Do you know the color of your aura? The concept is closely linked to esotericism. It is an outline that surrounds all living things on earth. Each person diffuses a halo although they are not aware of it.
Their colorations are different from one individual to another. The disparities arise from the energy flows that the body and the mind capture on a daily basis.
Based on the colors, we can guess what difficulties the person is facing.
Some of your interlocutors, for example, broadcast a dark emanation. We will then be able to take the necessary predispositions during the conversation. But, does the red aura correspond to what meaning?
How to see the red aura?
The red aura is noticeable through countless methods. I do know, however, that some people have the ability to perceive the colors of a halo of people without the use of a particular process. These individuals often suffer from synesthesia.
In any case, this is a research result from an article by the Science presse agency (1). If you are not a synaesthet, you should use techniques reserved for the general public. In particular, there is meditation.
Other methods achieve this goal. Indeed, the body also contains chakras.
On the forehead, it will correspond to the third eye. By regularly fixing a person on this part, you will be able to gradually distinguish the colors of his aura.
The problem is, the person will take a dim view of the way you look at them.
To see the color of your aura, you can also stand 1,5 meters from a mirror. Just make sure you have a white background on the back. Shadows should also be avoided as much as possible. By practicing this maneuver every day, you will intensify your uric sight.
A person can perform a calculation as much to discover the color of his aura. She will take the letters of her name. Then, just match the numbers with the alphabet. After an addition, you will get a single digit.
Another approach consists in adding between them each of the digits of his date of birth. The result for a person born on October 10, 1990 is 22.
An individual has a red aura when the numbers display the number 1. That said, I find that these are a bit far-fetched theories since there is no real connection between my identity and the will have.
Anyway, I’m the skeptical type. However, first names also have their own meaning.

Where does the red aura come from?
Red has existed since Antiquity. It already had value even during the Roman conquest. He is also assimilated to the god of war based on mythology.
Rest assured though, because the Red Aura doesn’t mean you’re belligerent. You just have great mental energy. In addition, you can be confident in your physical ability.
To return to the origin of red, it was already visible on the clothes of hunters, military leaders and gatherers of the time.
On time, it is assigned at birth. Red has different meanings like love. It is also possible to mention the power per extension. (2).
Red also symbolizes danger or urgency. It is for this explanation that we can find the color on a red cross or on the accessories of the professionals of the rescue.
This characteristic has been kept in our memories for centuries.
In another vein, the person will eat to nourish their body. Natural materials also attract profiles with a red aura.
We can for example speak of leathers or furs. This special love for the skin has been inherited from the previous centuries.
What are the characteristics of a subject with a red aura?
Energetic and positive
A person with a red aura is both energetic and positive. The presence of red indicates that you are a man or a woman of action.
When other people stall on the steps that aim to realize an idea, you have the means to carry out the project. In other words, you don’t waste your time dreaming and weighing the pros and cons.
This calm character is, on the other hand, a drawback. Indeed, you do not really know the functioning or the rules of an activity.
The same observation should be mentioned after the launch of the project. You don’t even waste time reading instruction manuals.
A person with a red aura also appears as an adrenaline-craving individual. She likes the risk and is not afraid to put herself in danger.
That being said, it should always be kept in mind that these beings will always know how to differentiate dangerous situations. Red also marks sensuality, hence their need to fulfill physical desires.

A sense of responsibility
On the professional side, you are passionate about the things for which you are responsible. It is therefore conceivable to say that you are productive beings.
In addition, your indefatigable character will have a heavy task in carrying out a job.
As previously alleged, they love it when their hearts are racing with adrenaline. It will be a way of feeling alive. So you love extreme sports activities or situations that put you in danger.
In addition, you like to control events and you don’t trust third parties. You also have a particular attraction for adventure.
People with a red energy field are often powerful. And, they don’t deprive themselves of the material things in life. They thus regularly meet their physiological needs.
Red is directly related to the root chakra. It begins from the foot to the brain, passing over the organs of the central meridian. It is therefore called upon to connect the person with nature. (4).
What are the different colors of the red aura?
When you look in the mirror, you notice that sometimes the colors red take on different appearances.
They are unlike their habits in terms of saturation or brightness. In simple terms, here’s what you might see for a dark aura:
- Anger
- Frustration
- Trauma
- exhaustion
When we talk about anger, we tend to believe that it is the result of a situation close to the present. For example, an argument has broken out with a loved one, so you can feel anger. The aura can notice these buried anger and changes its perception for some time.
To revive the color of the aura, it is advisable to engage in various physical exercises such as yoga in order to better manage the emotions. (5).
It also turns dark colors because you feel tired. Even if you were tireless, I recommend a short break every now and then.
Meditation and chanting are also alternatives to make its emanations more powerful. (6). So this means that by working on the spiritual side you will feel tremendous changes in your lives.

What are other interpretations of the red aura?
Red can be combined with other tones or not. Here’s all you need to know:
Pure red
When you see that the red is pure, then you are doing your job perfectly. In addition, it is organized.
If you perceive other colors, you might be worried. You may also be tempted to enrich yourself with unorthodox means, even if it means using violence. (7)
Light and dark red
In the presence of a light red, your vital energy is deficient. Melancholy awaits you in your daily life.
Dark red indicates a rage that you are having trouble controlling. The subject can also become selfish.
Vermilion red
When the emanation is vermilion red, the subject is not very intelligent. And he has a superficial nature.
He is more concerned with what people around him think and how he looks. This leads to claiming that he has a layer of egocentricity.
The final word
A person sends a vibration on a daily basis. The vibration felt will depend on the color of its aura. Depending on what the eye perceives, we are attracted or closed in on ourselves.
Have you ever met a person and felt a weird and inexplicable thing around them? Know that people with a red aura have heightened premonitions.
Yet they knowingly put themselves in danger on their own initiative. To ensure a pure aura, I recommend engaging in activities like meditation.
assalomu aleykum men ham tug’ilgan kun va yilimni qo’shib o’z aura rangimni qizil ekanligini bilib oldim lekin bu qanchalik tug’ri agar noto’g’ri bulsa buni aniqlashning boshqa yo’li bormi?