Red dots on the body, hemangioma: causes and methods of treatment, video

Red dots on the body, hemangioma: causes and methods of treatment, video

Some people, seeing red dots on their bodies, like moles, do not give it due attention. But in vain.

These formations may indicate diseases that require immediate treatment. Before moving on to eliminating red dots, you must find out the reason for their appearance.

Microhematoma or hemangioma

The reasons for the appearance of dots can be different. For example, these skin formations can appear as a result of microtrauma received during epilation. The thing is that when exposed to the skin, the walls of the capillaries are damaged, the blood flows into the subcutaneous fat layer, and a microhematoma is formed.

Lack of vitamins such as C and K can cause fragility of blood vessels, lead to the formation of small red dots on the body. The number of points will increase from any falls, friction of the skin on the fabric.

If you notice points on the body, consult a doctor, because these can be hemangiomas, that is, vascular benign tumors

They can be of different diameters – from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Several types of tumors are also distinguished. Capillary hemangiomas are characterized by dilated capillaries, which are most often located on the face and trunk of a person. A wicked hemangioma is a mass of large cavities filled with blood. If the hemangioma looks like a swelling, it is called branched. If you press down on such a skin formation and quickly release it, it will immediately fill with blood.

Treatment methods for such tumors are selected based on the type of hemangioma

Have you noticed that small dots appeared on the body that have capillary ramifications? This can be a sign of viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.

The cause of the rash of red spots on the body can also be diseases of the pancreas. More often, formations appear on the back, chest and abdomen. They do not disappear when pressed.

If you have joint problems or have rheumatic disease, you are at risk. The fact is that with such diseases, autoimmune processes are generated, that is, when your body considers the cells of the body as foreign and, in an effort to protect you, forms antibodies.

How to get rid of red dots

The reason has been identified. Now you need to fix this defect. The method of treatment will directly depend on the nature of the origin. For example, if the points are due to external effects on the skin, you must first try to avoid further injury.

If the reason lies in a lack of vitamins, start taking vitamin complexes. In addition, eat foods rich in these organic compounds. For example, vitamin C is found in rose hips, cauliflower, green peas, orange, rowan, parsley, wild garlic, garlic, apples, tomatoes, and kiwi.

Vitamin K can be obtained by consuming foods such as kale, spinach, broccoli, beans, chicken eggs, cucumbers, veal

The reason for the appearance of red dots on the body was hemangioma? Simple tumors are treated with X-ray irradiation, surgical excision, and carbon dioxide burning of the skin. Branched hemangiomas are removed as follows: the leading vessels are ligated and stitched, large trunks are removed.

With viral hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, you should immediately seek help, since inaction can be fatal. If the diagnosis is confirmed after the examination, the doctor will select the most suitable treatment regimen for you. In the earlier stages of hepatitis, you will be prescribed detoxification treatment.

You will also need to stick to a diet, avoid physical and mental stress.

For liver cirrhosis, you will also be given the best treatment. For example, in case of a decompensated form of the disease, the doctor will prescribe medications for you – hepatoprotectors, liver hydrolysates, immunosuppressants, hormones and other drugs.

Also, with cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol, salt, mineral water are excluded from the patient’s diet. Physical activity is limited, body weight and fluid balance are controlled.

If the cause of the appearance of red dots is any disease of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, pancreatitis), you definitely need to undergo examination and treatment by a gastroenterologist. You will be prescribed a diet, analgesics to block pain, and drugs to stop enzyme activity.

For rheumatic pathologies, specialist advice is also necessary. For example, for arthritis, you will be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, anesthetics, gastroprotectors. The specialist will also prescribe physiotherapy, which will include laser, magnetic or shock wave therapy.

Only by eliminating the cause of the appearance of red dots, you will get rid of this defect. Any folk remedies will not help here, especially since they can only aggravate the condition. Do not self-medicate.

Surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences

– Hemangioma is a congenital formation. It begins to actively manifest itself in a child during the first year of life. Often doctors intimidate patients with this diagnosis, – says surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Valery Guryanov. – Many people think that hemangioma is a tumor that can develop into oncology. On the Internet, you can read various horror stories about the failure of the functioning of organs and that an urgent operation is needed. But there is no need to rush. Yes, it is a tumor, but it is benign. It cannot become malignant. This is a fairly innocent vascular mass that can appear anywhere. Including in the spine, especially in the thoracic and cervical regions. Most people over 40 have at least one hemangioma. On the tomogram, it is visible as a white spot. There is nothing to be done with this education, only to observe. I advise you to do an MRI once a year. Now they are using conservative treatment. There are a number of drugs and ointments, after which everything disappears.

One has to worry when the hemangioma grows in size, bleeds and becomes inflamed. It can be both near the eyes and the ear canal. It can also grow in the vertebra, which subsequently begins to lose shape. Any movement can cause a compression fracture. Then the operation is shown. A cement solution is injected into the vertebra under local anesthesia. It becomes durable. Complications are rare.

Alya Ivanova, Liza Barskaya

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