Hydrangeas have long attracted flower growers and garden design enthusiasts with their beauty and abundant flowering. Thanks to intensive work, to date, breeders have bred hundreds of varieties of this plant of various colors. Among them, the red hydrangea stands out – a real highlight of the backyard, which looks very impressive both in single plantings and as part of flower arrangements.

Description of fiery red hydrangea

Large-leaved hydrangeas with bright red inflorescences are a perennial deciduous shrub with long strong shoots of medium thickness. Its height can reach, depending on the variety, up to 1,5-1,8 m. The shoots are densely covered with large, dense dark green leaves of an oval-elongated shape, with a serrated edge, the leaf plate is slightly curved like a boat. Large-leaved hydrangeas usually bloom on the last year’s shoots, from July to September, although there are remontant varieties that also bloom on annual shoots. Red garden hydrangea – in the photo below:

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

The flowers of hydrangeas are collected in large spherical inflorescences-scutes with a diameter of up to 0,3 m

The flowers of the large-leaved hydrangea are quite large, they consist of flat petals of various shades, including bright red. In many ways, this factor depends on the acidity of the soil on which the plant is grown.

Varieties of red hydrangea

Bright red color always attracts increased attention. Therefore, hydrangeas with inflorescences of this color are consistently popular with flower growers. However, there are not so many varieties with pure red flowers, and most of them belong to the large-leaved species.

Alpengluhen (Alpengluhen)

This is one of the most decorative varieties of large-leaved hydrangea with red flowers. A bush 1-1,2 m high consists of straight shoots of medium thickness. Coverage is high. The leaves are simple, bright green, large.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Hydrangea flowering begins at the end of June and ends at the beginning of autumn

Red flowers appear on last year’s shoots. Inflorescences are cap-shaped, large, up to 25 cm in diameter. The plant requires abundant watering and mandatory shelter for the winter.

Important! The higher the acidity of the soil, the richer and brighter the red color of the Alpengluchen hydrangea petals.

Hot Red

An adult bush of this variety of large-leaved hydrangea reaches a height of 1 m and the same in diameter. Its shape resembles a ball due to straight central stems and arched side shoots. The leaves are large, dark green.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Large-leaved hydrangea Hot Red blooms on last year’s shoots

Red inflorescences are medium in size, spherical, reach 15 cm in circumference. Flowering begins in the second half of June and continues until autumn.

Red Angel (Red Angel)

A bush of this variety of red large-leaved hydrangea, when grown in open ground, can grow up to 1,5 m. It appeared relatively recently – in 2015, but quickly gained popularity. Differs in even erect shoots and dark green leaves with a characteristic purple tint.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Flowering begins in July and ends in late summer

The change in the initially yellow color of the petals to red occurs gradually, because of this inflorescence, Red Angel hydrangeas look a little variegated. They can be up to 20 cm in diameter.

Important! Depending on the acidity of the soil, the saturation and color of hydrangea petals can vary from pink to purple or dark red.

Red Baron (Red Baron)

This is one of the varieties of large-leaved red hydrangea, widely used not only for growing in open ground, but also in containers. In this form, flowering bushes are used to decorate halls, halls, foyers, as well as to decorate household plots without transplanting into open ground. The average height of an adult bush with a potted method of cultivation is 0,5-0,6 m, in open ground – about 1 m, sometimes a little more.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Large-leaved hydrangeas Red Baron bloom from July to September

Caps of inflorescences are large, up to 25 cm in diameter. The flowers are pinkish crimson, with a pale green center. Coloring is highly dependent on the acidity of the soil in which the flower is grown.

Important! Red Baron hydrangea flowers are practically odorless and are actually hypoallergenic.

Red Sensation

This variety of red large-leaved hydrangea is a compact bush up to 1 m high. The shoots are even, erect, strongly leafy. It is grown as a tub plant, in warm regions it is also planted in open ground.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Blooms from July to early September

Inflorescences cap-shaped, up to 20 cm in diameter. Their color changes over time from pinkish-green to ruby, and closer to autumn, purple tones with a hint of beetroot appear in it.

Important! Unlike many large-leaved hydrangeas, the color of the petals of Red Sensation does not depend on the pH of the soil on which the bush grows.

Red hydrangea in landscape design

In landscape design, hydrangeas with such brightly colored inflorescences can be used for a variety of purposes. Due to the fact that red attracts attention, it can be various color accents, mixborders in combination with hydrangeas of a different color, low borders and hedges.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

A border of colorful hydrangeas looks great

Very often they are planted near the entrance to the building or along its walls. A red hydrangea in the center of a well-groomed lawn will look beautiful. Low bushes are often planted in flowerpots next to architectural objects and statues on pedestals.

