Recognize and fight the flu during pregnancy!
Recognize and fight the flu during pregnancy!

Common colds and flu usually do not pose a serious threat to health and only mean the need to spend a few days in bed. In pregnancy, however, such a disease can have serious consequences – for mother and baby. We suggest how to recognize the symptoms of flu and successfully overcome it.

You can be vaccinated against influenza even before pregnancy or up to the third trimester of pregnancy, and immunity is obtained as early as one week after vaccination. Unfortunately, in Poland only about 10% of future mothers are vaccinated. This helps to prevent infection. In addition, to prevent viral infection during pregnancy, it is worth taking care of your general health, i.e. using a varied diet full of vegetables and fruits, getting enough sleep, avoiding excessive stress and giving up stimulants. In the autumn and winter, it is also worth avoiding large groups of people, especially those where it is easiest to get infected (hospital, kindergarten, stadiums, stations, discos). Unfortunately, in Poland still few women are aware of the serious consequences of the flu during pregnancy – including damage to the heart, nervous system or kidneys of the child. The most dangerous infection is in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How do you know that an infection has occurred?

The main symptoms are:

  • muscle pain, headache and neck pain (with the common cold muscle pain does not occur)
  • stuffy nose, runny nose
  • cough, problems with expectoration, dry cough
  • perceptibly high temperature reaching 39 degrees Celsius.
  • general weakness of the body. With a cold, apart from the fact that we have a sore throat or a runny nose, we are able to undertake everyday duties. In the case of flu, we feel clearly “broken”, drowsy and distracted, and simply going to work or shopping is a challenge.

As you can see, flu symptoms can be confused with the common cold. And although the latter does not have a negative impact on the child, it is worth quickly recognizing which type of disease we are dealing with, because the flu can be more dangerous in its consequences. In her case, during pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a doctor and select appropriate antibiotics that are safe for the child. Not everyone knows that even innocent aspirin or a painkiller during pregnancy can threaten the health of the fetus and mother. Paracetamol is recommended for the treatment of symptoms, which is one of the few painkillers safe for pregnant women. On your own, you can also use herbal methods: milk with honey and garlic, tea with lemon, raspberry and forest fruit teas. To soothe a sore throat, you can drink tea with honey and lemon.



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