Red Delicious apple tree: description of fruits and virtues

We all love apples, but sometimes we can’t decide which kind to plant in our garden, because they are all very tasty. Today, one of the most promising varieties is the Red Delicious apple tree. It is this species that will be discussed today in our article.

Description of shoots and fruits

This apple variety has been cultivated for over 100 years. Moreover, he received the greatest popularity in America. During this time, a considerable number of subspecies were bred, which contributed to the growth in popularity of this variety in Europe. Due to the fact that this subspecies of the apple tree is absolutely not whimsical to climatic conditions and soils, today it is grown almost everywhere. Although it is considered that the most preferable dry climate with cold nights and warm days. Suitable for cultivation in the suburbs.

By its nature, the Red Delicious apple tree is a mutation that was formed at one time in the classical branch of Delicious.

Outwardly, this is a medium-sized tree, having a back pyramidal or oval crown at a young age. During the fruiting period, it becomes wide-round or round. The crown is formed by branches of medium power. They are characterized by the formation of uneven and numerous annelids. It is on them that all fruitfulness is concentrated.

Red Delicious apple tree: description of fruits and virtues

Shoots are given the following description: slightly curved or straight (sometimes with strong pubescence), red-brown. They have medium sized leaves. Their shape is oblong-oval. The base of the leaf blade is round, and the top is medium elongated. The leaf margins are usually shiny and serrate-crenate. A distinctive feature is the presence of a red color at the bottom of the cutting, which reaches the middle of the leaf blade in the direction of the vein.

Particular attention in the description of Red Delicious in any gardening manual is given to fruits. They have a simply charming appearance. The color of apples attracts the eye with its rich, bright red skin (which is quite rough to the touch). Thanks to it, the fruits are highly resistant to a variety of mechanical damage, which has a positive effect on their shelf life. The flesh is crispy and very juicy. Often it has a certain amount of flouriness. That is why it is recommended to use fruits for a variety of fruit salads or snacks. Reviews about taste characteristics are the best.

Red Delicious apple tree: description of fruits and virtues

Apples contain up to 15% dry matter, sugar and a small amount of acid. At the same time, they contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C and P-active substances. The inherent red color of the stalk on the sunny side.

Characterized by medium precocity. Apples ripen in autumn (September to October). They can be stored, subject to storage rules, until April. The volume of the harvested crop, as well as its taste characteristics, depend on the growing conditions. The most delicious fruits ripen in a dry climate.

The tree has an average winter hardiness. In addition, scab brings maximum harm to seedlings and fruits (although some sources indicate an average resistance to this disease). The high sensitivity of the seed chamber to rot is described. Also, the vitreousness of the pulp is most often diagnosed.

Given the above, we can conclude that the Red Delicious variety has good enough characteristics for widespread cultivation.

Red Delicious apple tree: description of fruits and virtues

Advantages and disadvantages

Any variety of fruit tree has a certain set of positive and negative qualities. And the gardener makes a choice in favor of one or another species, only after weighing all the pros and cons. In this situation, these qualities should also be mentioned.

The advantages of this type of apple trees include the following parameters:

  1. ubiquitous distribution;
  2. excellent fruit characteristics;
  3. high resistance to mechanical damage;
  4. long period of storage of apples – they can be stored until February in a conventional refrigerator and until June in specially equipped chambers with a controlled atmosphere;
  5. excellent appearance and consumer qualities of fruits;
  6. low sensitivity of wood to fire blight and powdery mildew;
  7. average winter hardiness.

Red Delicious apple tree: description of fruits and virtues

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, Red Delicious has some disadvantages. These include:

  • low adaptive capabilities under growing conditions;
  • low resistance to some diseases: bitter spot, scab, rot, vitreous pulp.

Against the background of a longer list of positive characteristics, the list of disadvantages fades. The main disadvantage of the variety is its low resistance to certain diseases. But with proper care and preventive measures, these shortcomings can be minimized. Therefore, this type of apple trees can be called one of the best.

Video “Growing and caring for apple trees”

The video gives tips on growing apple trees: care, top dressing, seasonal measures, disease prevention.

Apple Growing Tips and Apple Tree Care

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