Смородина Ранняя сладкая является одной из самых распространенных садовых культур, выращиваемых в России. Это объясняется тем, что сорт нетребователен к природным и почвенным условиям, не нуждается в особом уходе. Кустарники сорта имеют красивый вид и дают урожай в виде ярко-красных плодов с выразительным кисло-сладким вкусом.
Description of red currant Early sweet
The variety of Early red currant was bred by breeders N. Smolyaninova and A. Nitochkina in 1963. In 1974, it was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements and recommended for planting in such regions as the Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, East Siberian and Central.
The main characteristics of shrubs of the red Early sweet currant variety are:
- height – up to 1,5 m;
- кусты – компактные, полураскидистые, со средней интенсивностью роста;
- shoots – without edging, medium thickness;
- почки – одиночные, плотно прилегают к веткам, имеют средний размер, серо-коричневый цвет и вытянутую форму;
- листья – 3- или 5-лопастные, среднего размера, с мелкозазубренными волнистыми краями;
- семена – мелкие;
- ягоды – достигают 0,5-0,9 г, имеют средний размер, насыщенный красный цвет и освежающий кисло-сладкий вкус
Ягоды округлой формы при отрыве остаются сухими, что облегчает процесс сбора урожая. Кисти в длину могут достигать 10 см с учетом размера черешка.
The variety has early maturation and is self-fertile, pollinated from its own flowers.
The variety of red Early sweet currant is represented by low shrubs, with fruits of bright red color, which have a pleasant dessert taste. The prevalence of Early sweet currant is associated with the predominant characteristics of the variety, appreciated by gardeners in Our Country.
Drought resistance, frost resistance
Сорт хорошо переносит низкие температуры и адаптирован к резким продолжительным похолоданиям до — 30 °С. Сильные морозы могут привести к промерзанию корневой системы и снижению уровня урожайности.
Red early sweet currant is drought tolerant. But in the period from the formation of flowers to the ripening of berries, it is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture. Irregular watering and lack of rainfall adversely affect growth and fruiting. Excessive moisture content adversely affects the state of the root system of shrubs.
Productivity of the variety
Early sweet currant is undemanding to growth conditions, but only with enhanced fertilizing can a good yield be expected. With proper care, the annual collection from one currant bush can reach 8 kg. The same figure for industrial cultivation is 12 or more tons per hectare. The main share of the harvest is provided by young shoots, no more than a year old, the fruiting of which lasts from 4 to 6 years. On branches older than 6 years, the volume of berry formation is reduced, so they are removed first.
Ripening of berries occurs simultaneously. They stay on the branches for a long time and do not require urgent collection. Even overripe fruits are edible. But excessive delay in harvesting the early sweet variety leads to roasting of berries in the sun and a decrease in their sugar and vitamin content.
Redcurrant has good storage and transportability. The main disadvantage of the early sweet variety is the “blowing” of berries, the diameter of which decreases from the base of the brush to its top.
Application area
Variety Early sweet red currant is characterized by a high content of pectins, which contribute to the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal system, remove toxins from the body, prevent inflammation, slow down the formation and development of neoplasms. The use of red currant berries helps to remove excess salt from the body, increasing sweating.
The fruits of red early sweet currant tolerate transportation well. To store the berries of this variety, drying and freezing methods are used. Frozen, useful properties are stored for 3 months. Longer storage at sub-zero temperatures leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of berries.
Dried berries are considered a semi-finished product. The drying process is carried out in special cabinets. The shelf life of berries harvested in this way is 6 months.
While maintaining a high level of humidity, freshly picked fruits can be stored without any processing in the refrigerator for 20-45 days. To increase the shelf life of fresh berries, it is recommended to pick them slightly unripe.
Timely harvested fruits are used to prepare:
- sauces;
- preserves;
- compotes;
- marmalade;
- jams;
- pie fillings.
Pros and cons of the variety
Currant bushes are quite compact and do not take up much space on the site. The advantages of the early sweet variety include the following quality characteristics:
- high yield;
- dessert taste of fruits;
- undemanding quick collection after ripening;
- winter hardiness
Еще одним преимуществом сорта красная Ранняя сладкая является невосприимчивость к воздействию вредителей и болезней во время созревания плодов.
The disadvantages include excessive growth of young shoots and the dependence of the yield on the quality and nutritional value of the soil.
The variety loves sunny windless places with fertile soil and a low level of groundwater. Does not tolerate shade and heavy clay soils.
Methods of reproduction
Размножить красную Раннюю сладкую смородину можно несколькими способами:
- Layers. Near a suitable bush loosen the soil. Grooves are dug from the central part of the shrub under strong shoots aged 1-2 years. The branches are bent and laid in grooves, fixed with iron staples made of wire. The depth of the furrows should be 5-7 cm, and the length should correspond to the size of the branches, which are sprinkled with earth, leaving only the tops above the surface.
