Red beans are always a welcome guest on the dining table

Red beans came to us from South America many years ago and have since become firmly established in our menu. There are many varieties of this product – white or red beans, spotted, black, even yellow beans. But the main competitors among the species are, of course, white and red varieties.


Beans are high in calories, but despite this, they are an exceptional dietary product: it harmoniously combines a high protein content, a small amount of fat, as well as a myriad of trace elements and beneficial compounds that are indispensable for ensuring the normal functioning of the human body.Red beans are always a welcome guest on the dining table

Small red beans are characterized by a high content of vegetable protein, which, unlike its animal counterpart, is perfectly and easily digested. Dietary fiber, which is part of the bean grains, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract system and stimulates the process of normal digestion. Beans, white or red when eaten, help to normalize the heart rhythm, help to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and as a result, reduce the risk of developing blood clots.

In addition, legumes significantly speed up the metabolism, provide the body with enough energy, but do not lead to weight gain.

It is impossible not to note the positive effect of beans on the condition of the liver: the substances contained in the grains help cleanse the organ, restore its cells, and speed up metabolism.

Video “Useful properties”

From the video you will learn about the beneficial properties of beans.

Red beans. Music beans

Useful Properties

Despite their nutritional value, as already mentioned, beans are often included in the diet menu. This is possible due to the record low fat content and high protein and fiber content. Once in the body, they give a feeling of fullness for a long time, as dietary fiber is digested slowly.

Fiery red beans are especially useful for those who fast or follow the principles of vegetarianism: bean protein is very close to the animal in its composition.

In addition, beans have the ability to lower blood sugar levels, so they are often recommended for people suffering from various degrees of diabetes.Red beans are always a welcome guest on the dining table

But this is not all the useful properties characteristic of beans. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart muscle, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, and also helps to activate the hematopoietic function.

Obviously, beans are an extremely healthy and nutritious vegetable that has no analogues.


Fiery red bean belongs to climbing plants, the length of the stems of which can reach 5 m. The flowering period stretches from mid-June and lasts until the first frost. Legumes are quite thermophilic, so it is better to choose sunny areas for their cultivation. The soil should be well fertilized, loose and well drained. Culture prefers abundant watering at the beginning of its development immediately after planting. As the plant grows, watering should be gradually reduced to a minimum.Red beans are always a welcome guest on the dining table

Before sowing, the seeds must be properly prepared: soak for a day in clean water at room temperature. Sowing in open ground can be done when the slightest threat of night frost has finally passed. The scarlet bean of the Red Riding Hood variety grows quite quickly, and choosing weaving varieties, it can be used as hedges for vertical gardening of a personal plot or garden.


The culture does not need special or special care, just choose the right place for planting, observe the temperature regime, and also do not forget to choose the right soil composition. A little later, climbing varieties will have to be tied to pre-installed supports. That’s all, only infrequent top dressing and occasional watering remain. Beans grow, it seems, on their own, bringing a rich harvest to even the laziest gardener.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow beans.

Growing beans. How to grow beans?

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