Red oiler: photo and description

Red or unringed butterdish (Suillus collinitus) refers to edible mushrooms. It is valued for its taste and aroma. That is why mushroom pickers prefer this group of mushrooms. Moreover, it is not difficult to collect them, they can be found in mixed forests.

What does a red oiler look like

To fill the basket with delicious and healthy mushrooms, you need to be able to distinguish them. The fact is that not all fruiting bodies can be eaten. Among the oils, there are those that should be avoided. Description of the fungus will be presented below.

Red oiler: photo and description

Cap Description

First of all, mushroom pickers pay attention to the hat. Its diameter ranges from 3,5-11 cm. In a young fruiting body, the cap is represented by a hemisphere. As it grows, it changes shape. She straightens, a bulge appears. Old mushrooms can be identified by straight caps, the edges of which are most often bent upwards, and the middle is depressed.

Around the circumference of the cap, young Suillus collinitus have a sticky skin that wraps around the underside of the cap. At first it is red, as it grows, the color becomes brown. During rain, the upper part of the mushroom body is slippery, as if oiled. Hence the name.

The pulp of a young mushroom is dense, tender, then a little loose, but the color of the lower part is always yellow. The structure is tubular over the entire surface. In these tubes, spores mature, with which Suillus collinitus reproduces.

Red oiler: photo and description

Description of the leg

The height of the leg of the red mushroom is 2-7 cm, its thickness is within 1-3 cm. It has the shape of a cylinder, not hollow, and is located in the center. From top to bottom slightly expands. Brown dots are clearly visible on the yellowish surface. There are no toe rings.

Attention! In wet weather, the leg turns pink, in the heat it turns white.

Red oiler: photo and description

Edible red butterdish or not

Suillus collinitus is one of the fruiting bodies highly targeted by gourmets. Hats and legs can be eaten. They are sweet in taste. The aroma, although not bright, is truly mushroomy. Edibility category – 2.

Where and how does the red oiler grow

You can meet Suillus collinitus in almost all mixed and coniferous forests of Our Country. Feels great on soil substrates. In the north and in the middle lane it grows under coniferous trees. In the south – under the pines and cypresses.

In forests, fruiting is long, undulating, in 3 stages:

  1. The first butterflies can be collected in the second half of June under the young undergrowth of pines and spruces. An excellent reference point for starting mushroom hunting is the flowering of pine trees.
  2. The second stage of the collection is the end of July, just at this time the lindens in the forest begin to bloom.
  3. The third wave falls on August-September, up to the first severe frosts.
Comment! Israelis can feast on Suillus collinitus during the days of December and February.

It is not difficult to collect butterflies, as this is a family mushroom, loners are rare. The legs are cut with a sharp knife close to the ground. Large hats with curled edges and wormy butterflies should not be collected.

Important! It is impossible to uproot, as this leads to the destruction of the mycelium.

Twins of the red oiler and their differences

Redhead butterflies have twins. They must be distinguished, since one of them is inedible.

Oil can granular. It can be distinguished from Suillus collinitus by its whitish stem. The cap is dark brown, it lacks dark fibers. On the tubular pulp of young mushroom bodies, white drops are noticeable.

Red oiler: photo and description

Oil can ordinary. This twin differs from the red mushroom in the rings that remain after the destruction of the cover film. The hat is reddish-brown.

Red oiler: photo and description

Butter dish mediterranean. Unlike the red counterpart, this fruiting body has a light brown cap. The flesh is bright yellow.

Red oiler: photo and description

Warning! This species should be avoided, because it is unsuitable for cooking, it belongs to inedible mushrooms.

How red butternuts are prepared

Suillus collinitus is edible. Butter is boiled, fried, marinated and salted. Mushroom soups and sauces are very tasty.

Comment! Before cooking, the skins are removed from the caps, since this cannot be done after washing. She becomes slippery.

If Suillus collinitus is harvested for drying, the skin does not need to be removed.


The red butterdish rightfully takes pride of place among mushroom pickers. After all, many delicious and healthy dishes can be prepared from them. The main thing is to make sure that there are no inedible twins in the basket during the collection.

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