Chrysanthemums are incredibly beautiful flowers that amaze with a wide variety of varieties. They are perennial and annual, tall and short. They also differ in the flowering period, the size and shape of the peduncles and, of course, their color. There are white, pink, yellow, purple, blue and red chrysanthemums. There are also combined colors, for example, red-white or white-blue.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

Red chrysanthemums will decorate the backyard with their bright appearance and lush flowering.

Are there red chrysanthemums

There are a large number of varieties of red chrysanthemums in the world. They differ in the form of inflorescences and original shades of red – burgundy, raspberry, wine, ruby, carmine, scarlet and purple.

Comment! Looking at red chrysanthemums is not only a pleasant experience, but also good for health. Red color improves blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system and memory.
Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

Bright red flowers will not only decorate the garden, but also charge their owner with cheerfulness and energy, giving a piece of rainbow mood

Varieties of red chrysanthemums

The following varieties of spray red chrysanthemums are especially popular with summer residents and florists:

  1. “Tedca Red”.
  2. “Toshka Red”.
  3. “Rebonet”.
  4. “Dublin”.
  5. “Managua”.
  6. “Lipstick”.
  7. “Red Riding Hood”.

Each of them has its own characteristics, but at the same time they have a similar shade.

Tedcha Red

A distinctive feature of the variety are red petals twisted into a tube. Tedcha Red is especially popular with florists. Bouquets are made from cut flowers, as they are highly resistant after being cut.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

Many gardeners note the great similarity of the Tedcha Red variety with a sunflower

Toshka Ed

A variety with a very original and unusual color. The central part of the inflorescence is painted in a bright green color, smoothly turning into yellow. The edges of the petals are red. Chrysanthemums of this variety look very impressive in bouquets and decorative compositions. Toshka Red is popular with florists due to the high resistance of cut shoots.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

Hybrid “Toshka Red” fascinates and surprises with its unusual color


Tall cut hybrid of Indian selection. The average height of flower bushes is 110-120 cm. The foliage of the plant is very dense, dark green in color. Peduncles solitary, voluminous, red (fiery) tone, about 16-18 cm in diameter. Rebonnet is mainly grown in greenhouse conditions. In open ground, the hybrid develops rather poorly, therefore it is not recommended for planting.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

The Rebonnet variety is grown mainly as a cut to create bouquets and floral arrangements.


The height of the bushes is 60-70 cm. The color of the foliage is rich green. A characteristic feature of the Dublin variety is flowers with elongated petals of a bright crimson color.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

A scattering of bright crimson flowers fascinates with its tenderness and beauty.


Undersized Korean hybrid. The bushes are quite strong, no more than 40 cm high, with a thick “cap” of silver-green leaves. The flowers are terry, lush, bright dark red color. Their diameter does not exceed 6 cm. The flowering period of Lipstick chrysanthemum is September-November.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

Spherical bushes of the Lipstick variety occupy a special place in the decorative design of the garden

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood is a mid-sized early Korean hybrid. The bushes are lush, 70-80 cm tall, with multiple shoots. Flowers are terry, copper-red tone. Through the petals, the core of a golden yellow color is visible. Flowers diameter – 8-10 cm. Budding lasts from July to October.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

The underside of the petals of “Little Red Riding Hood” has a yellow-orange color.

Red chrysanthemums in landscape design

Chrysanthemum pleases with its bright flowering until the first snow falls. That is why many gardeners consider her the “Queen of Autumn”. Due to the wide variety of varieties with different flowering periods, it is popular with landscape designers. With the help of chrysanthemums in the backyard, you can create beautiful summer and autumn flower beds and flower beds.

They combine flowers on flower beds by color, making out monophonic or multi-colored decorative ensembles. Red chrysanthemums look spectacular on green lawns.

Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

By adding varieties of contrasting colors (yellow, snow-white, purple), you can create interesting compositions.

Yellow, pink, white and red chrysanthemums can be used to make flower arrangements that will help add bright and exuberant colors to the autumn garden. Single plantings of these flowers look quite beautiful and expressive in the garden. Their solo placement will look spectacular in the center of the garden lawn.

Red chrysanthemums in bouquets

In the language of flowers, a bouquet of red chrysanthemums “speaks” of affection, hot and passionate love of the donor in relation to the person being presented. According to floral etiquette, they are recommended to give them to emphasize the importance and solemnity of the current event or to tell a close and dear person about their feelings.

They look impressive both in monochrome compositions and in complex combinations with other flowering and ornamental plants. Harmoniously combined in bouquets with roses, gerberas, lilies, carnations, gypsophila, hydrangeas, alstroemerias, ferns.

Advice! An original and sophisticated bouquet can be made from red chrysanthemums of different varieties, with small and large inflorescences, various shades of red.
Red chrysanthemums: photo, description and varieties

You can choose flowers that will be in harmony, and make a bouquet out of them, you can do it yourself or seek help from floristry specialists


Red chrysanthemums are successfully used in landscape design. They look great in the garden, both in single plantings and next to other ornamental plants. Also, these “flowers of the sun” are used in floristry to create a variety of compositions. Of these, holiday bouquets are often collected in flower shops.

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