Red dots on the face: how to eliminate? Video

Red dots on the face: how to eliminate? Video

Fragile blood vessels, high blood pressure, frequent physical activity – all this can be the reason for the appearance of red spots on the face. Doctors call them “facial petechiae”. Getting rid of dots forever is difficult, but if you treat them systemically, you can make them almost invisible.

Facial petechiae affects mainly people with thin, white skin. On their faces, the abundance of red dots is especially noticeable, especially since the dots often cover the cheeks and forehead. However, don’t diagnose yourself. Be extremely careful. If the red dots fade when you apply pressure, you probably have a hemangioma. You will need a doctor’s consultation and a pharmacist’s review of the prescribed drugs.

Any home method of getting rid of red, black or white dots on the face should be based primarily on cleansing and restoring the body, strengthening blood vessels. People with petechiae need frequent walks in the fresh air, light jogging, and regular head massage. It is important to exclude everything fatty, spicy and salty from the diet. You need to be especially careful with foods that cause cholesterol deposition.

For a long time it was believed that the elasticity of capillaries is well influenced by temperature changes, but this is a delusion. Therefore, leaving the coolness in the heat or, conversely, from a warm room in the cold, be sure to use protective creams. The best ones are for children with the effect of keeping warm (“Morozko”, for example).

An important condition: give up excessive physical activity and even more weight lifting. Never rub your face, you can damage the capillaries even more, and a red spot will appear on the skin instead of a dot.

Cosmetics against red dots

It is objectively easier for women to get rid of red spots: a significant amount of cosmetics comes to their aid, which men, as a rule, neglect. Any high-quality foundation is already protection and help in the fight against redness on the face.

Before going out into the sun (even in winter), women are advised to apply a cream that protects against UV rays and use powder

Application masks, like aggressive scrubs, are contraindicated for people with red dots. The choice of creams should also be approached with extreme caution; you should not purchase products with fruit or other acids. Each new cream must pass an allergy test: apply it to the skin behind the ear and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. If there are no rashes or redness, then the product is right for you, otherwise you will have to refuse the purchase.

Home remedies for red dots

At home, you need to make soothing masks for the skin from decoctions of nettle or chamomile. A chamomile mask can be made according to the old recipe: 2 tbsp. spoon dry chamomile flowers pour a glass of warm mineral water, let stand for 10 minutes and bring to a boil. Cool and place on clean cheesecloth 2/3 of the mass. You can keep the mask on the skin for no more than 7 minutes.

Make homemade mountain arnica compresses. To do this, a mixture of arnica and hazel (sold in pharmacies in the form of a sachet), you need to pour 2 glasses of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. After the compress, it is undesirable to wash, but the infusion gives off paint, so characteristic stains may appear on the face of light-skinned people from it, their removal is no less problematic than red dots. It is advisable to drink the same tincture every day before bedtime, it has a mild immunomodulating effect and increases the body’s resistance.

Next, read about wet cough in a child.

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