Recipes for strawberry mojito for the winter with photos

Mojito from strawberries and mint for the winter is a fresh and bright drink that will definitely remind you of summer and provide a weakened body with all the necessary vitamins. It is very easy to cook it. The minimum set of ingredients and the simplicity of the recipe attract even novice housewives.

Features and secrets of cooking

Strawberry-mint compote is popular with both adults and children. And it’s not just a pleasant refreshing taste containing notes of sweet strawberries, frosty mint and invigorating lemon. This drink is a real storehouse of vitamins and valuable nutrients that are so necessary for the body in the cold season.

Strawberries are a source of potassium, phosphorus, B and PP vitamins. Lemon contains ascorbic acid, while mint contains valeric and linoleic acids, as well as a whole complex of minerals such as calcium, manganese and zinc.

The combination of these products:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves the functioning of the joints;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • helps with high blood pressure;
  • dulls appetite.

Strawberry-mint mojito is rolled up for the winter to prevent colds, SARS and acute respiratory infections. In addition, the drink is recommended for loss of visual acuity and sleep disturbances.

Comment! Do not forget that strawberries are an allergen, so compote can only be consumed if there is no allergy to individual components.

Most photo recipes for strawberry mojito for the winter do not provide complete information about the features of preparing this drink. In fact, even a novice cook can make such a compote. The main thing is not to forget about the need for thorough sterilization of glass containers.

Preparations for the winter can be done in two ways: with and without sugar syrup. Most housewives choose the first option, as it requires less effort. However, judging by some reviews, when preparing syrup, the taste of the drink is more saturated.

Recipes for strawberry mojito for the winter with photos

Strawberries in compotes go well with most berries and fruits.

If desired, the strawberry and mint mojito recipe for the winter can be varied by adding currants, rose hips, apples or gooseberries to it.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

An important role in the taste of mojito is played by the correct choice and preparation of the main ingredients.

Whole, undamaged berries are suitable for harvesting. Too large specimens can be cut into several parts. The berries should be pre-sorted, rinsed well in cold running water and remove the sepals.

Do the same with mint. It is carefully sorted out, leaving only fresh branches, rinsed and slightly dried on a paper or textile towel. This procedure is repeated with lemon. The zest from the citrus is not cut off.

But when using an orange, it is recommended to remove the skin from the fruit, otherwise the drink will acquire a slight bitterness. In addition, in both cases, it is necessary to extract the seeds from citrus fruits.

The recipe for strawberry mojito compote for the winter is very variable. If necessary, most of the ingredients can be replaced. So, instead of mint, you can use lemon balm. It has a stronger aroma and belongs to the same Lamiaceae family. Lemon can be replaced with lime or, in extreme cases, orange. However, strawberries should still remain the basis of the drink.

How to cook strawberry mojito for the winter in three-liter jars

It is most convenient to prepare mojito with mint for the winter, rolling it into three-liter jars.

Recipes for strawberry mojito for the winter with photos

In the recipe, in addition to fresh, you can use frozen berries.

To prepare strawberry mojito for the winter, based on a 3-liter jar, you will need:

  • fresh or frozen strawberries – 450 g;
  • mint (fresh) – 3 sprigs;
  • lemon – ⅓ pcs.;
  • sugar – 25 g;
  • water – 2,5 l.


  1. Sort the berries, remove the sepals and rinse the raw materials in cold running water.
  2. Rinse the mint sprigs and pat dry with paper towels.
  3. Citrus cut into thin half rings.
  4. Sterilize glass jar.
  5. Put strawberries, mint and lemon in a bowl.
  6. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring everything to a boil.
  7. The resulting syrup, after simmering on fire for a couple of minutes, pour into a jar.
  8. Roll up the mojito with a lid for the winter.
  9. Turn the container upside down, cover with a blanket and leave for 10-12 hours at room temperature until completely cooled.

You can drink mojito with strawberries and mint after three days, when the drink is finally infused.

Comment! In the absence of citrus, it can be replaced with citric acid at the rate of a pinch of the substance per jar.

