- What is the name of vodka with strawberries
- Selection and preparation of ingredients
- The recipe for making strawberry liqueur at home without vodka
- How to make strawberry vodka liqueur at home
- Recipe for homemade strawberry vodka tincture
- Frozen strawberry tincture with vodka
- Strawberry tincture without sugar vodka
- Strawberry-lemon tincture on vodka
- Sugar free strawberry vodka recipe
- Recipe for making homemade fortified strawberry wine with vodka
- Strawberry Vodka Cocktail Recipes
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Conclusion
Strawberry tincture on vodka is a tasty and quite healthy drink that you can prepare at home. There are many recipes for creating strong alcohol and cocktails based on it.
What is the name of vodka with strawberries
Most often, a drink made from vodka with strawberries is simply called a tincture or liquor, depending on the method of preparation and the aging time. The strength and taste of the drink will vary, since during its manufacture it is possible to change the ratio of ingredients, increase or decrease the amount of sugar and the alcohol component.

In addition to strawberries, lime may be included in the homemade drink.
Selection and preparation of ingredients
Before preparing alcohol, you need to pay attention to the selection of ingredients. Berries for liqueur or tincture should be:
- large, juicy and as ripe as possible, including slightly overripe;
- with a pronounced pleasant smell;
- without mold, black spots and dots;
- no green areas.
You can use for alcohol at home, including frozen and dried fruits. But it is best to take fresh berries for pouring, they will provide the brightest taste and aroma.
Preparing to prepare a drink comes down to simple steps:
- The berries are sorted out, separating only the highest quality specimens.
- Remove stems and leaves.
- Wash the berries in cool water.
- Dry on a towel or in a colander.
The recipe for making strawberry liqueur at home without vodka
Strong liqueur can be prepared without the use of vodka. The prescription requires:
- strawberry fruits – 2,2 kg;
- granulated sugar – 800 g.
The detailed algorithm for creating a liqueur looks like this:
- Washed berries at home are placed in a 3-liter jar and sprinkled with sugar.
- Mix the ingredients and cover the neck of the container with gauze, securing it with a ribbon or elastic band.
- The jar is removed in a dark and warm place for 2-3 days until foam and a sour smell appear.
- After the start of fermentation, the gauze is removed and a rubber glove with a hole pierced in it is placed on the neck.
- Leave strawberry liqueur for another month.
- After blowing off the gloves, filter the drink through several layers of gauze.
Ready-made liqueur at home for a week is rearranged closed in a cool place. After that, the liquid will need to be filtered again through gauze or a layer of cotton wool and put away for storage.

The strength of a strawberry drink without vodka is about 14%
How to make strawberry vodka liqueur at home
A simpler recipe suggests preparing a liqueur using strong alcohol. To create a drink you need:
- wheat vodka – 500 ml;
- strawberries – 400 g;
- sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
The step-by-step scheme for preparing the liqueur is as follows:
- Vodka is poured into a glass jar and sugar is poured.
- Stir until complete dissolution of solid grains.
- Berries are poured into a vessel, shaken and close the jar with a lid.
- For two weeks they are cleaned in a dark place with a temperature of up to 25 ° C.
- From time to time shake the vessel so that the sugar does not settle at the bottom.
- After the expiration of the period, filter through cheesecloth several times.

If the liqueur is too strong, you can dilute it with drinking water.
Recipe for homemade strawberry vodka tincture
Tincture on meadow strawberries and vodka differs from liquor primarily in longer aging periods. Otherwise, the process of making alcohol at home is almost the same. The prescription requires:
- vodka – 1 l;
- sugar – 300 g;
- strawberries – 1 kg.
The scheme of cooking at home is as follows:
- Fruits and sugar are poured into a 3 liter container and poured with alcohol so that it covers the berries by at least 2 cm.
- The jar is closed with a lid and cleaned for 45 days in a warm, dark place.
- Once every three days, the vessel is vigorously shaken so that sugar does not accumulate at the bottom.
- After the time has elapsed, the solution is passed through gauze.
- Pour into clean bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Drink from strawberries on vodka at home has a strength of about 28 ° C
Frozen strawberry tincture with vodka
The most fragrant tinctures and liqueurs at home are obtained from fresh berries. But if the strawberry season is already over, you can use frozen fruits.
The ingredients needed are:
- frozen strawberries – 2 kg;
- granulated sugar – 1 kg;
- vodka – 1,5 l;
- water – 400 ml.
The recipe looks like this:
- Frozen strawberries are poured into a 5-liter jar and poured with alcohol.
- Close the vessel and leave for a week in a lighted place at room temperature.
- After the vodka acquires a pink tint, and the berries are almost discolored, pour the solution into a new container through cheesecloth.
- Clog and clean in a cool dark place.
- The remaining berries are covered with sugar, shake the jar and leave it in the sun for a week.
- After the expiration date, add the resulting syrup to a container with tincture.
- Berries are poured with clean cold water and kept for another three days.
- Again, the resulting liquid is poured into the main drink.
The finished tincture is mixed at home, passed through a gauze or cotton filter and stored in a refrigerator or cellar. It is not necessary to defrost strawberries before cooking.

