Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Currant is an unpretentious berry shrub that grows well in different regions. When choosing a plant, the quality of berries, productivity, winter hardiness are taken into account. The best blackcurrant varieties for the Urals perfectly tolerate the climatic conditions of this region. For planting, varieties with red and white berries are also chosen.

Features of currant varieties for cultivation in the Urals

For cultivation in the Urals, zoned currant varieties are chosen. Such plants have been tested and are well adapted to the weather conditions of the region. Many of them were bred by breeders from the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.

The best currant varieties for the Urals have the following characteristics:

  • large-fruited;
  • self-fertility;
  • high and stable yield;
  • good taste of berries;
  • resistance to spring frosts;
  • high immunity to diseases;
  • resistance to winter frosts.

To get a high yield of currants in the Urals, it is important to choose a suitable place for the bush. For culture, a sunny place on the south or west side of the site is suitable. During the growing season, plants are provided with care: top dressing, bush formation, preparation for winter.

The best varieties of blackcurrant for the Urals

Blackcurrant is valued for its tasty and healthy berries. The plant prefers loose fertile soils. Before planting a crop in the Urals, humus and river sand are introduced into the soil. Its life span reaches 15 years or more.

Attention! Many blackcurrants are self-fertile. However, to increase yields, at least two varieties that bloom in the same period are planted nearby.


The variety bears fruit in mid-late periods. The plant is medium in size, slightly spreading. Its branches are straight, yellowish in color. The fruits are large, spherical, up to 1,5 g in size. Scope of application is universal.

Bagheera is characterized by high winter hardiness and precocity. The shrub is drought tolerant. The main drawback of the culture is that it occasionally suffers from powdery mildew. The yield is about 3,6 kg. Fruits are stored for a long time and transported without problems.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Mid-season hybrid, which is a medium-sized shrub. Its fruits are large, with a maximum weight of 2,2 g. Their shape is round, the skin is black and shiny, the content of seeds in the pulp is average. The taste is rated as refreshing, sour. The scope of application is not limited.

Currant Gross valued for resistance to frost, disease and pests. The bush is self-fertile, annually brings up to 3,7 kg of berries. The disadvantage may be the spreading shape of the plant, which requires regular pruning and tying of shoots.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals



This late fruiting hybrid forms a tall shrub with straight shoots. Its berries are large, with an average weight of up to 4 g, of the same size, black, with a slight coating on the skin. Seeds are small, light brown. The taste is rated as excellent, dessert.

In the Urals, currant Hercules brings a high and stable harvest. It is not demanding on the composition and fertility of the soil. Its ovaries do not fall off after frost. The main disadvantage is the need for protection against kidney mites.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


A well-known variety, bred by Sverdlovsk scientists, which has high winter hardiness. The self-fertility of the culture reaches 67%. The plant is compact, forms straight powerful branches. A young seedling gives a moderate harvest, as it grows, fruiting increases.

The flowering and maturation of the shrub of this variety in the Urals fall on medium terms. Its berries are round, large, weighing from 2 to 6 g. They are quite one-dimensional, have a dessert taste. Variety Globus is well propagated by cuttings. In rainy summers, it is susceptible to powdery mildew and requires additional treatments.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


A dense, medium-sized bush, which in the Urals brings a crop in an average time. Its berries are large, weighing from 2 to 6 g, spherical and one-dimensional, with black skin. Their taste is excellent, sweet, rated at 4,9 points. Self-fertility is increased, about 65%.

Currant Dashkovskaya stably bears fruit. The shrub does not freeze in winter. It has increased resistance to most fungal diseases, but spraying from septoria and bud mites is required.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

green haze

Mid-season representative of culture. It is a slightly sprawling bush, the branches of which are gray-yellow, straight, of medium thickness, berries weighing 1,6 g are spherical, black, with a glossy skin. When they are separated, the juice does not stand out.

The taste of currant Green haze is sweet, with slight sour notes. The crop productivity is high and stable. The scope of use is universal. The plant is resistant to winter cold and powdery mildew, but requires regular spraying from the bud mite.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Miass black

Mid-season currant, approved for cultivation in the Urals. The plant is thickened, moderately spreading. Its shoots are brown, slightly deviated. Fruits of 0,9 g are spherical, one-dimensional, sour-sweet.

The variety has a decent self-fertility – about 70%, as well as immunity from anthracnose. Its productivity is up to 3,3 kg, the culture tolerates the Ural winters without any problems. The disadvantage is the small size of the fruit.

Advice! Currant tolerates winters in the Urals better if the bush is spudded with earth and humus.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


A variety known in the Urals, which bears fruit in the late period. The bush is vigorous and fast-growing. Plant productivity is high and stable from year to year. The berries are enlarged, weighing up to 5 g, collected in loose brushes. Their skin is thick, but not rough. Overripe currants improve their taste.