How to make non-alcoholic strawberry mojito for the winter

Another variation of the strawberry mint mojito allows you to replace the lemon with an orange. As in the first case, both fresh and frozen raw materials can be used as the main ingredient, and this applies not only to berries, but also to greens.

Recipes for strawberry mojito for the winter with photos

Melissa is an excellent substitute for mint in compote

Approximately two 3-liter jars will require:

  • granulated sugar – 400 g;
  • strawberries – 900 g;
  • mint or lemon balm – 4-5 branches;
  • Orange – 1;
  • water – 4,7 l.


  1. Sort fresh berries, rinse well, remove sepals. Frozen fruits can be immediately put into jars.
  2. Wash the orange, remove the peel, cut into slices, remove the seeds.
  3. Put berries, sugar, mint and orange in layers in pre-sterilized jars.
  4. Bring water to a boil and pour into containers.
  5. Roll up strawberry mojito with mint lids.
  6. Gently turn over and leave the compote for 20-30 hours under a blanket until it cools completely.
  7. Every 6-8 hours, the jars should be turned over to completely dissolve the sugar.

The peculiarity of this recipe is that it does not require a separate cooking of syrup.

Strawberry mojito with mint can be used not only as a soft drink. It can be added to smoothies, mulled wine or punch, and even used in baking. For example, for the preparation of lean muffins and pies, where compote often acts as an alternative to milk.

Terms and conditions of storage

You can store mojito blanks with strawberries and mint for the winter both at home and in the basement. The last option is preferable.

The basement is the best place to store any home preservation. However, to maintain the required temperature background, it must be insulated and well ventilated. Additional treatment against fungus and mold will not hurt either.

The optimum temperature for storing blanks for the winter is +5 + 7 ° C in summer and + 2 + 5 ° C – in the cold season. Humidity can vary from 75 to 85%.

In the absence of a basement, you can store compotes at home, for example, in a specially equipped pantry. The main condition for storage in the apartment is the absence of heating devices nearby and the prevention of direct sunlight. Violation of these conditions can lead to the explosion of blanks.

A good option for the city is an uninsulated loggia. It can be equipped with a special cabinet in which to store all home preservation. The main thing is that the blanks are protected from the sun.

Recipes for strawberry mojito for the winter with photos

Store blanks conveniently on the balcony

When storing conservation on the balcony and loggia, one should not forget about regular ventilation, especially if this part of the apartment is used for drying clothes. High humidity can cause rust to form on metal lids.


Mojito from strawberries and mint for the winter does not require much time to prepare. Moreover, the versatility of the recipe allows you to experiment, thus creating new original flavors and combinations.

Reviews of strawberry mojito for the winter

Most of the housewives who prepared mojitos with mint for the winter are attracted by the simplicity of the recipe and the availability of the main ingredients.

Lada Pozdeeva, 28 years old, Podolsk
I make such preparations in the summer, when there are a lot of strawberries. My kids love this drink. Thank God, no one is allergic to berries. In winter you open it – the aroma is stunning. This compote with mint is not only delicious, but also very healthy. Much better than store-bought juices and sodas.
Margarita Somova, 43 years old, Tikhoretsk
I live in the Krasnodar Territory. Something, but we have enough strawberries in the summer. Previously, I actively froze berries and rolled up jam. The neighbors spied on the recipe for this preparation for the winter. I liked the refreshing and unsweetened taste. In my version, I reduced the amount of sugar and used lime instead of lemon. It is sourer and more aromatic.
Vera Golubeva, 53 years old, Voronezh
I love compotes in general. I make 100-120 cans for the winter. Again, grandchildren often come. They do not drink tea, but compote – with pleasure. I used to mix strawberries with cherries, apples and plums. On the Internet I saw a recipe for strawberry mojito with mint. I tried to roll up six cans last year and really liked it.

Compote for the winter STRAWBERRY MOJITO (strawberry, mint, lemon) without sterilization. THE HIT OF THE SEASON!

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