Red beet wine at home

Most people associate wines with fruits, but in some cases, vegetables can also be raw materials. To verify this, it is enough to make beetroot wine at home. It turns out a good drink with an original taste. The recipe is slightly different from traditional winemaking methods, but at the same time it is simple and straightforward.

For beet wine, I advise you to take medium-sized roots with a uniform dark color. They must first be cleaned of rot, cutting out all the problematic parts. Even a small spoiled piece will spoil the whole drink.


  • red beets – 2 kg;
  • water – 4 liters;
  • sugar – 1,5 kg;
  • raisins – 150 grams (or other sourdough);
  • prunes – 200 grams (optional).

Prunes are added so that the wine has an original flavor, but you can not use it.

The main difficulty in making wine from beets is to start fermentation. This requires wild yeast (after welding, they will not remain on the beet itself). The problem is solved by pre-made sourdough for wine from fresh grapes, raisins or homemade apples.

beetroot wine recipe

1. Cut the well-washed beets into small slices along with the peel.

2. Put the slices in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil.

3. Cover the pan with a lid, boil the beets for 90 minutes over low heat (the beets should become soft), then cool to room temperature and strain through cheesecloth. The pulp is no longer needed.

4. Add 500 grams of sugar, prunes and the selected sourdough (from grapes, raisins or apples) to the resulting beetroot juice. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

5. Bandage the neck of the container with gauze, put for 2-3 days in a dark place with a temperature of 18-28°C.

6. If signs of fermentation appear (foam, hiss, sour smell), pour the wort into a fermentation tank (fill up to a maximum of 75%) and install a water seal. An alternative is a rubber glove with a small hole in the finger (pierce with a needle).

Red beet wine at home
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

7. Store the container in a dark, warm (18-28°C) place. 2 days after installing the water seal, add 500 grams of sugar. To do this, drain 1 liter of wort, dissolve sugar in it and pour the syrup back into the wort. After another 4 days, add the last portion of sugar (500 grams) in the same way.

8. After the end of active fermentation (the must has become lighter, the water seal does not blow bubbles for several days or the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the young beetroot wine from the sediment through a straw into another container. Taste, if desired, add more sugar or fix with alcohol (vodka) in an amount of 2-15% of the volume. Fill the containers with wine to the top, close tightly so that there is no contact with oxygen.

9. Transfer to a dark cool (5-16°C) place. Withstand 2-3 months. Over time, the taste of wine will improve.

10. Before bottling, the wine is once again removed from the sediment. When stored in the basement in hermetic containers, the shelf life is up to 2 years. Fortress – 10-12%. The result is 4-5 liters of homemade beetroot wine with a pomegranate hue, which eventually becomes carrot. The taste of the drink is difficult to compare with other wines. I recommend serving before meals to increase appetite.

Red beet wine at home

1 Comment

  1. حتی بخودمون زحمت ندادید مطلبی که ترجمه !!!کردید یکبار بخوانید تا بفهمید چه اراجیفی رو بجای ترجمه نوشتید.اگر بلد نیستید حال بقیه رو خراب نکنید.دنبال کلمه میگردم که پیدا نمیکنم بشما بگم .بهتره برید؟ تجربه و تمرین کنید بعد وقت مردم رو بسوزانید. حالا افتاد ؟فکر نمیکنم معنی این حرفها بدونید. مان

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