Variety Pilot is well propagated by cuttings and layering. Seedlings take root quickly after planting. The plant is not susceptible to powdery mildew, does not attract bud mites.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Pygmy is a sweet variety of blackcurrant for the Urals. Its fruiting takes place in the middle terms. The bush grows moderately. Its shoots are strong, straight, slightly sprawling, light green. The currant is very large, weighing from 2,3 to 8 g, spherical, for dessert purposes. The skin of the berry is quite thin, black.

Variety Pygmy has a high productivity. He has a good immunity to fungal infections, but spraying is required from a kidney mite and septoria.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


An early maturing variety, has the appearance of a medium-sized shrub. Its branches are powerful, curved. The currant is large, weighing from 3 to 7,5 g, spherical, one-dimensional, has a black skin, thin, the pulp is sweet, with a small content of seeds.

The plant is winter-hardy, its yield reaches 3 kg. Care for the Rusalka variety in the Urals necessarily includes treatments for diseases and pests.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Mid-season compact variety. Its branches are thick, light brown, arranged straight. Due to late flowering, the shrub does not suffer from spring frosts in the Urals and brings one-dimensional large fruits weighing up to 2,5 g, which remain hanging on the branches for a long time after ripening. The taste of berries is dessert.

Currant has high winter hardiness, successfully bears fruit without pollinators. Its maturation is simultaneous, not extended in time. The variety grows on any soil, resistant to diseases and pests. Mature plants are sometimes damaged by bud mites.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Chelyabinsk Festival

Mid-season hybrid, forms a crown of medium size. Its branches are thin, green, curved. Berries weighing up to 2 g are rounded and one-dimensional. Their taste is sweet, with sour notes, the purpose of the variety is universal.

Currant Chelyabinsk Festival winters in the Urals without any problems. Its yield is stable, about 4 kg. The shrub rarely gets sick, resistant to bud mites. The main disadvantage is the insufficiently large size of the fruit.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

The best varieties of red currant for the Urals

The fruiting period of red currant reaches 25 years. At the same time, they are quite compact and do not take up much space on the site. In the Urals, the crop is harvested in July. Ripe fruits remain hanging on the branches for a long time.


An early maturing variety. Forms a tall, spreading bush with numerous shoots. The branches of the bush are strong, flexible, medium in size. The berries are large, weighing up to 2 g, with a red glossy skin, sweet pulp, without sourness.

Currant Rapture is winter hardy and productive. The plant is unpretentious, bears fruit in any conditions, has a high immunity to diseases. Ripening is simultaneous. The purpose of the variety is universal: fresh consumption and processing.

Important! Red currants are rich in vitamins A, C and P, iron, pectin and tannins.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Garnet bracelet

The culture forms a bush somewhat sprawling, of medium strength. Its height reaches 2 m. The currant is bright crimson in color, oval in shape. Its size is 8 – 12 mm, weight – up to 4 g. Long brushes contain up to 10 berries, the skin of which is glossy, of medium thickness.

The pulp of the variety Pomegranate Bracelet is juicy, with a pleasant sour taste. Productivity – high, reaches 12 kg. Harvest is used for making juices and compotes. The plant is resistant to drought and cold.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Variety Ilyinka of the middle period of fruiting. In the Urals, it grows into a dense spreading bush. Its branches are straight, thick, green. Currant size 1 – 1,5 g, one size, spherical shape, dark red. Its purpose is universal.

The plant brings a stable harvest: up to 5 kg. Its winter hardiness is increased. The shrub is self-fertile, able to form ovaries without the participation of pollinators. Shoots are rarely affected by anthracnose and powdery mildew, do not attract sawflies and other pests.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Harvest late currant for the Urals. Shrub of medium size, thickened, with spreading branches. Grows well in both sunny and shaded areas. It is not picky about the composition and fertility of the soil, it does not suffer from anthracnose and powdery mildew.

Variety Marmeladnitsa brings high-quality berries weighing up to 0,8 g. Their shape is flat-round, the skin is orange-red, with noticeable streaks. The pulp is sour, has a gelling effect. Currant hangs on branches for a long time, does not crumble even after autumn frosts.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Vigorous shrub with many branches. They are of medium thickness, green in color. Foliage – matte, large, wrinkled. Currant is large, one-dimensional, the mass of the berry exceeds 1 g. Its pulp is sweet, with a sour taste.

Variety Dream is winter-hardy enough for the Urals. Its productivity is increased, up to 7 kg. Self-fertility rates are high. Powdery mildew symptoms are rarely diagnosed on shoots. Regular spraying helps to solve the problem.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Dense bush of medium vigor, which forms a crop in the middle period. Its shoots are not thick, straight, green. The fruits are large, spherical, slightly elongated, their weight is in the range of 0,7 – 1 g. The scope of use is universal.

