Recommendations of a psychologist when the question arises: what to do if everything infuriates?

Good afternoon, dear readers. Has it ever happened to you that for some reason everything starts to annoy? It can be people, animals, and the situation in the house. I think so, at least once in my life, but I literally had to lose my temper.

Therefore, today we will talk about what to do if everything infuriates. And how, in this state, to maintain relationships with close or not so people.

Causes of irritability

  • character traits;
  • problems at work;
  • conflicts in the family;
  • breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend;
  • financial instability, debts;
  • stress;
  • fatigue.

The first item on this list is character traits. This is no accident, since a huge number of people make excessive demands on others, events, and even personally on themselves. And then get upset when something doesn’t meet their expectations.

Perfectionism can be a potential cause of irritability. Fighting this is easy: let things and people be left out of your control.

Understand that not everything in life happens the way we want it to. And that’s okay! Making high demands on the events that take place, we run the risk of being disappointed. And when you do not expect much, you experience more joy from what you have. Take this as a rule — and irritability will not overtake you so often.

How to get out of a state where everything infuriates?

According to psychologists, the most important rule in the process of getting rid of this condition is to accurately determine the cause. It is possible to fight the symptoms for a long time without eradicating the root of the problem.

After analyzing the events and your reaction to them, you will determine why you became so irritable.

If you can’t do this on your own, ask people who have been with you for a long time, they will also have to notice changes in your behavior and suggest the correct answer.

In extreme cases, contact a specialist. Perhaps, having spoken out and listened to the advice of a psychologist, you will be freed from what has been bothering you for a long time. Accordingly, it caused irritation even at moments when, in theory, it should not have arisen.

But if close people are the reason for this mood, you will have to work hard. Since it is unlikely that it will be possible to move away from them, and it is not always possible to make changes in relations.

For example, if your husband or wife infuriates you, it is important to try to talk openly, heart to heart. Just not blaming, but trying to explain what exactly does not suit you, immediately offering options that would suit you, without causing so many negative feelings in response.


Recommendations of a psychologist when the question arises: what to do if everything infuriates?


If you have determined why you have become irritable, but, unfortunately, at the current moment you cannot do anything about it, switch the course of your thoughts in a different direction. It can be household chores, work, cooking, watching TV or thinking about the upcoming birthday.

Often when we are distracted from the exhausting thinking of a problem and do something else, our brain itself generates a radically new solution to get out of the situation.

Give vent to negative emotions

This is especially true for those who often suffer from irritability. Such people are periodically recommended to go to the forest and scream from the heart, run or jump alone, in extreme cases — beat a pear (more for men).

Cycling is a great option, as it not only burns calories but also changes the environment. It is better to provide an outlet for emotions than to drink sedatives. By the way, for more ways to deal with aggression, click here.

Accept current events as they are

If things don’t go according to plan, change it. Make it a rule that life is a dynamic process in which decisions are adjusted as you go. As you think and act, you will soon find yourself expecting less and getting more in return. It works, you just have to lower the bar a little bit.

Love and respect yourself with all the flaws and features

Otherwise, in addition to irritability, low self-esteem may also develop, resulting in problems at work, in communication with friends and family members.

If you feel that this is already happening to you, talk to people who are authoritative for you and those who inspire you to believe in yourself. And from those who constantly talk about your failure, you need to stay as far away as possible.

In general, follow this link to learn how to learn to love yourself.

Change the scenery

When you move away from those people and events that annoy you, you will definitely replace these thoughts in your head with new emotions, sensations and thoughts for some time.

Perhaps you have relatives or good friends in another locality whom you have not seen for a long time. Any change of scenery, even a walk in the park without a mobile phone, can bring positive changes in the emotional state.

Do sports

Oddly enough, but at the same time you train and make more stable not only the muscles of your body, but also morale. People who are constantly exposed to physical stress are more resistant spiritually.

In addition, sports are a great way to distract from any thoughts, while focusing solely on the exercises.

Recommendations of a psychologist when the question arises: what to do if everything infuriates?

Control your train of thought

Our thoughts are the source of mood and behavior. If you learn to think about the right things, it will be almost impossible to piss you off. And this is a very useful skill, both in career development and in family life.

Just see that thoughts have acquired a negative color — urgently start thinking about something good, important for you and positive.

Take charge

Make it a rule: “I am solely responsible for what happens in my life. I am the cause of all failures and victories. Nobody owes me anything.»

When you learn to live by this principle, it will become easier for you morally. After all, often it is unjustified expectations from other people that are the cause of disappointment.

After all, only you choose what to eat, what to wear, what to watch or listen to, with whom to be friends and conduct common business. But why then do most people get used to half or even more of their ambitions and plans based on the support and help of others?

Why not stop waiting for “weather by the sea”, and start acting on your own, taking responsibility for your actions? Thus, providing yourself both financially and emotionally.

Fill your everyday life with pleasant things and positive

You know exactly what gives you joy — let it into your life. If this is a trip to the cinema or a museum, go ahead. Perhaps you haven’t seen your best friend for a long time — feel free to pick up the phone and invite her to a meeting.

Or, someone needs help — give a hand, just like that, without expecting gratitude in return. Having done this, you will see how your attitude towards many things will instantly change due to this very good deed.


And finally, I want to remind you, dear readers — prevention is cheaper and more effective than any treatment. Try not to let the feeling arise when everything infuriates you.

And if you notice, stop it at the very beginning, using the recommendations of experts. And then your life will immediately return to normal.

Goodbye friends!

Also, we recommend reading an article about ways to raise your mood.

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich

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