Winter hardiness hydrangeas with red flowers

Unfortunately, large-leaved varieties of red hydrangeas are not only the most decorative, but also the most thermophilic. According to the international classification, they belong to plants of the 6th climatic zone with frost resistance not lower than -23 ° C. For central Our Country, which lies in the 4th climatic zone, this is clearly not enough. Therefore, in this region it is recommended to grow large-leaved hydrangeas only as tub plants, removing them indoors for wintering. If you plant them in open ground, then this requires mandatory shelter for the winter, but even in this case, a favorable outcome is not guaranteed.

Planting and caring for red hydrangea

The main activities for planting and caring for red hydrangeas are not difficult. For outdoor cultivation, the right choice of planting site is of great importance. In addition, the plants will need regular watering, top dressing, as well as a little pruning. If the shrub remains to winter in place, then it must be covered, otherwise it will die or will not bloom.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Red large-leaved hydrangeas love light, but they must be protected from direct sunlight. In the southern regions, it is allowed to plant these plants in partial shade, however, the further north, the more illuminated the site should be. He does not like the bush of the cold north wind, so you need to choose a protected place for it. The soil should be light and breathable, well drained. Hydrangeas are very fond of moisture, but too much of it can kill them. You can not plant them on a site with a high level of groundwater, on saline soils, in places where water stagnates after rains or snow melts.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

The acidity of the soil is of great importance, you can check it with the help of litmus papers.

Important! Before planting a large-leaved hydrangea, it is imperative to check the acidity of the soil. Optimal for these plants is a slightly acidic soil reaction.

How to plant red hydrangea

Seedlings of red varieties of large-leaved hydrangea are usually sold in containers. It is best to transplant them into open ground in early spring, before the plant begins to grow, and in autumn. Having decided on the landing site, it is necessary to dig a landing hole in advance. Approximately its dimensions should be 0,5 m in diameter and 0,4 m in depth, however, it is more expedient to determine this indicator based on the size of the container in which the hydrangea root system is located.

Important! The volume of the planting hole should exceed the size of the root system of the hydrangea seedling by about 3 times.

The soil mixture should also be prepared in advance, which will fill the planting hole after planting the seedling. The best option would be to mix the excavated earth with humus in a ratio of 1: 1, and also add 0,5 parts of sand and peat to the mixture. To increase the acidity, dry needles can be added to the composition of the soil. Be sure to equip the drainage. To do this, a layer of large pebbles or expanded clay should be poured at the bottom of the pit.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

The planting hole must be guaranteed to accommodate the root system of the flower.

Before removing the seedling from the container, it should be poured with plenty of water beforehand. It is not necessary to shake off the earth from the roots. The seedling is installed vertically in the planting hole so that its root neck is flush with the ground. If necessary, a little soil can be poured into the pit. Having set the seedling at the desired height, the hole is completely filled with soil mixture, compacted, watered abundantly, and then the root zone is mulched with the bark of coniferous trees.

Watering and top dressing

The Latin name for hydrangea is Hydrangea, literally translated as “vessel of water”. Indeed, this is a very moisture-loving plant. However, excessive watering can only harm him. In conditions of insufficient natural humidity and lack of precipitation, hydrangeas are watered at least once a week at the rate of 1 bucket for each adult bush. During the flowering period, this figure can be doubled. For irrigation, you need to use only rainwater, since artesian and tap water often have increased hardness, and this reduces the acidity of the soil.

Important! You can determine the hardness of water by washing your hands in it with soap and water. Hard water will quickly wash off the soap, while in soft hands they will remain “soapy” to the touch for a long time.

To feed red hydrangeas, you can use special long-acting fertilizers (Fertika, Pokon, etc.). They are sold in specialized stores for flower growers.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

The use of specialized fertilizers is more convenient

You can also use conventional organic and mineral fertilizers. Such top dressings are made several times per season, in the root way, according to the following schedule:

  1. Early spring – urea, aqueous solution, 30-35 g per 1 sq. m.
  2. Budding phase – superphosphate + potassium salt, aqueous solution, 20-30 g of each of the components per 1 sq. m.
  3. 15 and 30 days after the previous feeding – the same composition.
  4. After flowering – humus or rotted manure, 10-15 kg for each bush.
Secrets of the lush flowering of my large-leaved hydrangea.

