Record mutant variant of the coronavirus from Africa
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In Africa, a variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been detected with as many as 34 mutations, some of which help it avoid antibodies generated by vaccines, according to the journal “medRxiv”. The variant was detected in three people flying from Tanzania to Angola. One of the mutations detected is E484K, also present in the Brazilian, British and South African variants.

  1. A new variant of the coronavirus has been discovered in three people from Tanzania
  2. The variant contains as many as 34 mutations, experts estimate – this is the most mutated COVID-19 strain of the so far discovered
  3. Tanzanian authorities have long argued that there is no coronavirus in the country. As of last April, there is no official data on the number of infected and dead
  4. Only in February this year, Tanzanian president John Magufuli admitted that his country has a problem with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic
  5. Magufuli died in March, possibly due to the coronavirus
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

The most mutated variant of COVID-19

A variant of the virus considered by experts to be a “variant of interest” (VOI) was discovered through routine checkups in three air travelers who arrived in Angola from Tanzania in mid-February. Experts believe it is the most mutated strain of COVID-19 in the world.

Of the 34 changes it found, 14 were affecting the spike protein, the part of the virus that it uses to enter human cells and cause disease. By comparison, the Brazilian variant has a total of 18 mutations, 10 of which are related to the spike protein, while the British variant has 17 mutations (eight in the spike protein).

A new variant named temporarily A. VOI. V2 also contains a disturbing E484K change – referred to as an “escape mutation” – that helps the virus defeat antibodies and appears in other worrying strains.

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Researchers from the Angolan Ministry of Health, Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the universities of Oxford and Cape Town, and the multi-institutional research body KRISP warned that the new variant required “urgent research”. There are concerns that new ‘super variants’ – such as the Indian and Brazilian variants – could extend the pandemic. In Brazil, COVID-19 is spreading uncontrolled, and in India, the number of new infections exceeded 300. daily. New variants were developed there – P1 from Brazil and the “double mutant” COVID-19 from India.

Coronavirus in Tanzania – Underestimated Data

Experts warn that Tanzania is “largely undocumented epidemic” with “several public health measures implemented.” The official number of cases in this country is just 509 infections and 21 deaths – probably the real numbers are much higher.

The Tanzanian government has denied the existence of COVID-19, and President John Magufuli called for prayers and the use of herbs – until his sudden death in March this year. According to the official version, the president died from heart disease, according to the opposition – from COVID-19. Experts are concerned about Tanzania’s “information vacuum” that makes it difficult to monitor potentially dangerous new mutations.

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There is concern that the dynamic spread of the virus will increase the number and potential danger of mutations – as the number of cases increases, the coronavirus has more and more opportunities to mutate to become more deadly, more contagious, and more efficient at avoiding antibodies.

Most of the variants of concern to experts seem to be related to the “British” B1 strain – however, it seems that the new A. VOI variant. V2 evolved from a different source.

Coronavirus in the world – over 800 new cases daily

Global daily case numbers are now at an unprecedented level since the peak of the pandemic last year – more than 800. infections daily. Young people are getting sick more and more often, there are also recurrences of people infected with new variants who have already contracted COVID-19.

New mutations in the coronavirus can make it difficult for the body’s immune system to recognize it, which has been prepared through vaccination or previous infection. The threat of new strains means that despite the introduction of vaccines, masks and social distance may also be needed in 2022. It is not clear when border controls will be relaxed. There is a concern that if a new variant emerges, further lockdowns may be necessary to limit and contain its spread.

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Studies have shown that current vaccines still work against the new virus variants, but may be less effective. Work on new vaccine variants is ongoing – it is possible that, as with influenza, you will need to receive a new vaccine from time to time.

In order to contain the pandemic, experts say it will be critical to both contain the situation in Brazil, India and other countries with a high number of cases, and to monitor it in countries such as Tanzania, where further undetected variants may have arisen. The more people who get vaccinated and the sooner this happens, the lower the risk that further dangerous variants will emerge. (PAP)

Author: Paweł Wernicki.

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