Red alert: this fall will be healthy

Cold season is just around the corner. If you do not start preparing for it in advance, then the immune system will definitely take revenge. Let’s see what can be done now to emerge victorious from the fight against viruses.

Contrast shower for beginners

This simple habit strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Of course, provided that you do everything right. Here are the main principles of the procedure that should be followed:

  • start taking a shower in a well-heated bathroom with water at room temperature, do not make contrasting transitions in the first two weeks;

  • from the third week, add two contrasting transitions in one shower in the following mode: 20 seconds of warm water, 20 seconds of tolerably hot and 10 seconds of ice;

  • gradually increase the number of contrasts and their duration to your taste, but remember that the “hot” mode should always last longer than the “cold” one;

  • give up half measures: water at a temperature of 18–20 degrees is more comfortable, but this mode increases the risk of catching a cold and is useless for immunity; ideal hot water – 40 degrees, ideal cold – 12-15 degrees;

  • Always end your shower with a cold setting.

Vitamins for advanced

From the products in the supermarket, it is almost impossible to assemble a combo for immunity – something is always missing. Therefore, it is worth supplementing the diet with special supplements – this is the easiest and most effective way to get a daily dose of health. But be careful when choosing complexes for every day – trust only those manufacturers who use high-quality raw materials.

So, in certified supplements of the French brand Project V contains high-tech ingredients and natural active substances in the form of extracts with proven effectiveness and high bioavailability, that is, perfectly absorbed by the body. These capsules are gluten-free and GMO-free, and sophisticated aesthetes will love the packaging: its design is inspired by the works of the great modernists – Mondrian, Picasso and Van Gogh.

But there are a lot of products in the line, and a natural question arises – what additives to choose to activate the body’s defense systems, especially if each bottle seems very seductive and pretty? Pay attention to antioxidants, plant immunomodulators and energy tonics. These are capsules A, D and CH.

1Product A.

Antioxidant Complex protects cells from aging and damage caused by free radicals and helps the body create a shield against viruses, air pollution and ultraviolet radiation.

Assets included: polyphenol-rich grape seed extract, gingko biloba extract, selenium and beta-carotene.

2Product D.

Instead of hundreds of detox cocktails – two small capsules in a day. They carry out a “general cleaning” at the cellular level, stimulate the removal of harmful and toxic substances, and launch the reserve forces of immunity.

Assets included: cat’s claw (a liana plant, which is also called a safe herbal antibiotic), ginger (a natural immune stimulant).

3Product CH.

Energotonic fights chronic fatigue and charges you with strength and energy for a joyful and active life.

Assets included: eleutherococcus extract, spirulina (an organic storehouse of vitamins and minerals), guarana (increases physical and mental activity) and chromium picolinate (an indispensable participant in immune and metabolic processes).

Add to this additional pluses: convenient bottles Project V (almost flat, easily fit in the smallest clutch) and the capsule shell itself, consisting of plant substances, which will be especially appreciated by vegans and supporters of ecophilosophy.

Pulmonary gymnastics for the guru

The last and most important building block in your “cold barrier” is healthy lungs. For urban residents, their working volume often decreases, which can lead to serious complications after SARS. However, the problem is solvable.

The first way to help the lungs is with regular balloons. Inflate them every day: let this become your quirky and very useful hobby.

The second way is the correct breathing technique: switching from chest breathing to diaphragmatic breathing, with the stomach. So the respiratory system works three to four times more efficiently.

The rules are simple: when breathing, the stomach rises and falls, not the chest. Inhale a little faster, exhale slowly. Aim to take ten breaths and ten breaths per minute. At first, you may feel dizzy, but very soon the body will get used to the optimal amount of oxygen.

TOP 5 products that should be on your table

And finally – the five best foods for strong immunity.

  • Cabbage (sauerkraut, cauliflower, broccoli) – contains a lot of vitamin C.

  • Sweet pepper is a supplier of vitamin A, copper and zinc.

  • Ginger – rich in vitamin C and improves the taste of second courses.

  • Salmon contains important fatty acids, vitamin D and B vitamins.

  • Celery – increases resistance to viruses.

Good practices can be enjoyable. Choose the right one for you – and do not get sick!

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