Red spots on the face: how to get old? Video
Red spots on the face can occur due to infectious skin inflammation, allergic reactions, sunburn, or frostbite. This redness usually goes away within a week. Reddish marks from pus-filled acne, called post-acne, can persist on the skin for several months.
Removing red spots on the face at home
Red allergic rashes will quickly disappear after treatment of the underlying disease. Sunburns and light frostbite on the nose and cheeks successfully pass after the use of medicines and folk remedies, for example, animal fat, vegetable oils, sour cream or yogurt. It is much more difficult to get rid of the redness caused by acne.
Infectious inflammations most often occur on combination or oily skin. The pores are clogged with sebaceous plugs, and a favorable environment is created for the development of pathogens. Therefore, regular cleansing is an effective way to treat acne.
Scrubbing is a facial cleansing procedure using a cream or gel containing hard abrasive particles. Scrub oily skin at least twice a week. For this procedure, you can use ready-made cosmetics from a store or pharmacy.
You can make the scrub yourself. Mix two tablespoons of flaxseed, burdock, or olive oil with two teaspoons of finely ground salt. Apply the resulting mass on the face with gentle massaging movements
Inflammation and redness can be removed with a variety of problem skin toners and lotions. Decoctions of calendula, chamomile and other medicinal herbs help well in the fight against acne. Red spots from recently healed acne can be brightened with a mask of cosmetic clay and rosemary oil. Add half a teaspoon of water and a few drops of rosemary oil to one tablespoon of clay. Stir everything thoroughly and apply the mask to problem areas of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the dried mass with warm water.
Post-acne is red spots and small scars that remain on the face after large acne has healed. In adolescence, acne can disappear from the face after a couple of months without special treatment. On adult skin, acne marks can be reduced or completely removed with special treatments.
Regular scrubbing and exfoliation is a good way to renew the skin and improve its blood supply at home.
These treatments even out the complexion and smooth out acne scars. Cosmetics containing salicylic acid also help with red skin.
The most effective are professional methods of post-acne treatment: deep chemical peeling, vacuum massage, ultrasound therapy and drug electrophoresis.
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