Red Scarlet potatoes: description, characteristics of the potato variety

Red Scarlet potatoes: description, characteristics of the potato variety

The Red Scarlet potatoes are bred by Dutch breeders and are one of the most popular varieties. High yield allowed him to become a sales leader not only abroad, but also among Russian farmers. This variety perfectly tolerates transportation and is well stored.

Description of the potato variety “Red Scarlet”

“Red Scarlet” is an early maturing variety, for which the climate of the Central and Southern regions of Russia is considered the most favorable. The root vegetable is covered with thin reddish skin, often with slight roughness. On the surface there are shallow eyes of a dark or yellowish color. The fruit pulp is light yellow in color when cut.

Potatoes “Red Scarlet” during storage retain their useful properties

It is noteworthy that, unlike other varieties, when outdoors, peeled potatoes do not darken. Culture manifests itself in the same way during heat treatment. It is for these qualities that the variety is highly valued by the manufacturers of chips and French fries.

The aerial part of the plant looks like a bush, the formation of which occurs rather soon. Leaves are rich green with slightly wavy edges. The flowers are purple or pink. The formation of tubers in the nest occurs simultaneously, and, as a rule, by the time of harvest, they are all approximately the same size.

Characteristics of the potato variety “Red Scarlet”

The yield of the variety directly depends on the climatic conditions and the region of cultivation and can reach 600 centners per 1 ha. The vegetative period of the plant is 75 days on average. The shape of the root crop is oval, but it can also be of irregular shape. The mass of one tuber can be from 50 to 150 g, and their number in a nest is usually from 10 to 15 pieces.

The keeping quality of this variety is its main advantage. With long-term storage, 98% of the crop is preserved, while the taste and nutritional qualities of the product do not deteriorate

The starch content in potatoes is low – 10-15%, which explains its low ability to boil. After boiling, the sliced ​​slices retain their shape perfectly. The variety is immune to many diseases of vegetables, for example, it is a golden nematode, late blight of tubers.

The presence in the composition of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, which are irreplaceable for humans, significantly increases its value. Another important advantage of this variety is its low cost. If you put all the advantages of the variety together, it becomes clear why it is so popular among those who like to grow crops with their own hands.

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