Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Amanita muscaria is a poisonous mushroom, however, it has numerous beneficial properties. It is not accepted to use it for food, but its use in medicine and in personal care is popular.

What does a red fly agaric look like

The description of the red fly agaric characterizes it as a mushroom with a very recognizable appearance. The cap is large in size, up to 15-20 cm in diameter, hemispherical at a young age and prostrate, sometimes slightly concave in adulthood. The color of the hat is bright red, while both scarlet and orange shades can predominate. The hat is covered with a shiny smooth skin, most often there are white flakes-growths on it, the remains of a bedspread.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

The underside of the cap is covered with thin plates of white or cream color, they themselves are quite wide. In between are smaller additional growths.

The leg is high, up to 15-20 cm in height and up to 2,5 cm in diameter. The shape of the leg is cylindrical and even with a thickening closer to the base, the color is white or cream. In young fruiting bodies, the legs are dense, becoming hollow with age.

Important! A membranous uneven ring may be present on the leg, also representing the remains of a bedspread. However, it is not always possible to see it – in old mushrooms, the ring often disappears naturally.

Interestingly, the red fly agaric uses glycogen rather than vegetable starch as a reserve substance for its cells.

What causes the red color of the fly agaric cap

The poisonous mushroom is easy to spot in the forest thanks to its bright hat. The red color is due to the presence of muscarufine in its composition – this substance is not only an antibiotic, but also a natural pigment.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

How to distinguish red fly agaric from other mushrooms of this species

The red fly agaric has poisonous properties, but it is less dangerous than deadly poisonous fly agaric, and more toxic than individual edible species. It is important to be able to distinguish it from false twins according to several characteristic features.

Gray-pink fly agaric

This type of fungus is edible, but its medicinal properties are somewhat lower than those of the red fly agaric. Mushrooms can be distinguished by the color of their caps. In a gray-pink species, the hat is dark, closer to brown or dark gray with pinkish hues.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

panther fly agaric

The deadly twin of the red fly agaric can be distinguished by its olive-brown or olive-yellow cap with white spots. The stem of a poisonous mushroom is usually gray-yellow, the flesh is watery and faded.

Attention! The main difference between the red fly agaric lies in its bright shade, similar poisonous and edible species have a less saturated color.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

When and where do red fly agarics grow

The red mushroom is widespread in Our Country and comes across in almost all regions of the country. You can meet him in the south and in the Central region, in Siberia and the Far East, in the northern regions. The mushroom grows both in deciduous and mixed or coniferous forests, prefers acidic soils and is especially common in spruce and birch forests. You can see the red fly agaric near the chanterelles, boletus and boletus.

Fruiting bodies grow both singly and in small groups. Fruiting occurs from mid-June to October.

What are the medicinal properties of the red fly agaric

A unique toxic mushroom, for all its toxicity, has medicinal properties. Substances in the red fly agaric are the following:

  • chitin and choline;
  • muscarine, muscimol and ibotenic acid are dangerous alkaloids;
  • essential oils and pigments;
  • betanin and xanthine;
  • trimethylamine and puterescine.

Many substances in the mushroom pulp make it poisonous, in particular, ibotenic acid, muscarine and muscimol, concentrated mainly in the cap. However, at meager dosages, these psychoactive substances can have a beneficial effect on the body.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

In particular, the red fly agaric has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties, promotes cell renewal and has an antibiotic effect. The main condition for medical use is small dosages, if you follow the rules, then drugs based on a toxic red fungus will not do any harm.

The use of red fly agaric in folk medicine

Home medicine uses the beneficial properties of the red fly agaric to create a wide variety of medicines. From the pulp of toxic mushrooms, alcohol tinctures and decoctions, ointments and infusions are made, both fresh and dried mushrooms are taken for consumption.

Preparations based on red fly agaric are recommended for use:

  • with skin ailments – dermatitis, psoriasis, fungus;
  • with spasms of blood vessels and varicose veins;
  • with joint ailments – arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica;
  • with inflammatory processes in the body;
  • with a cold of a bacterial nature;
  • with cosmetic defects – papillomas and boils;
  • with atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemia;
  • with diabetes and circulatory disorders;
  • with reproductive problems.

Red fly agaric is used for medicinal purposes in oncology in the early stages. Mushroom-based preparations have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system and help with menopause, painful periods or decreased libido.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

What are the benefits of dried red fly agaric hats

Some remedies involve the use of fresh red fly agaric, but dried mushroom caps also have medicinal properties. During the drying process, the ibotenic acid in the composition of the red fly agaric turns into muscimol, a compound that is less hazardous to health.

After high-quality drying, the red fly agaric is used to prepare ointments, infusions and tinctures. Dried caps have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect.

