Red currant: health benefits and harms
The most July berry – red currant, which many people remember from childhood, is always present on the summer table both fresh and as jam or jam. But have you ever wondered how this berry is useful for our body? ” Healthy Food Near Me” finds out together with an expert

Red currant is a deciduous shrub of the gooseberry family. Small sweet and sour berries ripen in clusters from mid-July to the very end of summer. Like most of the plants collected in the summer garden, red currant berries are considered an important source of various vitamins and minerals. Moreover, not only the fruits of red currant, but also the leaves are endowed with useful properties. Red currants are eaten fresh, dried, frozen, jellies, jams, desserts and drinks of various strengths are prepared. Also, berries and leaves are actively used in folk medicine, for the prevention of certain pathologies and in cosmetology. To determine the beneficial qualities, together with a nutritionist, we will study the composition of red currants and the features of its use.

History of appearance in nutrition

This northern plant tolerates frost well, but may not survive extreme heat – this is the reason for its habitat.

The first mention of currant culture dates back to the XNUMXth century. In Our Country, bushes of red currant were planted, as usual, near the fences of monasteries. The name “currant” is formed on the basis of the Old Slavonic word “currant”, which is interpreted as “strong smell”. Most insects do not tolerate the specific aroma of currants, which makes them a welcome addition to any garden.

Soon, red currants were brought to Europe, where the plant became widespread. Initially, red currant was used only for medical purposes, only over time, appreciating its taste.

From Europe, red currants were brought to America, but the fragrant berries could not take root there because of the climate and the preferences of the population. To date, the plant is mainly bred in Eurasia.

The composition and calorie content of red currant

Red currant berries contain a large amount of such useful substances as vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, beta-carotene, pectins, antioxidants, coumarins, organic acids, minerals and fiber (1).

Red currant, in comparison with black and white varieties, significantly exceeds its counterparts in the content of vitamin A. However, it is significantly inferior in terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, but nevertheless it also acts as a source of a large amount of vitamins C and P. Red currant berries occupy a leading position among garden berries in terms of iodine concentrations are on a par with the record holders of this group: like persimmon and feijoa (2).

The berries of red currant are noted to contain the amount of folic acid, vitamins E and K, such micro and macro elements as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc.

Caloric value on 100 g43 kcal
Proteins0,6 g
Fats0,2 g
Carbohydrates7,7 g

Fresh red currant berries have a fairly low calorie content – only 43 kilocalories per 100 grams. However, during the drying process, it can increase to 283 kilocalories per 100 grams – this is due to an increase in the concentration of carbohydrates in the composition.

The benefits of red currant

Irina Kozlachkova, certified nutritionist, member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists “Nutricians of Our Country” helped to understand the beneficial properties of red currant for the human body.

According to the nutritionist, the constant use of red currants in food will soon entail a number of certain positive effects, such as:

  • restoration of metabolic rate;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stabilization of the thyroid gland;
  • restoration of the level of hormonal regulation;
  • vision improvement;
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • increase in bone strength;
  • cleansing the entire body of toxins and toxins;
  • release from excess fluid and edema;
  • stabilization of the kidneys;
  • preservation of reproductive function;
  • prevention of oncological diseases.

Red currant berries are known for their ability to neutralize radiation by removing radionuclides from the body.

Also, the fruits of red currant help well in eliminating the symptoms of colds and flu. The use of berries helps to increase the effectiveness of drugs, strengthens the body’s defenses, lowers body temperature, and also has an expectorant effect (3).

The benefits of red currant for women

Since ancient times, red currant berries have been recognized as berries of female beauty due to the beneficial properties of this plant that affect the appearance. The constant use of red currant increases the resistance of delicate female skin to sunlight, improves the overall complexion, skin, hair and nails become stronger.

Red currant berries have a beneficial effect on women’s health, as well as on the functioning of the female reproductive system as a whole. They stabilize the menstrual cycle, reduce pain during menstruation, compensate for iron deficiency and stabilize the hormonal background.

