Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

Currant is the leader in the content of ascorbic acid. It is also rich in natural pectins and organic acids. The composition of the mineral complex makes the fruits of this shrub useful and in demand for anemia and beriberi. Blackcurrant during pregnancy can become a source of essential calcium, as well as strengthen the immune system and help improve blood counts.

Is it possible for pregnant women to black and red currants

Pregnancy is a state of a woman’s body when any food can have a noticeable effect. They talk about the benefits or harms of currants during pregnancy, implying the influence of the components of the composition.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

During the period when the female body is being rebuilt, using all the resources in order to bear a healthy child, it is necessary to properly plan the diet, include all kinds of useful elements rich in vitamins and minerals.

This group of products includes a variety of berries. Each of the varieties may be contraindicated in the diagnosis of specific diseases in pregnant women. If there are no contraindications, then the benefits of blackcurrant for a pregnant woman become undeniable. Currant acts as a general tonic, is a natural complex of vitamins and minerals.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

What is useful black and red currant for pregnant women

Blackcurrant contains vitamin C, B vitamins, provitamin A, which is necessary for pregnant women. The sugars in currants are glucose and fructose. The composition is supplemented with glycosides, organic acids, flavonoids, natural pectins. Among the mineral composition, the content of potassium and calcium is increased. In addition, the berry contains essential oils, which give the fruits and leaves a recognizable aroma. The black variety is recommended for pregnant women in the absence of contraindications as a product with multidirectional effects:

  1. For general strengthening of the immune system. Ascorbic acid as the main element of the composition helps to prevent the development of viral infections.
  2. For saturation with vitamins of various types. The complex of components is diverse: calcium, potassium, magnesium are needed to strengthen bones, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium are useful to improve blood counts.
  3. To normalize the digestive system. The tannin components of the composition of black currant help to get rid of flatulence, bloating.
  4. To normalize blood pressure. This property of blackcurrant is considered especially important during late pregnancy.
  5. To improve blood counts, improve brain activity. The components of the composition affect the condition of the vessels, prevent their fragility, increasing elasticity.

The red variety is also rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it contains vitamin E, among minerals, the content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus is increased. Redcurrant, in the absence of contraindications, is especially useful in early pregnancy, it contains slightly less ascorbic acid than blackcurrant, but the content of vitamins PP and vitamin A is increased, which is especially important for women with a short period.

Fruits with a dosed, regular intake can be a prophylactic that prevents anemia, fetal hypoxia during pregnancy. Redcurrant juice helps to reduce discomfort during toxicosis of pregnant women, it is taken in 1 tsp. after meals daily.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

In what form is it better to use currants during pregnancy

Black and red varieties are rich in natural pectin. This is a substance that contributes to the thickening of jelly, jam, jams. An excellent sweet and sour jam is made from currants, which can be stored for several years, subject to technological methods.

Preserved products have unique tastes and aromas, but the benefits of blackcurrant blanks for pregnant women are significantly reduced. After heat treatment and the addition of sugar, the berries lose more than a third of their useful properties. Jams and jams with a high sugar content can significantly change blood counts, increase blood sugar markers.

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend that pregnant women eat fresh fruits. A good option is to add low-sugar compotes, as well as freshly prepared fruit drinks or jelly, to the diet of a pregnant woman.

One option is to use mousses or jelly during pregnancy. Jelly made with freshly picked fruits is especially beneficial due to the content of natural pectins and antioxidants. Delicious dessert does not contain a lot of sweetener, and is also a great addition to the main menu.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

 Nutrition of pregnant women should be balanced. Black berries during pregnancy can be useful as part of compotes or assorted fruit drinks using other berries that improve the taste of drinks.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

How many fresh currants a day can a pregnant woman

If we talk about the benefits of currants for pregnant women, then you need to take into account the frequency and volume of food eaten. Regular consumption of berries leads to a general strengthening of the body, an increase in protective forces, a decrease in anxiety, and an improvement in mood.

It is recommended to consume no more than 20-30 berries daily. This amount is enough to satisfy the daily need for ascorbic acid. It is important to choose intact fruits, without punctures, cracks, dry areas. The berry should not be overripe, otherwise some of the beneficial properties will be lost.

Warning! Uncontrolled consumption of fresh berries can provoke heartburn and headache.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy

Precautions and contraindications

Blackcurrant during pregnancy is a source of vitamins, essential minerals, antioxidants, organic acids. Due to the high content of vitamin C, its fruits have a sour taste, which is characteristic of both black and red currants. The acids contained in the berries can have a negative effect in diagnosing stomach diseases during pregnancy.

  • This applies to pregnant women who had bowel problems prior to pregnancy. Citric, ascorbic, malic acids can irritate the inflamed walls of the stomach with gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis. These phenomena often provoke an intensive production of gastric juice, which, in turn, leads to heartburn. In more complex cases, spasms of the gastric walls occur. Therefore, the use of currants during pregnancy is minimized if the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed;
  • Currants during pregnancy in the third trimester can have a negative effect if the expectant mother suffers from constipation. At this stage of pregnancy, constipation becomes a frequent occurrence. The fetus disrupts the normal structure of the organs, creates pressure where it should not be. With systematic constipation in the later stages, currants are excluded from the diet. The berry has a fixing property, it helps with diarrhea, but is contraindicated for constipation;
  • A contraindication to taking blackcurrant during pregnancy can be thrombophlebitis, as well as increased blood clotting. Berries contain unique elements that affect blood counts, the number of blood cells, and contribute to the activation of blood flow. This property of blackcurrant during pregnancy during the 2nd trimester may become undesirable. The processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman are often a reaction to familiar things. Activation of the current in the blood with a slow response of the entire hematopoietic system leads to the appearance of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and vascular problems in the second half of pregnancy.
Warning! Fruit drinks with currants have a strong diuretic effect.

Red and black currants during early and late pregnancy


Blackcurrant during pregnancy is recommended for women who have no contraindications. Berries are a real storehouse of vitamins, essential minerals that contribute to the proper intrauterine development of the child. Micro and macro elements are necessary for the formation of the musculoskeletal system, ascorbic and folic acids, which are found in red and black varieties of berries, help the mother’s body fight viruses and infections.

CURRANT – USEFUL PROPERTIES | red, black currant benefits and harms,

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