Red eyes are a very common symptom with which we report to an ophthalmology office. In most cases, this ailment is self-limiting and there is nothing to worry about. Most often it is caused by fatigue and lack of sleep or eye irritation, e.g. with an incorrectly selected type of contact lenses. However, if this condition persists or even worsens, you should consider visiting an ophthalmologist.
Red eyes with glaucoma
In fact, red eyes can be a symptom of many diseases. Most often, red eyes appear as a result of dry eye syndrome. However, there are also serious diseases such as glaucoma. Eye redness may or may not be the only symptom that occurs. When going to a specialist, we should list all the ailments that bother us in some way. Most often, apart from redness, there is also burning sensation, tearing and photophobia. Remember that glaucoma, which is a very serious disease, which, if not treated, slowly leads to damage to the optic nerve gives similar symptoms. Fortunately, it develops very slowly, so a quick visit to an ophthalmologist can protect our eyesight.
However, red eyes are very common symptoms of less severe conjunctivitis. The characteristic symptom is conjunctival hyperemia, during which vasodilation occurs, the course of which can be seen very clearly. Additionally, it shifts when the conjunctiva is moved.
Subconjunctival hemorrhages or keratitis can also cause red eyes. Subconjunctival haemorrhages may occur in patients with arterial hypertension or diabetes. They also happen in people with diagnosed blood coagulation disorders. If the red eyes feel sand under the eyelids or photophobia, it is likely that we are suffering from conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis can also appear in people who wear contact lenses. The treatment of such conjunctivitis is not very complicated. It is enough to take care of the proper level of eye hygiene and the symptoms will disappear automatically. The situation becomes more complicated when we start to notice oil. It usually indicates a bacterial infection with which we should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Red eyes are also very often a symptom of allergies. Symptoms of allergy coincide with those of conjunctivitis, but in addition, the patient struggles with intense burning and lacrimation. It is worth noting that in the case of allergies, there is never any deterioration in vision or pain.
Our anxiety should arouse sudden redness combined with visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting. This set of symptoms may indicate a serious illness. Most likely we are dealing with a sudden increase in pressure in the eyeball. Such a condition can even lead to blindness, which is why we should go to a specialist as soon as possible. Appropriate and well-implemented treatment will give us a chance for a quick recovery. Most often, special drops are prescribed to reduce the pressure in the eyeball. If the disease is advanced, the doctor usually suggests laser therapy or surgery.
Red eyes – how to get rid of
How to get rid of red eyes depends on the factors that provoked the ailment. The most common cause of redness in the eyes is simply tiredness. We meet red eyes in people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer or in rooms with artificial lighting. Air conditioning can also be a cause of red eyes. If our symptoms are caused by these factors, it is enough to invest in good drops for tired eyes. Their regular use will make the eyes less exposed to unpleasant factors. If we work in front of a computer, we should take care of the appropriate comfort and setting the monitor. We should also take frequent breaks at work, which will give our eyes a chance to rest and regenerate. A short walk or a balcony is enough. Thanks to this, our eyes will slightly change the environment and react to the exposure to irritants. We can also close our eyes for longer from time to time, and if we have an influence on it, let us divide our work into several stages. It will also be a good idea to change the color of the walls where we work, if, of course, we work at home. For example, the color green will work well here.
However, if we are not sure if the red eyes are just the result of exhaustion, we better see a doctor. Other accompanying symptoms should force us to visit an ophthalmologist. Remember that sometimes seemingly harmless symptoms may indicate that our body is developing a serious disease. Therefore, it is not worth underestimating any symptoms that arouse our anxiety.