How to dry red fly agaric

During the drying process, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. For drying, only fresh, young, not eaten by insects mushrooms are taken.
  2. The leg and plates on the underside of the cap of the red fly agaric are cut off, only the upper part of the cap needs to be dried.
  3. The hats are dried in natural conditions at room temperature, they are strung on a thin thread and hung in a well-ventilated place.

The drying process is considered complete when the hats become brittle, that is, they break and crumble when lightly pressed. Dried red fly agaric should be put into paper or linen bags and stored in a dark place with a low level of humidity.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

What is useful decoction of red fly agaric

On the basis of red hats, a useful decoction with pronounced medicinal properties is prepared. The active ingredients in the composition of the fungus are good for parasites, inflammation and digestive disorders. The decoction is recommended for use with helminths and giardia, with constipation and diarrhea, with increased gas formation and stagnation of bile in the body.

The remedy is prepared as follows – fresh washed caps are placed in an enameled pan, poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. After that, the broth is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth.

It is necessary to take a decoction in very small dosages – no more than 5-10 drops. Drink the medicine three times a day on a full stomach, shortly after meals.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Ointment based on red fly agaric

The healing properties of the red fly agaric in folk medicine are of great benefit in joint diseases. The ointment is used for radiculitis and arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis, in the treatment of old injuries, the active ingredients of mushroom pulp relieve pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation.

To prepare a healing ointment, you need to grind a few fresh mushroom caps into a pulp, and then mix in equal amounts with badger fat, petroleum jelly or ordinary sour cream. The ointment is evenly distributed over the affected area, covered with a gauze bandage and left for several hours or overnight.

Advice! The use of ointment in the external way brings a good effect. But after applying it, you need to thoroughly wash the skin with warm water and soap to eliminate the remnants of the toxic agent.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

The use of tincture of red fly agaric

Another popular remedy based on red fly agaric is a tincture for external or internal use. It is in combination with alcohol that the active ingredients of the fungus reveal their medicinal properties to the maximum and have a beneficial effect even with serious ailments.

How to prepare a tincture on the red fly agaric

For the preparation of tinctures, usually only hats are taken, since they have a high medicinal value. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • 4-5 mushroom caps are cleaned of forest debris and washed in cold water;
  • the raw material is finely chopped, tightly packed into a glass jar and poured with 150 ml of medical alcohol;
  • the jar is tightly closed and cleaned for 2 weeks in a dark and dry place.

When the tincture is ready, it will need to be filtered, and then used for consumption.

What diseases does red fly agaric tincture help with?

Treatment with red fly agaric and fly agaric tincture is carried out for many ailments. In particular, the use of the drug is beneficial for atherosclerosis and hypertension, for varicose veins and colds, and for diabetes. The most famous is the tincture against cancer – the medicinal properties of mushrooms in the initial stages of oncological disease can stop the development of malignant tumors.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Inside the use of tincture is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • treatment begins with only 2 drops of tincture per day, daily 2 more drops of the drug are added to this volume;
  • when the daily dosage is 40 drops, the volumes begin to decrease, just a couple of drops a day;
  • after the course of taking the tincture, they take a break for 1-2 months, after which the treatment is repeated if necessary.
Important! For internal use, it is especially important to observe scanty dosages of strong tincture – the daily amount of the product should not exceed 40 drops. Taking the tincture should be combined with a healthy diet, including the consumption of vegetables, dairy products and fruits.

The tincture can also be used externally. Sore joints are rubbed with the remedy, and tincture is also used for dermatitis, which is not accompanied by open wounds and ulcers on the skin.

Red fly agaric juice

To make juice, you need to take a few fresh mushroom caps, chop them and pack them into a glass jar. The vessel is closed with thick gauze or a lid with holes for air access, and then left to infuse for a month. During this time, concentrated fly agaric juice is collected at the bottom of the jar, it is drained and filtered.

The juice can be used to treat skin ailments. The remedy treats inflammation and irritation on the skin, the juice has a good effect on dermatitis and psoriasis.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Application in alternative medicine

In alternative medicine, the red fly agaric is used primarily to treat nervous disorders. The active substances in the composition of the fungus have psychoactive properties and in small volumes can remain useful.

Red fly agaric is used to treat:

  • depression and cerebral diseases;
  • Parkinson’s disease and dementia;
  • chronic dizziness;
  • increased nervous excitability.

Also, red fly agaric is recommended for use in menopause and hormonal disruptions, in diseases of the bladder and intestinal spasms. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the fungus bring a good effect when used externally, creams and ointments based on the fungus help with frostbite, healing burns, ulcers and other skin lesions.

Cooking application

All reference books classify the red fly agaric as a poisonous inedible mushroom. Despite this, sometimes the mushroom is used in cooking – dried, boiled, fried and even raw. In particular, it is used for food in Japan; traditional dishes with the use of this mushroom exist among some peoples of Europe and North America.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Attention! Although it is extremely difficult to get poisoned with a fly agaric before death occurs, eating red fly agaric is highly discouraged. It provokes the occurrence of hallucinations, and the poisons in the composition negatively affect the state of the body.

