Red and black pureed currants without sugar

Pureed currant without sugar is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. With this method of processing, it retains all the useful substances. The amazing aroma and sour-sweet taste of this dish are loved by children and adults. Currant puree is perfect for sweet pastries or as a sweet and sour sauce. The pureed berry is easy to prepare, does not require special equipment or skills.

Red and black pureed currants without sugar

Useful properties of grated currants without sugar

Blackcurrant has a record content of vitamin C. According to this parameter, it competes with lemon and orange. Red is a recognized leader in the content of vitamin A.

The benefits of mashed black and red currant puree without sugar:

  • can be used as a multivitamin in the winter;
  • strengthens the protective functions of the body;
  • improves appetite, stimulates the work of the digestive tract;
  • promotes purification and reproduction of blood;
  • tones and relieves fatigue;
  • rejuvenates the body, reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • improves the cardiovascular system;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • soothes inflammatory processes, including in the joints;
  • acts as an antipyretic and diaphoretic;
  • in diabetes mellitus, it is the most valuable source of vitamins, organic acids and potassium, which is responsible for the normalization of water and acid metabolism. Regular use of the product significantly reduces the negative impact of the disease on the body.
Attention! On an empty stomach, mashed currants without sugar should not be consumed. Excessive passion for the product can cause an exacerbation of diseases such as gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers.


To prepare pureed currants without sugar, you need fresh berries. Ripe berries should be sorted out. Remove leaves, tails, rotten and moldy specimens. Rinse well in a colander under running water. Leave the container with berries on the side of an empty saucepan for 30 minutes to let the water glass. Then proceed to the manufacture of mashed currants without sugar.

Recipe for mashed currants without sugar

Pureed currants can be made in several ways. Transfer the washed berries of red or black currant to a deep saucepan or stewpan and crush with a metal or wooden crush. Then put the mass into a frequent metal sieve and rub through it with a spoon or spatula. It will turn out a homogeneous puree without skins and almost without seeds.

For a large number of berries, you can use a meat grinder or an immersion blender. A mixer with a whisk attachment is also suitable. The slaughtered mass in small portions must be rubbed through a sieve, from time to time removing the skins and seeds remaining in it. If desired, the skins and seeds can be left. Crush currants well or kill with a blender – a natural product is ready for use.

You can use a juicer with a pulpy juice attachment. The product will be homogeneous, without foreign impurities. The remaining mass of skins, seeds and pulp can be used to make delicious currant jam.

Red and black pureed currants without sugar

Caloric value

Black and red currants, mashed without sugar, have a low calorie content. 100 grams of puree contains only 46 kcal. At the same time, the nutritional value of the product is high – 2 tablespoons completely fill the body’s daily need for vitamins A and C. Regular consumption normalizes metabolism, so currants are indicated in the treatment of obesity. Currant mashed without sugar perfectly cleanses the body, is a product of a healthy diet. It helps to solve the problem of excess weight and has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

Terms and conditions of storage

Pureed red or black currant without sugar is a perishable product. It should be stored only in the refrigerator in a clean glass container with a tightly closed lid. Shelf life – 24 hours.

To preserve tasty and healthy puree for the winter, it should be frozen or sterilized.

  1. For freezing, the finished mashed potatoes are decomposed into small containers, previously washed. It is advisable to take food-grade plastic that can withstand temperatures from +100 to -30о C. Close the lids tightly and put in the freezer. Frozen grated currants are stored for 6-12 months without losing their beneficial properties.
  2. For canning in jars, put the mashed berries in an enameled or steel bowl, put on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce flame and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Sterilize jars, boil lids. Pour boiling puree into jars and roll up. Leave under the covers to cool slowly. Such a product can be stored for up to six months in a cool, dark place.
How to make redcurrant puree for the winter.

Important! Frozen pureed berries should not be re-frozen or refrigerated. Portions should be calculated for a single use.


Pureed currant without sugar has become a tasty and healthy treat. It can be served on the dessert table with tea or coffee, as well as a spicy sauce for meat dishes. This easy-to-cook preparation is widely used in home cooking. From it you can get excellent fruit drinks and jelly, jelly and cream for cakes, marmalade and spicy or spicy sauce. With strict observance of storage conditions and processing methods, you can enjoy the natural taste of fragrant berries until the next harvest.

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