A drink made from frozen strawberries has the same benefits as a drink made from fresh fruits.
Strawberry tincture without sugar vodka
You can prepare tincture at home without the use of vodka. It is enough just to fill the berries with sugar, the drink will acquire an alcoholic degree due to the fermentation process.
The ingredients for the recipe are:
- strawberry fruits – 2 kg;
- sugar – 800 g
A detailed recipe at home looks like this:
- Berries and sugar are poured into a sterile glass jar or bottle with a wide neck.
- Shake the container a couple of times to evenly distribute the ingredients.
- Close the neck with folded gauze and leave the vessel warm for three days.
- After the strawberries in sugar ferment with foam and a slight hiss, a water seal is installed on the jar.
- Leave the tincture in a dark warm place for 1,5 months.
- After the disappearance of the bubbles in the water seal, the drink is passed through tightly folded gauze.
- Pour the clear tincture into clean glass jars.
Rinse the strawberries before starting the preparation of the drink to remove dirt and bacteria. But it should not be washed thoroughly, otherwise the wild yeast necessary for fermentation will not remain on the surface.

Sugar tincture is very sweet, but with a low alcohol degree.
Strawberry-lemon tincture on vodka
Strawberries with lemon at home have a bright red tint and an original citrus aftertaste. To prepare the tincture you need:
- strawberry fruits – 1 kg;
- lemon – 1 pcs .;
- vodka – 500 ml;
- sugar – 250 g
You can make vodka with strawberries like this:
- Peeled berries are cut into halves and placed in a jar.
- The fruits are covered with sugar and left for four hours to extract the juice.
- Add vodka to the container, close the lid and shake the jar.
- Cleaned for infusion in warmth and darkness for a month.
- Remove the vessel twice a week and shake vigorously.
- Filter the finished tincture through gauze and pour into another jar.
- Scald and rinse the lemon, and then remove the upper yellow peel from it.
- Add the zest and squeezed juice to the strawberry tincture.
- Stir and keep covered in a dark place for another two weeks.
After the time has elapsed, the drink is filtered through cotton wool and poured into clean bottles. The strength of alcohol at home is about 16%. Before tasting, it should be kept in the refrigerator for another two months.

Strawberry-lemon tincture is best served chilled.
Sugar free strawberry vodka recipe
Strawberry tincture without the addition of a sweetener turns out to be strong and quite tart, with a pronounced sourness. To create it at home you need:
- strawberries – 500 g;
- vodka – 500 ml.
The step-by-step process of creating alcohol at home looks like this:
- The berries are laid out in a clean jar and poured with alcohol.
- In a dark, cool place, leave to infuse for two weeks under the lid.
- After the expiration of the period, it is filtered through a folded piece of gauze.
- Bottled and sent to the refrigerator for long-term storage.
You can use tincture without sugar for medicinal purposes. It well stimulates the immune system, tones and improves digestion.

Drinking strawberry vodka without sugar is recommended for a maximum of 50 ml and not every day.
Recipe for making homemade fortified strawberry wine with vodka
From berries you can make not only liqueur or tincture, but also strong wine at home. The ingredients needed are the following:
- strawberries – 1 kg;
- vodka – 500 ml;
- water – 500 ml;
- sugar – 1 kg.
A tasty and healthy drink at home is done like this:
- The washed berries are kneaded by hand or interrupted with a blender.
- Sugar and 500 ml of hot water are added to the fruit mass.
- Mix thoroughly and pour into a high-necked bottle.
- Cleaned in a warm place for five days for fermentation, covering the vessel from above with gauze.
- After the expiration date, the foam is removed from the surface of the drink and the liquid is filtered.
- Add 500 ml of vodka to homemade berry wine.
- Stir and pour the product into clean bottles.
The finished wine is put in the refrigerator for a week, and then tasted.

