Red Mint: Red Gate

Red Mint: Red Gate

Red mint is a spicy herb that is suitable for garden decoration. It can be used in cooking and traditional medicine. There are different varieties of such mint, they are grown according to the same scheme.

The collective name of all varieties of this mint is perilla. Initially, it only grew in China and Japan, but later scattered around the world. All new varieties with red leaves began to be created, including in Russia.

Delicious and aromatic drinks can be made from red mint

Here are the currently most popular varieties:

  • “Nanking”. The second name is “vegetable”. Outwardly, mint resembles basil, but with larger leaves and smooth seeds.
  • “Dewdrop”. The second name is “Red Gate” mint. Early maturing variety, bred in Russia.
  • Akashiso. Feature – pronounced peppery aroma.
  • Red mint. The leaves are purple and fringed. The smell is a mixture of mint, lemon and cinnamon.
  • “Aoshiso”. The aroma is a mixture of pepper, caramel and anise.

A common disadvantage of all varieties is that they do not tolerate frost well. It is better to grow them in warm regions of Russia.

Growing mint with red leaves

This is a rather capricious plant, therefore, it is impossible to sow it directly into open ground, first you need to prepare the seedlings. At the end of April, soak the seeds for 2 days in water, then plant them in plastic containers and cover with glasses. Remove glass after emergence. Dock the seedlings when 2 leaves appear on them.

It is best to plant mint where any legumes used to grow.

Choose only sunny areas of the garden for planting. Light is necessary for red leaves. The selected area must be hidden from drafts, otherwise the mint will be weak or even quickly die.

Prepare the land for planting in the fall. Dig it up and add compost. Apply mineral fertilizers to the soil in the spring. Plant mature seedlings in the ground if the average daily temperature is not lower than + 12 ° C. After planting, sprinkle the earth with the bushes with sand. This will protect the mint from fungus.

Remove weeds from the beds as needed. Loosen the soil twice a month. Water the mint 2-3 times a week as it loves moisture. Increase the amount of watering during the peak of the summer heat. The best irrigation method is sprinkler irrigation. It is advisable to water the mint after sunset.

Choose any of these unusual mint varieties and grow them in your garden. Such a plant will decorate the yard, and later it can be collected, dried and used to prepare aromatic dishes and drinks.

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