“Red Flags”. These symptoms could be cancer
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Some pain ailments may seem trivial to us. However, they should not be taken lightly. Cancer is a disease that can develop in our body for a long time without showing any symptoms. Immediate reaction at the appearance of the first symptoms can help us fight the disease. What should you watch out for?

  1. Cancer prevention is extremely important, it is thanks to it that we can detect the developing disease faster and thus increase our chances of recovery
  2. The symptoms of tumors are usually non-specific
  3. They may concern general signals sent by our body, such as high fever, or affect the functioning of a specific organ
  4. Common symptoms include weakness, sudden weight loss, persistent cough, difficulty swallowing, skin changes, lumps or enlarged lymph nodes.
  5. However, the list is much longer. Check out the most common “red flags”
  6. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  7. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

According to the report “Health at a Glance 2021”, Poland has a relatively low cancer incidence rate compared to other OECD countries. Unfortunately, our mortality rate is still one of the highest. That is why prophylaxis is so important, which in many cases allows for relatively early cancer detection, which increases the chance of a patient’s cure.

  1. Ovarian and colon cancer cured in mice in six days. “Let’s not get excited, but the results are promising”

The most common symptoms of cancer

By disrupting the proper functioning of organs, neoplasms can cause symptoms closely related to their location. However, some of the signs of cancer are general symptoms. These include sudden weight loss and persistent fever.

The symptoms of tumors are often not specific. However, due to the risks they carry, we can treat them as if they were of some kind red flags, i.e. a signal for further diagnostics to exclude neoplastic disease.

Check if you are at risk of cancer!

At Medonet Market you can buy research packages:

  1. oncology package for men (from PLN 168)
  2. oncology package for women for PLN 169

Symptoms that should not be underestimated:

  1. Unexplained weight loss and excessive weakness are common symptoms of many cancers.
  2. A persistent cough, chrypa or difficulty swallowing They may be symptoms of a developing cancer of the lung, larynx, esophagus or stomach. A particularly disturbing symptom that should not be taken lightly is also krwioplucie.
  3. Flatulent or swollen belly, unexplained pain in the abdomen, lumbar region or the chest can also be symptoms of cancer.
  4. Problems with bowel movements can also be another disturbing symptom. Changing the rhythm of bowel movements, feeling of incomplete bowel movement and above all bloody stools may suggest colorectal cancer.
  5. Difficulty passing urine, intermittent stream of urine, frequent urge to urinate and could be a sign of bladder cancer or prostate cancer in men.
  6. Nausea i vomiting, and a feeling of satiety that appears quickly and fullness when eating may indicate the development of stomach cancer. However, accompanying these symptoms persistent and recurring headaches, increasing sleepiness or problems with concentration may be symptoms of a brain tumor.
  7. Skin changes related to the disturbing rash or reddening of the skin. Erosions and all kinds changes in the oral mucosa or genital organs. Dryness, leakage or nipple ulcers. All of these symptoms can be related to the developing cancer.
  8. Change in the appearance of the birthmark. Itching, bleeding or Color change may be symptoms of skin cancer.
  9. Pain, edema, breast asymmetry, palpable lump, bloody discharge from the nipple, swollen lymph nodes under the armpit. These are just some of the symptoms of breast cancer.
  10. Changes in the appearance of the testicles. Shape change, size or perceptible hardness may be a symptom of cancer. Accompanying these symptoms enlargement of the breast glands and lymph nodes may indicate a testicular tumor.

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