Red sweet beet varieties
Sweet beets are one of the most delicious root vegetables that are grown in garden plots. Its varieties are varied in shape, size and color. The sweet taste of the vegetable depends on the growing conditions and the characteristics of the watering.
How to get sweet red beets
It often happens that the planted beets never get sweet, and even bitter. Of course, this may be due to poor quality seeds, but not only. Beetroot is a demanding crop with its own cultivation tricks.
Sweet beets will yield good yields with proper care
To get a sweet harvest, you do not need to thicken the planting. Seeds planted in a row must be thinned out after germination. The distance between the shoots should be about 20 cm.
Pay attention to other features of beets:
- she loves warmth, she should be planted at the end of May, when the temperature reaches 18 ° C;
- the soil should be fertilized with mullein and wood ash;
- beets do not like acidic soils;
- need good drainage and loosening after watering;
- in a sunny area, the fruits will be sweeter;
- you can plant a root crop after cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage;
- in June and July, when root crops begin to form, frequent, almost daily watering is needed.
It is necessary to feed the plant with a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer containing boron. Loves beets mullein solution in a ratio of 1:10, they need to be fed once in June and July. At the same time, ash should be scattered over the garden: 3 glasses per 1 sq. m.
There is one more trick: you need to add a salt solution to the soil three times: 1 tsp. 10 liters of water. Initially, when 6 leaves appear. The second time later – when the top of the root crop appears, by 10 cm. And finally, the third time – after 12-14 days. Before that, you need to loosen the soil.
Beet varieties are divided into early, mid-season and late. There are round, cylindrical and flat beets. Less nitrates accumulate in cylindrical ones.
From the early varieties, you can recommend “Detroit”, “Bolivar”, “Pablo”. Mid-season varieties: “Mulatka”, “Cylinder” and “Larka”. The latter is famous for the fact that it removes radionucleides. Late variety with a growing period of 100 days – “Egyptian flat”.
The best variety for making borscht and vinaigrette is Bordeaux. It keeps well and does not lose its flavor
And the most cloying beets are considered to be “Chervona kula”, or “Red ball”. It contains 12% sugar. The same sweet varieties “Bona” and “Bonel”.
The rich taste of beets depends on the variety and proper care. If everything coincides, there will be a tasty and healthy harvest on the table.