recipes of our great-grandmothers and videos

😉 Greetings to dear readers! Dear ladies and adorable girls, I hope that these simple tips “Facial Lotion: Recipes of Our Great Grandmothers” will come in handy.

What is lotion

Lotion is a hygiene product designed to improve the condition of the skin. It is a skin care liquid based on a water-alcohol solution. It enriches the delicate skin of the face and hands with vitamins and additional moisture, preventing and slowing down the aging process.

The word “lotion” in translation from Latin into Russian is “ablution”.

Homemade cosmetics have always been popular with women. Lotions were no exception – from time immemorial, girls in villages and cities collected field and forest herbs for its preparation.

recipes of our great-grandmothers and videos

Today, medicinal herbs can be bought at the pharmacy. For each type of leather, its own, special, composition is suitable. This magic liquid:

  • gently cleanses your pores;
  • removes all impurities (grease, sweat, dust);
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • will help get rid of acne.

Oily Skin Lotion

Recipe No. 1

For oily skin, especially in summer, a lotion from:

  • sage medicinal;
  • St. John’s wort herbs;
  • dioecious;
  • yarrow.

The equally divided parts of these plants are crushed and mixed. Then put one tablespoon of the collection in a glass or enamel dish, pour a glass of boiling water. Tightly closing the container with a lid, leave to infuse until morning.

The next day, strain the broth and add 50 ml of any cologne or vodka to it. The finished broth can be placed in the freezer in a special ice container. In the morning, wipe your face with the obtained ice cubes.

Recipe No. 2

It is an infusion of oak or willow bark. A teaspoon of the herb requires 200 ml of water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The finished mixture is diluted with water (one part to ten). You can cleanse your face with this tool by applying it to a cotton pad or a piece of gauze.

For fading skin

If the skin begins to fade, then lotion from the next herbal collection will help to save it. Take in equal parts:

  • field horsetail (pusher);
  • pansies;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • calendula;
  • willow or oak bark.

Plants and bark are crushed and one tablespoon of the resulting mass is poured with a glass of boiling water (a spoon must be taken full, with a slide). Then everything is heated on fire for 10-15 minutes, insisted, filtered and 10 ml of vodka is added.

But lotions are not only about improving the look. This dosage form is also used in medicine. With the help of lotions, antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agents can penetrate the skin.

About side effects

When using this type of cosmetics, you must remember about the possible side effects. Allergies are the most common.

Before applying the lotion to the area of ​​the face, hands or head, apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin. Wait 30 minutes. and assess the consequences.

Redness or itching should alert you. It is necessary to have antiallergic medicines on hand so that in case of an unforeseen reaction, it is urgent to take it, preventing dangerous complications.


In this video, additional and useful information “Facial lotion: recipes”. Dermatologist’s advice

Skin care: homemade lotion

Dear readers, share your face lotion recipes. 😉 Let everyone be beautiful!

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