Recommendations for organizing the correct daily routine of a person

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! In order to always be in good shape, have time to fulfill the plans and feel cheerfulness and joy in the morning, you just need to organize the correct daily routine for everything. Because, in violation of biological rhythms, health and well-being necessarily deteriorate, this even affects mood and the ability to enjoy life. And if it so happened that you are a little «lost» from the course — it does not matter, today we will look at ways that will help you create a daily routine that is right for you.

By the way, before compiling your daily routine, I recommend that you look at the article with the rules that successful people use. It will serve as a great motivation for you.

Main components

1. Sleep

In the first place, of course, sleep, otherwise all the planned things will fly into hell due to the fact that it will be difficult even just to keep your eyes open, not to mention the fulfillment of duties. Good rest is vital, and should be at least 8 hours.

By the way, oversleeping also adversely affects health, paradoxically.

You should go to bed no later than 23:00 pm, otherwise your body will produce cortisol, the stress hormone. And this will eventually lead to depression, what kind of vigor and joy can we talk about then? Check out this article for more details.

2. Food

Recommendations for organizing the correct daily routine of a person

It should be complete, so you should not skip meals because of being busy or because you want to keep your figure. With food, the body gets the opportunity to replenish energy reserves so that you have the strength to work and, in general, want something. Among other things, various vitamins and microelements are supplied.

3. Relaxation

Be sure, despite being busy, take breaks, otherwise you will start to spend your reserve resources, and this threatens to cause serious illnesses. So once you’re done, give yourself the opportunity to do things that bring you joy and help you recover.

And if you don’t know how to organize your leisure time, because you are used to devoting all your time only to your career, then make a wish list. Many of you periodically arose, but you did not dare to bring them to life — immediately proceed to implementation.

4. Physical exercise

They are necessary for both adults and children. Going in for sports improves health, helps to cope with stress, increases self-esteem, endurance, mood and activity.

5. Job

A rare person lives without having to fulfill any duties. The realization of one’s abilities allows one not only to earn one’s daily bread, but also to satisfy needs, to show ambitions, which, in the end, will lead to success and self-respect.

Recommended Schedule

Due to the fact that all people are different, it is impossible to offer the only true and ideal plan. Therefore, here I will give an example of a schedule that is most suitable for most according to biological rhythms.

So, the most effective and useful daily routine:

The first half of the day

6.00-7.00 — Internal processes are launched, adrenaline is produced, which is responsible for activity and vigor. It is best to do yoga at this time, do exercises, this will help to enrich the organs with oxygen and tune in for the coming day. By the way, the neurologist Pam Spoor calls for making love at this particular time, as a number of hormones are released, which has a positive effect on the state of the body. At night, apart from pleasure, other effects can not be expected.

Recommendations for organizing the correct daily routine of a person

7.00-8.00 — After your morning activity, it’s time to replenish your calorie supply. Breakfast should be hearty, even if you save your figure, you can take a chance and treat yourself to a bun. Do you know why? Because, firstly, before the evening you will have time to spend extra calories, and secondly, most of them will go “to the brain”, since it spent a lot of energy during the night, creating dreams and processing the information received earlier.

8.00-8.15 — the most favorable time for taking medicines and a complex of vitamins, provided that you have eaten, otherwise the body will instantly remove them with the help of urine, and there will be no result.

8.15-9.00 — if possible, take a short walk before studying or working, because for a person who has a busy day, it is very important to get enough oxygen. This will ensure the efficiency of brain activity, the absence of headaches and cheerfulness, good mood. Try to get out of the house a little earlier so that you can walk down the street and get another dose of vitamin D, which is produced due to ultraviolet radiation.

9.00-11.00 — get to work, and solve the most difficult tasks, since during this period your brain activity is at its peak, which makes it very easy to generate ideas and make calculations.

11.00-13.00 — blood gradually begins to “depart” from the brain and rush to the stomach, so you should do easier things that can be handled in a short period of time.

13.00-13.30 — the food that you take during this period will be quickly digested and will not cause discomfort, depriving you of the desire to move. So organize lunch, even if there is no particular desire to eat, you need to saturate the body at least a little.


13.30-14.00 — Organizing a visit to a medical facility would be ideal, as the activity of all organs is reduced, along with sensitivity, which means that your body is not as susceptible to pain. And taking painkillers will have a longer lasting effect than if you took them at another time.

Despite the state of health and the situation, even if you are provoked into a conflict, try to control yourself and not react. The health consequences will be excessive due to the relaxation of all body systems.

Recommendations for organizing the correct daily routine of a person

15.00-16.00 — take a walk a little, breathe fresh air, this will help restore a feeling of activity, “wake up” the body. If at work there is no opportunity to leave for a while, at least just go to the window to «catch» the sun’s rays. But this is subject to good weather.

16.00-18.00 — run to the gym, as training during this period is the safest and most effective. Do you know why? Because various hormones and proteins are produced that help protect the heart during intense exercise, as well as reduce the risk of muscle injury.

18.00-19.00 — if you need to buy new shoes — feel free to go to the store, as you will probably guess with the size. By this time, the legs swell, and in the future, the purchased shoes and so on will not put pressure on you, which cannot be said about the morning purchase.

19.00-20.00 — It’s time for dinner. You can even afford a little alcohol, it will not bring you much harm, since the enzymes that the liver produces are at their maximum, which means they easily neutralize harmful substances.

21.00-22.30 — rest. Tune in to sleep, take a warm bath, ventilate the room. If necessary, if you suffer from insomnia, drink a glass of warm milk or eat a spoonful of honey. Eliminate activity, quarrels, work or “hanging out” on the Internet, otherwise the next day you can forget about cheerfulness and good mood.

23.00 — you should be asleep. If you are interested in learning about what happens to your body at night and what processes are activated, check out the article about human biological rhythms.


Making the right schedule is only a third of the case, because the most important thing is to follow it. If you’ve been living your entire life without a schedule at all, it’s going to be hard to take it like this and completely change. Therefore, I propose to consider the recommendations, thanks to which you can gradually “enter” the new mode without sabotaging the process.

Recommendations for organizing the correct daily routine of a person

  1. Mandatory is the fixation on paper or in electronic media. As great as your memory is, this is an important step. This way you won’t “accidentally” forget about some nuance. The process of writing down symbolizes the fact that you are taking responsibility, which means that ignoring some point will serve as a silent reproach.
  2. Refrain from inventing something new, just write down existing tasks and responsibilities. For example, you get up at 6 am every day to get ready for work — nothing will change, just this fact will be displayed in the schedule. But if you decide to do yoga in the evenings, and practice it on your own, you may not be able to implement it on an ongoing basis. It takes gradualness to get used to respecting boundaries, and discipline does not appear overnight.
  3. Once you’ve made your schedule, set aside a few days to test it out for reality. I mean, due to some circumstances, you could allocate too much or too little time to implement something, which will cause the whole plan to suffer, as the clock shifts. So watch yourself for the first week, and then feel free to make the necessary adjustments.
  4. The organization of the daily routine affects not only the work area, so be sure to write down household chores and rest.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! In order to have enough energy to fulfill your plans, it is important to take care of your health, so study the recommendations indicated in the article «How to start a healthy lifestyle in 30 years: TOP 10 fundamental rules.» Take care of yourself and loved ones!

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