По мере того, как побеги будут расти, их периодически присыпают почвой. При достижении ростками длины 10-12 см проводят их окучивание. Почву необходимо все время поддерживать в увлажненном состоянии. Заземленные ветви отрезают от основного куста в конце сентября и аккуратно выкапывают. Ветви разделяют на части, количество которых должно соответствовать числу сформированных и укоренившихся побегов. Слабо развитые отводки сорта Ранняя сладкая доращивают в течение года, остальные высаживают в почву.
- Woody cuttings. At the end of August or at the beginning of September, sanitary-rejuvenating pruning of red sweet currant bushes is carried out, during which several healthy shoots are selected, all foliage is removed from them and divided into parts about 20 cm long. The upper cut should be straight and pass over the kidney, the lower oblique cut is carried out under the kidney. Leave 4 buds on each shoot.
The cuttings are treated with root-forming stimulants and ground into loose nutrient soil for rooting at an angle of 45 °, leaving 1-2 buds above the surface. A distance of at least 10-15 cm is left between the planted cuttings of the red Early sweet currant. The beds are regularly watered and periodically mulched with mature compost or peat. If the planting of the cuttings was late, they are covered first with spruce branches, and then with a non-woven covering material to protect against frost. In order for the moisture level to be optimal, the soil is covered with a black film and only then the cuttings are planted, making holes in it. The earth will thus be protected from drying out, and the cuttings will form a root system much faster.
- Green cuttings. In June, during the period of the most intensive appearance of shoots, the shoots are cut along with part of the maternal branch. Then they are cut in such a way that the length of the shoot is 5-7 cm, and the branches on which it grew are about 4 cm. The lower leaves are removed so that they do not interfere with planting. The finished cutting is planted, placing part of the old branch horizontally and deepening it into the soil by 3-4 cm. The young shoot should be located vertically. The beds are watered, moistening the soil to a depth of 7 cm, and mulched. It is necessary to shade the planting from the hot sun. Cuttings are planted at a permanent place of growth in a year.
- By dividing the bush. This method helps in the case when a bush needs to be transplanted to a new place. To do this, they dig it out, after cutting off all the old and damaged branches. The roots are shaken off the ground and cut into pieces with a sharp shovel. A young bush of Early sweet currant is divided in half, and 3-5 parts are obtained from adults.
Each delenka is buried in the soil 5-7 cm deeper than the uterine bush was located before. Green seedlings are shortened, leaving 15-20 cm above the soil. Until the moment when the delenki take root, they must be watered frequently and abundantly daily.
Planting and care
In order for the bushes to grow well and bring forth a harvest, it is necessary to pay great attention to the choice of a planting site and soil preparation. The plot begins to be cultivated a couple of months before planting seedlings. It should be well lit, because the lack of sunlight in the berries of the Early Sweet Redcurrant berries will reduce the sugar content, and the overall yield will be low.
Young bushes need to be protected from the wind. To do this, it is recommended to plant them along walls, hedges or fences, retreating 1,2 m from the fences.
На участках, склонных к подтоплению, саженцы Ранней сладкой смородины не приживаются или вырастают очень слабыми. Чтобы избежать застоя воды, на поверхности земли рекомендовано сделать дренажное покрытие. Почва должна быть слабо кислой, суглинистой, супесчаной или средне- и слабооподзоленной.
The optimal time for planting red currants of the Early Sweet variety is at the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. When planted at a later period, the seedlings will not have time to take root and die. The size of the pit should be 0,4 m wide and 0,5 m deep.
The pit is covered with soil mixed with a nutrient mixture prepared from the following components:
- 7-9 kg of manure or compost;
- 200 g superphosphate;
- 35 g of potassium sulfate.
Pour 2 liters of water, mulch with wood shavings or sawdust. The distance between seedlings should be 80 cm and 2,5 m from fruit-bearing trees growing in the same area. Between the beds maintain a distance of at least 1,5 m.
Care for seedlings of the Early sweet red currant variety after planting includes several stages:
- Top dressing. Held in the spring. During planting, ready-made mineral mixtures or organic fertilizers are applied in the form of humus or horse manure.
- Watering. На каждый куст красной смородины сорта Ранняя сладкая расходуют 1 ведро воды утром и вечером 2-3 раза в неделю. В период плодоношения и образования цветочных почек, когда формируется урожай следующего года, смородину необходимо часто и обильно поливать.