Due to the low sugar content in berries (4-10%), red currants are useful for weight loss and dieting. The use of berries activates the process of fat burning, maintains a feeling of fullness after eating for a long time, prevents a lack of vitamins and depletion of the body, relieves swelling, and also removes excess fluid and salt (4).

Eating a moderate amount of red currant berries during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the health of both the mother and the unborn child. When included in the daily diet of ripe berries, the body will be provided with the necessary vitamins, which in turn will guarantee the normal development of the fetus (due to the large amount of folic acid) and reduce the severity of toxicosis and beriberi.

The benefits of red currants for men

For men, red currant berries are interesting because they prevent early baldness and prostatitis, and also allow you to preserve sexual functions. Due to the fact that red currant improves blood circulation, the use of fresh berries in food has a positive effect on potency and libido.

Redcurrant is recommended for use by men who are engaged in hard physical labor, because due to its beneficial properties, it contributes to accelerated recovery of the body, increased endurance and strengthened the heart muscle.

The benefits of red currant for children

After seven months of life, children can be given red currant berries in the form of puree in small quantities. In the absence of allergic reactions in the future, the number of berries can be gradually increased.

For children, the benefits of red currants are to strengthen immunity, reduce the possibility of beriberi and improve blood composition. Vitamin B, contained in large quantities in berries, has a positive effect on the formation of muscle tissue and the nervous system, improves concentration and memory. Also, the use of red currant is used as a natural and painless way to prevent constipation and stabilize bowel function.

Red currant harm

Despite the large number of useful properties, in certain situations, red currants can adversely affect the human body.

According to WHO recommendations, a healthy person is not recommended to eat more than 400 grams of berries per day. The use of red currant berries in large quantities at a time can provoke allergic reactions, as well as malfunctions in the digestive tract. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, are advised to completely reduce the amount of treats consumed per day to 50 grams (5).

For some categories of people there are certain contraindications. Limiting the use of red currants is recommended for people suffering from:

  • pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers in the acute stage, since red currants are filled with organic acids that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • allergic reactions, since all berries containing red pigment in their color carry a special danger for allergy sufferers;
  • absolute intolerance to the product;
  • cholelithiasis, since the properties of the berry can stimulate the shift of stones, which will lead to serious pain.

Owners of sensitive tooth enamel should be especially careful. The presence of organic acids in the composition of red currant berries can stimulate the occurrence of pain. In any case, after eating fresh berries, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water.

Application in medicine

To maintain good health, you can simply eat fresh red currants as a snack or dessert. However, the healing properties of berries will be more effectively revealed in medicinal products prepared from several ingredients.

In case of malfunctions in the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, based on water and berries, you can prepare an infusion for constipation. Fresh diuretic currant juice diluted with water will help get rid of edema and sand in the kidneys. An anti-inflammatory decoction of red currant berries and leaves will help reduce pain in the event of inflammatory processes, for example, with cystitis.

In home cosmetology, the healing properties of red currants have also been actively used. Various anti-cellulite scrubs are prepared on its basis, and currant puree acts as a reliable assistant in the fight against the hated “orange peel” on the hips. Currant berry hair masks help to increase the elasticity of the hair and strengthen it from the inside, with results visible after just a few applications.

Application in cooking

Red currant berries do not lose their useful qualities in the preparation of culinary dishes. Moreover, treats prepared on the basis of berries are distinguished by their diversity and sophistication. From red currants, you can make homemade marmalade, jam, sauce, pie filling, liqueur, liqueur or fruit drink. Also, red berries will be a great addition when decorating ice cream or fruit and berry dessert.

Red currant jelly

The classic redcurrant jelly recipe is a simple and unusual way to surprise the household. Fragrant and refined dessert consists of only two ingredients and impresses with ease of preparation.

