The electric reciprocating saw is lightweight and easy to use.
Any man with experience with a power tool will find it easy to handle this tool.
You ask, why is she an electrician? Of course, electricians do not carry such saws with them and rarely use them, but when repairing a house and installing electrical wiring, a saber saw can be very useful. But more on that later.
The reciprocating saw greatly simplifies specific work. At the heart of her work, the designers used an electric hacksaw.
Convenient saw body, similar to a hammer drill. Well thought-out handle with a push button to start. A system has been installed that protects against accidental starting of the tool. It is possible to adjust the speed.
See also:
Best reciprocating saws 2021, TOP 20 best cordless and electric models, important selection criteria
If you are building a house, ennoble your garden or summer cottage, perform a number of other specific work, this tool will be very useful.
Moreover, if you constantly have to use construction tools, try a reciprocating saw. And you may have to give up some of the other tools.
In general, handling the tool is not difficult and the saw’s potential is quite large.
Multifunctionality of the tool
The saw is multifunctional in relation to working with various materials. You can use this tool in working with different building materials.
When working with aerated concrete blocks, porous bricks, the saw shows good results. It can even cut metal sheets, steel.
But do not forget to change the file itself in the tool when changing the material. As you know, different files are designed for carved types of building materials.
In this case, the saw will be able to reveal its capabilities much more.
There is no need to compare a conventional hand saw with a reciprocating saw. The results shown by this saw are much better and much more convenient.
Get narrow hacksaw blades, they are commercially available. This will make it possible to make curved cuts.
Whether working in a carpentry shop or simply doing any such work, this cutting option will give you great advantages.
A person who has a constant deal with this kind of tools will quickly figure it out and can easily cope.
Of course, it will be a little more difficult for an unprepared person, it is possible that it will not be possible to cut the part exactly right away. It takes skill and practice here.
Remember the power of the tool, it should not get out of control. An extra handle may be needed. Also, when choosing a saw, pay attention to the convenience and whether you can easily press the start button.
The saw is supplied with attachments, thanks to which you can use it in the form of another tool, for example, a rasp or a metal brush. Of course, this is a big plus in the capabilities of this tool.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of the reciprocating saw is the pendulum rotation of the saw blade.
Its essence is that, in addition to the reciprocating action of the canvas, there are also pendulum movements that lift the canvas when it moves in the opposite direction.
Thanks to this design solution, the saw blade lasts longer, due to less heating, plus the lack of a large amount of sawdust.
This makes it possible to work more efficiently, without the use of other tools.
Where are?
Reciprocating saws are designed for domestic use – these are household-class saws.
There are saws for those who are professionally engaged in construction – this is a professional saw, there are also semi-professional ones.
Each class of saws is used in its own area. The main difference is the amount of load and the ability to work for a certain number of hours.
A first-class saw can work 20 or a little more hours a month.
Adapted for small jobs, pipes can also be sawed. Suitable for dismantling windows or doorways.
There are different models, each designed for its own consumer.
For example, there are more powerful models that can withstand prolonged loads during operation.
They are intended for the general practitioner. There are simpler models for personal use.
There are also battery-operated reciprocating saws.
Replacement blades are supplied with each tool. This includes a stop, that is, a blade travel stop, which makes it possible to improve the work result by pressing the saw more tightly to the workpiece.
See also:
Sawing material
When buying sawing material for a certain type of work, consult with a specialist or seller of this product. There is a very large selection of sawing materials on the market today.
The density of the material determines how the tool will behave with it.
For a denser material, you need to purchase a sharpener with a large tooth.
The larger the tooth, the faster the material will be sawn, but defects of some kind cannot be avoided. Therefore, be selective in your choice of canvas.
And when you work, do not forget to set the appropriate mode suitable for the material being taken.
When installing wiring in an apartment during the repair or construction of a house, many force majeure situations arise in the solution of which a saber saw can be very helpful.
And on the farm, she will not be deprived of the tool. Read on – what tool an electrician should have.