- Pruning. It is carried out in April, before bud break, or in autumn, after picking berries, before the first frost. The procedure helps to rid the Early sweet red currant of diseases and increase the yield and size of the berries. During planting, for faster growth, seedlings of the variety are shortened by 1/2-2/3 of the length. Branches should be cut at the very surface of the soil, leaving no stumps. Remove old and damaged branches, as well as those that creep along the ground.
To increase the yield and prevent the harmful effects of diseases and insects, early sweet redcurrant bushes are recommended to be thinned out regularly. Do not cut many young branches at the same time. Old branches are cut alternately every year. With proper pruning, each currant bush should grow 2-3 branches of all ages – 2 annuals, 2 three-year-olds, 2 ten-year-olds. There are about 15-20 branches in total.
- Preparation for winter. Кусты красной смородины сорта Ранняя сладкая укрывают от холода только в самых морозных регионах страны. Их предварительно пригибают к почве и накрывают сосновым или еловым лапником, фиксируя укрытие досками или кирпичами. В регионах с умеренным климатом сгребают и сжигают листву после листопада. Ее можно использовать в качестве компоста, выкладывая под большой слой почвы или торфа. Около кустов землю перекапывают на глубину не более 5 см, далее – чуть глубже, чтобы не повредить корни смородины. Мульчируют почву торфом или резаной соломой. Ветви связывают, чтобы они не повредились под тяжестью снега.
- Rodent protection. Includes digging of trunk circles and row spacing in order to destroy mouse holes. The lower part of the trunk is tied with sedge, reeds or spruce branches, needles down. It is not recommended to use currants for these purposes, as it attracts mice.
With proper care, each bush of Early Sweet Red Currant can be harvested well. So that the branches do not lie on the ground under the weight of the berries, stakes are driven under them and horizontal slats are fixed. Shoots with a large number of fruits are tied up, protecting the branches from possible breaks.
Pests and diseases
The variety of red early sweet currant is resistant to most diseases and pests.
В практике садоводов чаще всего встречаются следующие серьезные заболевания сорта:
- Американская мучнистая роса (сферотека). Fungal pathogens form a powdery spider web, affecting the shoots, fruits and leaves of the currant. Every 10 days it is recommended to treat with ammonium nitrate, mullein infusion and soda ash.
- Antraknoz приводит к образованию на листьях бурых пятен, покрывающихся впоследствии черными точками и блестящими бугорками, содержащими споры грибков.
- rusty septoria manifests itself in the appearance of orange swellings on the leaves of the red early sweet currant. When the disease starts, berries and shoots are exposed to fungal infection.
- Белый септориоз causes the formation of gray cones with a brown edging on the leaves. With further reproduction of pathogenic fungi, the tubercles are covered with black spots of spores.
- Terry (reversion) causes genetic anomalies in the development and formation of all plant parts of the Early sweet currant. Instead of 5-lobed leaves, 3-lobed leaves appear with reduced teeth along the edges.
To combat fungal pathogens, currants are treated with special preparations. It is also recommended in the autumn to prune the bushes and destroy all fallen leaves. This will prevent further spread of the disease.
Insect pests often contribute to the spread of various diseases. The most common include:
- Currant goldfish – intrastem pest. To eliminate it, cut out and burn all the shoots in the fall, since they are the wintering ground for the larvae.
- Glassmaker – is capable of destroying the entire crop, lives in the middle of the branches and is difficult to destroy.
- Aphid leaf – sucks juice from currant leaves and leads to their severe deformation.
- Currant moth kidney – lays eggs in the green berries of the variety, in which the caterpillars then eat out the seeds. The buds are also damaged and die without blooming.
- Ognyevka – entangles the berries with cobwebs and destroys them en masse.
- Tick of the web откладывает тысячи яиц на молодую листву. Через 7 дней из них появляются личинки, которые опутывают листу паутиной и питаются ее соками. Листовые пластинки покрываются микроскопическими точками, позже полностью покрываясь мраморной сеткой.
- The Mite – affects only the buds of red early sweet currants. Adult female ticks overwinter in large buds that become leathery, lighter in color and appear to be swollen.
- Pale-legged sawfly – самки откладывают яйца в виде цепочки с нижней стороны листьев. Через 6 дней появившиеся личинки объедают всю листву, оставляя только прожилки.
- Gooseberry moth. Voracious caterpillars eat all currant foliage along with veins.
Getting rid of the red currant variety Early sweet from most pests is carried out by agrotechnical methods – digging the site, destroying damaged plants and their parts, as well as treating currant bushes with drugs such as Karbofos and Fitoferm.
Смородина ранняя сладкая широко распространена и любима садоводами за богатство вкуса, обильную урожайность и неприхотливость. Отличительными преимуществами сорта являются ранние сроки созревания ягод и плодоношение кустов в течение многих лет. Выращивание Ранней сладкой смородины доступно даже не имеющему опыта садоводу.