Recovery after a frozen pregnancy
A frozen pregnancy is an unexpected and shocking event. It is important to remember that life does not end there, you can get pregnant again and bear a healthy baby. Recovery from a frozen pregnancy should be twofold: physical and psychological.
Physical recovery after a frozen pregnancy
After the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes treatment – cleaning. This is a quick procedure that takes place under general anesthesia. After cleaning, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers and discharged home the same day.
Recovery after a frozen pregnancy includes a temporary rejection of physical activity and intimate life
Here are some basic recovery tips:
- The first day after brushing should be spent in bed.
- For the next 2-3 days, stop doing any physical activity.
- There will be pain in the lower abdomen for several days, and this is normal. Do not tolerate them, but drink the pain reliever prescribed by your doctor.
- Do not use tampons to deal with heavy discharge after your procedure.
- Do not have sexual intercourse for at least 2 weeks.
- Use contraceptives and do not plan a pregnancy until your gynecologist gives the go-ahead.
If after brushing the discharge is so strong that you have to change the pads every hour or the pain does not stop even after taking the pain reliever, contact a specialist immediately. Also call your doctor if you have a high fever or discharge persists for more than 2 months.
Psychological recovery after a frozen pregnancy
Recovering psychologically is sometimes more difficult than recovering physically. This takes more time. Do not try to abstract yourself from the thoughts of an unsuccessful pregnancy, you can scroll them in your head, you just need to go through it. Do not withdraw into yourself. Try to communicate more with pleasant people – with your husband, with your parents, with friends.
Listen to funny music more often and watch movies only with a good ending
Spend your free time planning a new pregnancy. Think about what your baby will be like, get ready for his appearance. Almost all women after a frozen pregnancy can bear a healthy baby.
In order to return your body to its normal state as quickly as possible, you need to carefully follow all the instructions of the doctor. Also, you must not forget about your morale. If you find it difficult to cope with the disaster that has befallen you on your own, do not hesitate to seek help from a specialist.