Recommendations in case of hot weather

Recommendations in case of hot weather

High temperatures represent an assault on the human body. The vessels dilate and sweating increases to cool the body. Some people feel the effects of heat more and are more susceptible to headaches and fatigue like children or the elderly. Here is how to protect yourself from the adverse effects of high heat.

Wear bright, light clothing

In the event of extreme heat, the lightest clothes are to be preferred. To be as comfortable as possible, clothing should not be too tight. This allows you not to feel hampered in your movements but also to avoid blood circulation problems, such as the feeling of heavy legs.

Light, loose clothing will limit sweating because it will allow the skin to “breathe” more. Light-colored clothing will prevent you from storing trop heat. 

It should be noted

Do not hesitate to let the children wander around in their underwear, especially during nap time. They will be more comfortable and this will protect them from heat stroke. On the other hand, as soon as they are outside, make sure to protect them with light clothes and the most covering possible, in order to protect them against heatstroke.


Stay indoors and cool

During the hottest hours, i.e. between 12 p.m. and 16 p.m., it is advisable to stay indoors and not to expose yourself to the sun and heat. 

Take the opportunity to rest, to play in peace with the children or to take a nap.

To keep accommodation as cool as possible, it is advisable to:

  • Close shutters, windows and curtains as soon as the outside temperature rises,
  • Draft fresh air as soon as the outside air is cooler,
  • Use fans, even if they do not help reduce the temperature of a room.

In hot weather, infants, young children and seniors should expose themselves to the heat and the sun as little as possible. In case of exposure, remember to take a parasol with you as well as a hat.


To drink a lot of water

Our body uses a large part of the water consumed to overcome the most important reactions (sweating, blood circulation, breathing, etc.). When it’s hot, we sometimes breathe faster, sweat more, etc. Even if the rooms are air-conditioned, care should be taken to drink well throughout the day. As the heat causes a lot of water loss, you have to constantly think about staying hydrated. Normally, it is advisable to drink at least 1,5 liters of water per day. On a hot day, it is recommended to increase to 3 or 4 liters of water per day per adult. If you’re worried about not drinking enough, keep a large bottle handy and make sure you’ve finished it twice at the end of the day. 


  • Prefer water at room temperature to ice water which can cause many inconveniences due to the temperature difference.
  • Outdoor workers and athletes should remember to drink very regularly.

Prevent dehydration

Infants, young children and the elderly are most at risk of dehydration. It is advisable to encourage them to drink small amounts of water very regularly. The elderly, particularly prone to hyperthermia (= the body can no longer maintain its temperature at 37 °, cramps, redness and a strong desire to drink are the first signs but the body may no longer sweat, you can have headaches and hot, dry skin), must protect yourself from the heat. Here are some tips to follow: stay indoors, cool, drink plenty, eat enough, apply damp cloths to your face and arms. 

Recognize the signs of dehydration

For adults and the elderly: dizziness, dry mouth and nose, and reduced urination.

For infants: severe thirst and dry childbirth, eyes circled and as if “sunken” in the sockets, dry mouth, absence of tears, fontanelles more pronounced than usual.1

Avoid sweating too much

In hot weather, the smallest activity we can do makes us sweat more. It is not recommended to play sports in hot weather. The heat is all the more difficult to bear in the event of heavy sweating (= hyperhidrosis). In case of hyperhidrosis it is advisable to avoid stimulating drinks, spices or alcohol which increase the temperature of the body.


Adapt your diet2

To reduce the risk of dehydration, diet, like water consumption, should be adapted to changes in temperature. Vacationers, workers, children and the elderly are encouraged to consume more foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables. Only people with diarrhea should not follow this type of diet.

Fruits and vegetables rich in water  

  • Fruits: apple, orange, banana, tomato, watermelon (= watermelon), peaches
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli



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