Red caviar seafood salad recipe
Shrimp, caviar and melon salad
Salad with seafood, caviar and homemade mayonnaise
This dish is perfect for a light aperitif; serve it in transparent bowls or wide glass glasses.
You will need; – 200 g squid; – 12 cocktail shrimps; – 2 medium-sized sweet and sour apples; – 2 tablespoons of red caviar; – 0,5 cups wild rice; – 1 tablespoon lemon juice. For the sauce: – 1 yolk; – 1 tablespoon lemon juice; – 0,5 cups of olive oil; – 0,5 teaspoon of sweet mustard; – salt.
Cook the squid and shrimp fillets. Peel the shrimp, leaving the tails, cut the squid into strips. Boil the wild rice, drain, and chill the cereal. Peel the apple, cut into very thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Make homemade mayonnaise. Mash the yolk with mustard, pour in the olive oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat the mixture. Add lemon juice and salt.
Put rice, apple slices and chopped squid meat in bowls. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise and decorate the dish with red caviar. Arrange the shrimp around the edges with the tails up. Serve the salad well chilled.
Read also an interesting article on how to prepare a salad with squid and cucumbers.