Red pinnate plant
In nature, the pinnate grows in rivers and lakes, but it can also decorate a home aquarium. If you understand the specifics of this plant, it grows quickly and will not cause problems with maintenance.
What is remarkable about the peristle plant
This freshwater plant is also called urutya. It is distributed all over the world, has almost 2 dozen varieties. It can be one- and perennial, located completely under water or protruding slightly out of it. Stems are straight, elastic, light green, sometimes reddish. They do not break under the influence of the current, but bend beautifully and take their original position.
Breeding conditions for different varieties of pinnate are different
The species growing in different places differ in appearance. Those accustomed to cold water are more lush than tropical inhabitants. In all of them, the leaves are arranged in whorls alternately or in pairs and are dissected into threadlike segments, which gave the plant its name. Its roots are weak.
During flowering, part of the stem rises above the water, and buds form on it. Flowers are most often unisexual, male and female differ in the presence of stamens, color and size of petals. Pollination must be done manually with a match.
This rather rare species is native to Southeast Asia. Its stem is up to 60 cm long, leaves are evenly distributed on it, similar to coniferous needles. The color of the plant is green, red shades appear only under certain conditions, to which it is very demanding:
- Sufficient aquarium volume. The plant needs room for normal growth, but the height of the container should not exceed 30 cm so that the layer of water does not interfere with the penetration of light.
- Good lighting. Urut grows weakly in the shade, its lower leaves die off. For it, it is necessary to provide additional illumination with fluorescent lamps.
- Priming. River sand can be poured into the bottom of the aquarium. It will gradually silt up and become ideal soil.
- Water parameters. Use a filter when filling the aquarium to get rid of suspended particles. The water should not be too hard, have neutral acidity, and keep the temperature between 20 and 26 ° C. For saturation with carbon dioxide, it is advisable to use a generator.
- Food. Feed the plant with special fertilizers, put a piece of clay under the root.
- Breeding. This handsome man reproduces by shoots containing whorls with leaves. Tear them off and let them float freely in the water for a couple of weeks to adapt, then plant them in the ground.
Even the creation of suitable conditions does not guarantee a beautiful red-brown color, but the plant will develop and give lateral shoots.
The peristle is a good backdrop and shelter for fish when placed near the back of the aquarium. It looks impressive, but it requires care and maintenance of stable conditions.