Record of infections in Poland. “The scale may be several times greater”
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1587 cases of COVID-19 – today the record of infections in Poland has been broken. The greatest number of new infections was detected in Mazowieckie, Małopolskie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodships. Why are there more and more sick people? The virologist Dr. Tomasz Dzieścitkowski from the Medical University of Warsaw talks about the causes of the growing number of coronavirus infections.

Coronavirus: infection record in Poland

Daily high rates of new COVID-19 cases have been high for days. Many experts warned that we could expect spikes in infections in the fall. It didn’t take long – on September 24 and 25, we recorded the highest numbers of new infections. What does the virologist say about the current epidemiological situation?

– There is nothing strange in the increase in coronavirus infections – says Dr. Tomasz Dziecistkowski. – The number of infections may increase over time. I am not such a pessimist as prof. Gut, who said that if the number of infections in Poland exceeds 1000, it will be a drama.

What caused the increase in the number of new infections with the virus? – A thorough epidemiological analysis should be carried out to find out the cause of the increase in infections. It may be related to workplaces, weddings, mass events or the return of children to school – Dzieiątkowski said.

In turn, prof. In an interview with Wirtualna Polska, Simon said that people who do not comply with the applicable rules are to blame. – Instead of masks, people put on their helmets, as if they were getting ready for the next Battle of Grunwald, they do not wash their hands, they ignore social distance – he said.

Dr. Dzieiątkowski adds: – We have been testing symptomatic patients for three weeks. As a result, the current system ignores scanty or asymptomatic people. It can therefore be assumed that the scale of infections in Poland is several times greater. This is in line with trends across Europe.

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The virologist advises all Poles to follow the same rules as before. It is mainly about washing hands frequently, avoiding clusters of people, maintaining social distance and wearing masks.

– You have to be careful. If the flu season begins to overlap with these infections, it may be a heavy burden on the health care system, explains Dr. Dziecistkowski.

Coronavirus in Poland. Epidemic situation

Since the beginning of the epidemic in our country, infection has been confirmed in 84 396 people. 2392 patients died. 66 infected were cured.

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