Pruning hydrangea with red flowers

As a rule, red large-leaved hydrangeas are cut quite rarely. This procedure can be used as a sanitary procedure to remove broken or dried shoots. In addition, to rejuvenate the bush, it is recommended to cut off all shoots at a distance of 1-4 cm from the ground once every 35 years. Some old shoots can be removed at the root in case of a strong thickening of the bush. Pruned hydrangeas in early spring, before the start of the growing season.

Preparation for winter

The easiest way to prepare for the winter is hydrangeas that grow in containers, they just need to be taken to the storage room. If the plant is planted in open ground and it is supposed to winter in the same place, then the preparation must be thorough. It is easiest to prepare low bushes for winter, you can simply sprinkle them with earth, and then sprinkle with fallen leaves, additionally covering them with lutrasil on top.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Shelter of hydrangeas for the winter is mandatory for areas with an unfavorable climate

Older bushes need more serious shelter. Usually, in adult plants, shoots are tied into several bundles, and then they are bent to the ground in different directions from the center, with an “asterisk”, having previously placed a thick layer of spruce branches under each of them. After that, they are fixed in this position. Then a layer of dry leaves is poured on top, spruce branches are laid, and covering material is pulled over it.


Red large-leaved hydrangeas can be propagated in any vegetative way:

  1. Cuttings. It is best to use green cuttings taken from annual shoots in mid-summer for propagation of hydrangeas. They are planted in water or in a special substrate, and after the formation of the root system, they are transplanted into individual containers for growing.
    Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

    Green hydrangea cuttings take root pretty well

  2. Division of the bush. In early spring and after flowering, adult bushes of red large-leaved hydrangeas can be divided into parts. To do this, they are dug out of the ground and cut or broken into several sections, while each of them must have shoots with roots. After dividing a part of the bush, you must immediately root in a new place.
    Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

    Dividing a bush is not only a method of propagating hydrangeas, but also a way to rejuvenate a flower.

  3. Layers from the mother bush. In spring, one of the flexible side shoots is bent to the ground and covered with soil. With regular moistening, the dug layer will begin to form its own root system. After wintering, it is cut off, carefully dug out of the ground and transplanted to a new place.
    Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

    A simple way to propagate hydrangeas – air layering

Hydrangeas can be propagated by seeds, but this process takes a long time. Therefore, it is usually used for scientific purposes, and flower growers prefer faster and more reliable vegetative methods.

Diseases and pests

Red large-leaved hydrangeas have good immunity to diseases. They get sick mainly due to improper planting or care, as well as when grown in adverse weather conditions. The most common disease of hydrangeas is chlorosis. It manifests itself in a change in the color of the leaves, which become pale green, while the veins on them remain dark, well distinguishable. The cause of chlorosis is a lack of iron in the soil or the inability of the plant to absorb it due to too much alkalization of the soil.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

The pale color of the leaf plate is a sign of chlorosis

You can quickly get rid of chlorosis by spraying the bushes with iron sulfate. To avoid this disease, it is necessary not to allow too much decrease in the acidity of the soil, and for prevention, it is recommended to introduce preparations containing iron chelate into the soil, for example, Antichlorosis.

Violations in care and adverse weather conditions can provoke the development of fungal diseases on hydrangeas.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Blackening of the leaves may indicate a hydrangea is affected by a fungal disease.

When various spots, putrefactive deposits, mold appear on the leaves, the affected parts of the plants must be removed, and the bushes and neighboring plantings should be treated with fungicides.

The appearance of pests on large-leaved hydrangeas can also be associated with violations in care. One of the common insect species found on these shrubs is the aphid. Large accumulations of the pest can significantly weaken the plant. In this case, shrubs are best treated with insecticides.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Aphids usually hide on the underside of leaves.

If the aphid colonies are small, then they can simply be washed off with water or soapy water.

Another pest that is quite common on hydrangeas is the spider mite. It is a microscopic sucking insect that feeds on the juice of young shoots. You can find it by thin cobwebs that entangle the tops of the shoots.

Red hydrangea: photo, varieties with names, planting and care

Web nests indicate the appearance of a spider mite

To combat spider mites, special means are used – acaricides.


Hydrangea red is very decorative and looks great in the garden. In many regions, it can be grown outdoors, always covering for the winter. However, growing in containers in areas with an unfavorable climate looks more promising, especially if there is a room adapted for wintering hydrangeas.

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