Red tea – does it have slimming properties? Reviews and contraindications for consumption

Red tea is a well-known drink that is recommended especially in a slimming diet. In addition, it has a number of health properties that support digestion, inhibit the growth of adipose tissue or facilitate concentration. Red tea is also called Pu-erh tea, or red semi-fermented tea, because its leaves are lightly fermented until the ends turn reddish in color. Red tea has a specific aroma and taste, which is why not everyone likes it. Does it actually have a slimming effect and what other properties does it have?

Red tea – properties

Red tea has many properties. First of all, it eliminates free radicals, and thus reduces the effects of oxidative stress. So it can delay the aging of cells in the body and help keep the skin looking young for longer. In addition, it has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Red tea may aid in weight loss, but it also lowers cholesterol. It is a drink that stimulates memory and cognition because it contains caffeine. In addition, it has a blood pressure normalizing, anti-inflammatory and even protects against cavities. It is worth drinking it during the flu or colds, because it will eliminate bacteria and viruses from the body faster. Red tea is also a diuretic, which allows you to get rid of excess water from the body and stimulate the urinary system to function.

Do you want to buy good quality Pu-Erh tea? You can order safely and conveniently on Medonet Market today:

  1. Pu-Erh red tea Flower Fantasy,
  2. Pu-Erh red tea with orange peel.

Red tea – reviews about losing weight with this drink

Opinions that red tea is slimming are very common. Due to the fact that its leaves are slightly fermented, it contains very large amounts of polyphenols and enzymes, which is why it has a slimming effect. Polyphenols in the body regulate the secretion of bile, i.e. they influence digestion and the metabolism of fats. This is why people who drink 5-6 cups of red tea a day lose weight.

In addition, it supports the secretion of gastric juice, so it can help with indigestion or stomach pain resulting from overeating, as well as other diseases of the digestive system or digestive disorders.

However, it is worth remembering that red tea alone, even when drunk in large amounts, will not help in the fight against overweight or obesity. You can’t just rely on drinking red tea and lead an unhealthy lifestyle with a poor diet. To lose weight, you need a rational diet and moderate physical activity, and then red tea will help you get rid of obesity.

Pu-erh Herbapol red tea in Krakow is available at a favorable price on Medonet Market. One package contains 100 g of the product. On the other hand, the Pu-erh Herbapol fix tea in Krakow can be purchased in a package containing 20 sachets.

Red tea – contraindications

Red tea also has some contraindications. It contains a lot of tannins, which may have a negative effect on the biological availability of minerals and vitamins. Among other things, tannins make it difficult for the body to absorb iron. The more the tea leaves are fermented, the greater their negative impact on the body’s absorption of minerals. People with osteoporosis cannot drink it because red tea interferes with the absorption of calcium needed to treat this disease.

Contraindications to drinking red tea are also pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to the high caffeine content in this tea. Also, because of caffeine, people with irritable bowel syndrome cannot drink it, because red tea can aggravate the symptoms of the disease. Since red tea can increase blood pressure, it should not be used by people suffering from hypertension.

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