The use of red fly agaric in cosmetology

The healing properties of the red fly agaric are actively used by cosmetology. Extracts based on this fungus have pronounced anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and renewing properties. The mushroom promotes the production of collagen, helps to smooth the skin and make it more elastic, allows you to even out complexion and get rid of age spots.

Creams and ointments containing red fly agaric are used to combat stretch marks on the skin and cellulite. Also, the funds help with the healing of cracks and calluses, as they very quickly restore the integrity of the skin.

The use of poisonous mushrooms in everyday life

A decoction of red fly agaric helps well against flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes and ants. It is used as follows – 5-6 young mushrooms are boiled in water, and then the places where insects accumulate with this decoction are sprayed.

However, only places located at a distance from household items and products can be treated with the product. You also need to ensure that small children do not come into contact with a natural insecticide.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Rules for the collection and harvesting of red fly agaric

It is necessary to collect red fly agaric for medicinal purposes only in ecologically clean places. The pulp of the mushroom already contains toxic substances – toxins additionally drawn from the soil will not make the fruiting body more useful:

  1. When harvesting, preference is given to young and fresh red mushrooms, untouched by insects and worms.
  2. It is advisable to collect it with protective gloves in order to prevent fresh juice from getting on the skin; red mushrooms should also not be smelled.
  3. After collecting, red fly agaric must be prepared within a day, while they retain all their medicinal properties.

To dry, hats are hung on a thread in a well-ventilated place, and this cannot be done in the kitchen or in the bedroom. For the preparation of decoctions and tinctures, both dried and fresh mushrooms are used – they need to be cut and processed on a disposable board and a disposable knife.

What is dangerous red fly agaric for humans

The main danger of red fly agaric lies in their strong hallucinogenic properties. When overdosed, these mushrooms lead to confusion, increased excitability and the appearance of visions.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

In addition, the alkaloids in the composition of the red fly agaric in overdose can cause serious damage to the kidneys and liver. Poisoning with a fungus of this species rarely leads to death, but chronic illnesses can occur during use, the fungus is especially dangerous for people with severe diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach and kidneys.

Limitations and contraindications

Under some conditions, the use of red fly agaric is prohibited even for medicinal purposes. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children’s age up to 18 years;
  • the presence of mental illness and serious disorders of the nervous system;
  • intestinal and gastric ailments in a state of exacerbation;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

When using red fly agaric, it is strictly necessary to comply with the dosages indicated in the recipes. When using the fungus externally, it is necessary to ensure that funds based on it do not get on the mucous membranes and skin areas with open lesions.

What happens if you eat a red fly agaric

The consequences of eating raw or boiled fly agaric directly depend on the dosage when using red fly agaric and on the state of health. A physically strong and hardy person after a small piece of toxic pulp may not even feel a deterioration in well-being.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

However, if you eat a lot of mushroom pulp, then a couple of hours after that, symptoms of intoxication will occur. When they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, although poisoning with red fly agaric rarely leads to death, chronic disorders can appear after it.

Symptoms of poisoning with red fly agaric and first aid

The first signs of poisoning by the red fly agaric are well recognizable. These include:

  • nausea and uncontrollable vomiting;
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • tachycardia and sweating;
  • visual disturbances, as well as delusions and hallucinations.

First of all, when poisoning occurs, you need to call a doctor. While waiting for the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the severity of poisoning, namely:

  • drink about 5-6 glasses of pure water in a row, and then artificially induce vomiting and empty the stomach;
  • take a strong laxative to remove toxins from the intestines;
  • use activated charcoal, Smecta or Enterosgel, drugs will prevent the absorption of toxins into the intestinal wall.

It is strictly forbidden to take drugs that stop vomiting and diarrhea in case of poisoning, the condition will only worsen from them, since the toxins will remain in the body.

Red fly agaric: photo and description, when and where it grows, use in traditional medicine

Historical facts about the use of red fly agaric

For medicinal and other purposes, the red fly agaric has been used for many centuries. A lot of interesting facts are connected with this mushroom:

  1. In many European cultures, the red fly agaric appears as a symbol of good luck, for example, Germanic legends put it on the same level as the horseshoe and four-leaf clover.
  2. The red fly agaric is even now used in their shamanic rituals by some underdeveloped tribes. Everywhere for immersion in the world of spirits and visions, the mushroom was used in the Middle Ages.

It is believed that the use of red fly agaric before battles was considered useful by the Vikings and ancient warriors of other nationalities, it helped them feel the special inspiration of the battle and forget about fear.


Amanita muscaria is a poisonous mushroom with hallucinogenic properties, which has some medicinal properties. According to special recipes, it is used in traditional medicine and in cosmetology, since in small doses it can be beneficial.

Medicinal properties of red fly agaric.

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