Fortified wine with strawberries has good warming properties
Strawberry Vodka Cocktail Recipes
You can use liqueurs made at home in their pure form. But it’s even more interesting to mix them with additional ingredients for delicious soft cocktails.
Strawberry banana smoothie
A cocktail with the addition of banana juice has a pleasant mild taste and pronounced sweetness. According to the recipe at home you need:
- strawberry liqueur – 50 ml;
- banana juice – 150 ml.
The cooking scheme is very simple:
- Pour some ice into a tall glass for mixing cocktails.
- Pour in banana juice.
- Add strawberry liqueur.
Top the cocktail can be decorated with mint leaves.

A cocktail with the addition of banana juice has almost no acidity
A bright and spicy taste is typical for a Margarita cocktail at home. The prescription requires:
- strawberry liqueur – 50 ml;
- tequila – 30 ml;
- lemon – 1 pcs.
Prepare a drink at home according to the following scheme:
- The edges of a tall glass are rubbed with a cut lemon, and then dipped in granulated sugar.
- Strawberry liqueur, citrus and tequila are mixed in a shaker.
- Add a few ice cubes.
- Strain the mixture into a drinking glass.
- Decorate the edge with a cut strawberry.
You need to drink a cocktail in small quantities, because tequila gives it an extra strength.

Margarita cocktail with strawberries and lemon combines bright sourness and mild sweetness
Strawberry tincture can be used in the preparation of the popular Mojito. The prescription needs:
- strawberry liqueur or tincture – 50 ml;
- soda water – 300 ml;
- sugar – 2 Art. l .;
- fresh mint – to taste.
The step-by-step scheme for creating a cocktail at home is as follows:
- Sugar and mint are laid at the bottom of a tall, strong glass and kneaded properly.
- Pour the ingredients with strawberry tincture.
- Half fill the glass with crushed ice.
- Pour soda water on top.
The drink is well suited for festive use, but requires moderate dosages.

A cocktail with strawberry liqueur and mint at home is refreshing and invigorating
Strawberries pair well with chocolate ingredients. At home, you can cook a delicious sweet Daiquiri, and the components for it will need the following:
- chocolate liqueur – 50 ml;
- strawberry liqueur – 200 ml;
- rum — 2 h. l.;
- chocolate syrup – 20 ml.
The drink is prepared according to the following scheme:
- Strawberry liqueur, rum and 40 ml of chocolate liqueur are poured into a shaker or blender.
- Whisk vigorously for a minute.
- Pour the chocolate syrup into the bottom of a tall glass.
- Add whipped ingredients.
- The rest of the chocolate liqueur is carefully poured on top and the rim of the glass is decorated with a berry.
A properly prepared cocktail consists of two layers. The chocolate liqueur on top should not mix with the bottom.

Daiquiri with strawberry liqueur and chocolate has a relaxing and calming effect
Strawberry Champagne Cocktail
A simple recipe suggests mixing homemade strawberry liqueur with champagne. The drink in this case is quite strong, but with a mild taste. Of the components needed:
- strawberry liqueur – 2 tbsp. l.;
- champagne – 1 glass;
- lime juice – 1 tbsp. l .;
- strawberries – 4 pcs.
The drink is prepared as follows:
- Pour champagne into a glass about half way.
- Add strawberry tincture and grated berries.
- Pour in lime juice.
- Gently mix the components.
You can drink a cocktail in a slightly warm form, but it is better to put a couple of ice cubes in it.

Champagne cocktail with strawberry liqueur has a pleasant carbonated structure
Terms and conditions of storage
Keep homemade strawberry tinctures and liqueurs in a cool place, protected from light. In the country, you can put the drink in the cellar, and in the apartment it is better to store alcohol in small bottles in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product is 2-3 years.
Strawberry tincture with vodka has a pleasant sweet-sour taste, bright color and strong summer aroma. You can use it for pleasure or for medicinal purposes, in its pure form or in combination with other components in cocktails.