a universal cure for all diseases. The ancient Romans said: “in vino veritas, et in aqua sanitas” – “truth is in wine, and health in water”, emphasizing the opposite effect on a person of the two main drinks of those times. And if the wine remained the same heady and uplifting, then the opinion about its effect on the human body was repeatedly revised.
Modern research shows that regular consumption of wine in reasonable doses is good for health. At the same time, it is its red variety that is most useful, pink has slightly less positive qualities, and white is almost not of interest from the point of view of health.
The main effect of red wine is on the cardiovascular system. It is scientifically proven that people who drink a glass of this drink at lunch, many times reduce the possibility of myocardial infarction, heart failure and related diseases. This is primarily due to the content of a number of substances: flavonoids, quercetin and resveratrol. Their concentration in red wine can vary depending on the production technology and grape variety. It is important that the wine contains not only the pulp of the berries, containing malic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, nitrogenous compounds and pectin, but also the peel with seeds, which are saturated with polyphenols, minerals and tannins. Therefore, you need to choose the right wine so that it benefits, not harm your health.
It is believed that the best wines are grown in France and Italy. This explains the half-joking phenomenon of the “French paradox”. The fact is that in these countries, the most harmful food from the point of view of the cardiovascular system is popular, containing a large amount of saturated fat, flour products and an abundance of sugar. However, the percentage of deaths from heart and vascular diseases is many times less than in other countries. The French themselves, and above all, French doctors, tend to explain this by the regular use of red wine. Besides relaxing and calming effects, red wine affects the body as a weak diet, slows down the rate of aging and increases longevity. First of all, this is due to the content of resveratrol in red wine – an active substance that lowers cholesterol levels, acts as an antioxidant and antimutagen, has an anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, it slows down the development of cancer and inhibits neoplasm, the development and progression of cancer cells. This compound is successfully used in pharmacology for the treatment of many serious diseases, but in red wine it is found in such small doses that it can affect the body only with regular use.
In addition, resveratrol in combination with alcohol and acids contained in wine is deadly for many pathogens, for example, salmonella, while the normal functioning of the intestinal flora is not disturbed. Sometimes the property of red wine to burn fat and act as a reduced calorie diet is used in the preparation of weight loss programs, however, it should be remembered that wine itself kindles, and does not dull the appetite, so moderation and personal feelings of a person during a diet are important.
When drinking wine, like any other alcoholic beverage, you need to remember that its benefits end where excessiveness begins: doctors recommend drinking no more than two glasses a day for men and no more than one glass for the fair sex with regular consumption, and limit themselves accordingly to five and three glasses during an evening or holiday. It should be borne in mind that red wine contains ethanol (16 g per 150 ml – one glass), which belongs to poisons and drugs, the consequence of its excessive consumption is poisoning and dependence, which can lead to severe alcoholism.
Pink wine distributed in the south of France – in Provence. It turns out, like red, from black grapes, however, the crushed pulp is in contact with the skin for less time, so a number of useful properties may be lost. At the same time, rosé wine is considered lighter and contains less ethanol.
Mulled wine – dry red wine heated with sugar, spices, lemon or orange. Doctors advise using it for respiratory diseases, coughs, colds. The effect of mulled wine can be enhanced with honey, sometimes cognac or rum is added. Drank in the open air, this drink warms well and practically does not intoxicate, therefore it is often sold at Christmas and New Year’s markets, and street parties.