The shrub is self-fertile, brings up to 4 kg of berries. It has increased resistance to frost. In the field, Natalie’s currant is resistant to diseases and pests. An adult bush becomes more spreading. Under the weight of the crop, the shoots tend to the ground, so they build a support for them.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Lights of the Urals

The redcurrant of the Lights of the Ural variety has the appearance of a tall thickened bush. The branches of the bush are thin, green, curved. The fruits are of high quality, of the same size, weighing up to 1 g. Their skin is scarlet in color, the pulp is sweet, with sourness.

The winter hardiness of the variety is rated as high. Productivity is up to 7 kg. Self-fertility reaches 50%. The plant is not subject to fungal diseases. The area of ​​use of fruits has no restrictions.

Advice! Red currants need a lot of free space. Between the bushes withstand at least 1 m.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


The fruiting of the Dawn currant falls on the middle period. Her bush is of moderate strength, slightly sprawling. The branches are thin, green. The berries are spherical, with a thin red skin. The scope is universal.

In the Urals, the Rassvetnaya variety tolerates winters well, does not suffer from pests and powdery mildew. The disadvantage is the insufficiently large size of the fruit. Their weight does not exceed 1 g. Otherwise, the plant demonstrates high productivity and unpretentiousness.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Currant Sugar got its name due to high-quality and sweet berries. The bush is vigorous, with straight-growing branches. Up to 4 kg of crop is harvested from it. The leaves of the shrub are bright green, medium-sized. The berry is ready for harvest early. The use of its dining room.

The fruits are in elongated racemes up to 9 cm long. The currant is intense red in color and flat-round in shape. The winter hardiness of the culture is high, the plant is not attacked by insects.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Ural Beauty

Medium-sized shrub with a large number of shoots. They are powerful and slightly curved. Fruits are formed large, one size, spherical. Their pulp is sweet, dessert, contains few seeds.

The yield of the Ural Beauty variety is very high – up to 15 kg. The bush is winter-hardy, stably bears fruit, is not subject to powdery mildew. It is occasionally affected by sawflies and moths, therefore it needs insecticide treatments.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

The best varieties of white currant for the Urals

Whitecurrant produces beige or yellowish berries. Outwardly and in taste, the shrub resembles varieties with red fruits. The plant develops well in the conditions of the Urals. It bears fruit in July and until late autumn.

Belaya Potapenko

A variety of medium early maturation. Shrub slightly spreading, with branches of medium size. Its foliage is bright green and glossy. The brushes reach 5 cm. The currant is leveled, spherical, weighing 0,5 g. The peel of the fruit is white-yellow, the pulp is sweet with a sour taste.

White Potapenko has a high winter hardiness. The flowers withstand the temperature drops in spring, which often happens in the Urals. The bush bears fruit annually. The ovaries can form without pollinators.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Versailles white

Currant Versailles white, bred by French breeders, has been known since the end of the 1th century. It forms a medium-sized bush with spreading branches. Even its annual shoots are thick and green. Berries larger than XNUMX cm are located in elongated brushes. Their shape is spherical, the flesh is yellowish, the skin is transparent.

Versailles white is rarely affected by powdery mildew, but needs to be sprayed against anthracnose. The cold hardiness of the plant is above average. Its shoots are brittle and require careful handling.

Advice! In order for the bush to bear fruit well, it is fed with mineral fertilizers or organic matter.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


Currant Smolyaninovskaya is harvested in the mid-early period. Shrub with abundant shoots, slightly spreading. Its branches are strong, shiny, light green. Fruits weighing 0,6 – 1 g of spherical or oval shape. Their flesh and skin are whitish and transparent.

The variety has good cold resistance. Its self-fertility is at an average level, the presence of pollinators positively affects the yield. Usually, when grown in the Urals, a bush brings up to 5,2 kg of berries. Resistance to diseases and pests is increased.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals

Ural white

The bush is thickened, its shoots are slightly sprawling. Branches – light green, flexible, not thick. The weight of the berries does not exceed 1,1 g, they are of the same size, spherical in shape. The skin color is yellow, the flesh is sweetish. The variety was created specifically for growing in the Urals.

Ural white gives the crop in the middle early period. Up to 7 kg of fruits are removed from the shrub. The plant is self-fertile, resistant to powdery mildew. In some years, symptoms of anthracnose appear.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


The Yuterborg currant was brought to the Urals from Western Europe. The crown of the culture is thickened, sprawling, hemispherical in shape. Its shoots are strong, gray in color, curved. The leaf plate is rough and dense, with pronounced lobes.

The shape of berries larger than 1 cm is spherical, slightly flattened on the sides, their color is creamy, almost colorless. The Yuterborg variety is widely used for processing. Its productivity is increased, reaches 8 kg. Resistance to diseases and pests – average, increases due to preventive treatments.

Red and black currants: the best varieties for the Urals


The best varieties of blackcurrant for the Urals bring a good harvest of quality berries. They have winter hardiness and develop without problems in the climatic conditions of the region. For planting choose varieties with black, red or white berries.

122. The best varieties of the CURRANT for replacing old bushes

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