Red currant1 kg
Sugar1 kg

Put the berries in a saucepan, rinse thoroughly, add sugar to them, and then mix well for 10 minutes. After the juice is released from the berries, and the mass acquires a mushy consistency, put the pan with the berries on a high heat and continue to stir constantly. Next, stir the berry mixture intensively over high heat for 10 minutes. Then take it off the heat and rub it with a spoon through a sieve into another pan. After that, pour the jelly that has not yet thickened into jars and, without closing them, cool to room temperature. As soon as the jelly hardens, serve it on the table, decorating with fresh berries.

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Red currant ice cream

The most pleasant way to escape from the summer heat is a gentle and refreshing ice cream. Redcurrant ice cream is a special summer dessert that can be prepared both at the table and left in the freezer in case the midday heat breaks out.

Red currant225 g
Sugar225 g
Water150 ml
Heavy cream300 g
Egg whites4 piece.

Pour sugar with water in a saucepan and put on moderate heat until completely dissolved. Once the syrup is clear, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. Rinse the red currant under clean water, and then rub it with a spoon through a sieve to a puree-like consistency. Beat the egg whites to firm peaks. After that, carefully add the sugar syrup to the resulting protein mixture and beat until a dense mass is obtained. Whip the cream in a separate bowl. Carefully pour the cream into the sugar-protein mass, add the pureed berries and mix gently. Place the prepared mixture in the freezer. Once the ice cream has hardened, divide it into serving bowls and serve.

How to choose and store red currants

The most important feature of redcurrant berries that you need to pay attention to when choosing them is color. It should be uniform, without inclusions. The presence of white and green spots indicates the immaturity of the berries, which will adversely affect their taste.

It is recommended to store currants in the refrigerator. It will keep its freshness for a week. The shelf life of berries can be extended if they are washed immediately before consumption, and not before. You can also increase the shelf life of currants by freezing or drying them. In this case, the shelf life will increase to 1 year.

Popular questions and answers

Nutritionist Irina Kozlachkova answered the most common questions about red currants.

What is the difference between red and other types of currant?

Today, black, red and white currants are distinguished. Red currants are distinguished by a red tint of berries, a very weak aroma, a more sour taste, and juicy fruits. Red currant bushes are more compact. Blackcurrants can be distinguished by the purple-black hue of the berries and the strong smell. The composition of black currant has a higher content of ascorbic acid, which affects its taste: it is sweeter, it does not have a characteristic sourness.

Is frozen red currant healthy?

In the process of freezing, red currant berries are similar in chemical composition to freshly picked berries and do not lose their beneficial properties. Proper freezing of red currants will preserve its healing properties, appearance, taste and aroma for a long time.

What are the benefits of red currant leaves?

Red currant leaves have the same healing properties as berries. They are also filled with phytoncides, esters, tannins and vitamin C, so they have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic and diuretic properties. In folk medicine, it is customary to steam currant leaves, insist, cook infusions from them, which serve as worthy helpers in the treatment of various diseases.

Sources of

  1. Makarkina M. A., Golyaeva O. D. Biochemical evaluation of berries of new varieties of red currant for their further use in breeding for improved chemical composition of fruits. Horticulture and viticulture. 2020. (2). pp. 28-33, 676/0235-2591-2020-2-28-33
  2. AgroAtlas: Ribes rubrum – Red currant,
  3. Karomatov ID, Rustamova G. Yu. Medicinal properties of currant // Biology and Integrative Medicine. 2018. No. 5,
  4. James LJ, Funnell MP, Milner S. An afternoon snack of berries reduces subsequent energy intake compared to an isoenergetic confectionery snack. Appetite. 2015. Dec. 95:132−7. Doi: 10.1016/j.appet. 2015.07.005. Epub 2015 Jul 7. PMID: 26 162 950.
  5. Fruit and vegetables — your dietary essentials. The International Year of Fruits: the WHO’s recommended daily intakes. 2020,

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