Red Blood Cells (RBC)

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Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are one of the cellular (morphotic) elements in the blood. Erythrocytes are marked with the symbol RBC and are the main morphotic component of blood. They are produced in the bone marrow.


Erythrocytes colloquially known as red blood cells, they fulfill the transport role by carrying oxygen from the lungs (it gets there during respiration) to the tissues, where it is used in the metabolic processes of cells. It is possible due to the presence of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Protein does Home, i.e. a chemical compound with the properties of binding oxygen in the lungs and releasing it under appropriate conditions. They also transport carbon dioxide – from the tissues where it was produced by energy production, to the lungs, from where we get rid of it by exhaling the air. Erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow thanks to the erythropoietin secreted by our kidneys (their lifespan is about 120 days). Under normal conditions, the number of red blood cells depends on several important factors, including age, sex and food (diets) consumed. It is worth mentioning that the number of red blood cells can drop rapidly during pregnancy.

When do we do the erythrocyte test?

1. RBC is the basic health assessment test, carrying out a balance sheet.

2. In case of weakness, fatigue, infection.

3. Heavy menstrual bleeding in women.

4. Pale skin, split nails and hair, palpitations, decreased immunity (recurrent infections).

5. Diagnosis of anemia manifested by: drowsiness, pale skin, faster heart rate and constant fatigue.

6. Suspicion of bone marrow diseases (the number of red blood cells increases or decreases depending on the condition of the bone marrow).

7. The designation is used as an anti-doping test. A high red blood cell count can be caused by taking a prohibited doping drug, e.g. erythropoietin.

8. Suspicion of certain cancers, eg kidney cancer.

9. Determining whether the body is hypoxic.

Red blood cell count – study

Material for the examination of erythrocytes: plasma.

Preparation for the test: fasting is not necessary.

The course of the examination of erythrocytes: a single blood sampling from a vein in the arm by pricking it with a disposable needle. The material is collected into a special test tube. After blood collection, apply pressure to the puncture site for several minutes to prevent bleeding.

Time to wait for the result: 1 Day.

Standards: 3,6-5,0 x 1012/ l in women and 4,2-5,4 x1012/ many men. In children, normal values ​​change with age. The reference ranges may differ depending on the laboratory where the assay was performed, therefore the usual normal values ​​are given together with the test result.

Comments: The red blood cell count is an integral part of the blood count. The number of red blood cells depends on age, daily diet, gender, and rest. Women should not test during their menstrual period as this may affect the test habit!

Norms for the number of red blood cells

We consider the erythrocyte numbers on the basis of a given period of life:

  1. adults – women 14,0-5,2 x 1012 / l;
  2. adults – men 4,5-5,9 x1012 / l;
  3. 1.-3. day of life 4,0-6,6 x 1012 / l;
  4. 1st week 3,9-6,3 1012 / l;
  5. Week 2: 3,6-6,2 x 1012 / l;
  6. Week 3 3,6-6,2 x 1012 / l.
  7. 1st month 3,0-5,4 1012 / L;
  8. 2nd month: 2,7-4,9 x 1012 / l;
  9. 3.-6. month 3,1-4,5 1012 / l;
  10. 7.-24. month 3,7-5,3 x 1012 / l;
  11. 3.-6. rock 3,9-5,3 x 1012/l;
  12. 7.-12. rock 4,0-5,2 x1012/l;
  13. 13.-16. one year – girls 4,1-5,1 x 1012 / l;
  14. 13.-16. year – boys 4,5-5,3 x 1012 / l.

Increased red blood cell count (erythrocytosis)

Erythrocytosis is caused by:

  1. polycythemia and dehydration,
  2. tissue hypoxia,
  3. preparations with antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and immunodepressive effects,
  4. high production of erythropoietin,
  5. staying at high altitudes for a long time (the tissues are then supplied with less oxygen than under normal conditions; the body responds by producing an excessive amount of red blood cells); hypoxia also occurs in people with congenital heart disease, pulmonary heart syndrome and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),
  6. chronic cigarette smoking,
  7. tumor,
  8. kidney cystic disease,
  9. hydronephrosis,
  10. the production of substances that stimulate the production of red blood cells (this happens, for example, when a kidney tumor develops and produces erythropoietin),
  11. taking medications that have the side effect of stimulating the production of more red blood cells, such as methyldopa and gentamicin.

Any abnormal erythrocyte test result should be consulted with a doctor. In addition to assessing the test results, the specialist also takes into account the general condition of the patient, symptoms and the result of other parameters measured in the blood count.

Low red blood cell count

When is the blood count low in red blood cells?

  1. in anemia, which is usually caused by insufficient iron which is needed for the production of red blood cells (iron deficiency anemia). Also, the lack of ingredients such as vitamin B6, B12 as well as copper and folates can cause anemia. Another type of anemia is haemolytic anemia, which occurs when the body begins to destroy red blood cells, for example after a blood transfusion. Anemia can also be a symptom of various ailments, e.g. kidney diseases, RA, hemorrhages. It also occurs in pregnant women;
  2. due to overhydration,
  3. during the breakdown of erythrocytes due to toxic and immunological elements,
  4. when taking preparations – quinidine, chloramphenicol, hydantoin preparations, preparations used during chemotherapy.

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