Raspberry jam as jelly for the winter can be prepared using various food additives. The most used are pectin, gelatin, agar-agar. They are gel-forming substances of both plant and animal origin. It is worth learning how to cook jam (jelly) for the winter using gelatin and pectin.

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

Features of the preparation of jelly raspberry jam

Probably, there is no such house where there is no jar of raspberry jam – regular or in the form of jelly. Even the laziest housewives stock up on them for the winter. The fact is that raspberry jam (jelly) is not only a delicious treat and an excellent dessert for tea, but also an effective remedy for colds, vitamin deficiency and other health problems that occur during the cold season.

At the first stage of making raspberry jam (jelly), it is very important to start processing the berries correctly. Raspberries have a delicate structure and require special treatment. Of course, it is better not to wash it at all. But if the source of origin of raspberries is unknown, it is not clear under what conditions it grew, it is better to process the berries. This must be done quickly and very carefully, under a light, gentle stream of water. Leave the berries on a sieve to drain the water, or place them carefully on a clean, dry towel.

Next, it is important to decide on the choice of gelling agent necessary for the raspberry jam to thicken well and turn into jelly. There are several options:

  • gelatin;
  • pectin;
  • if-if

Most often, pectin is used to make thick raspberry jam in the form of jelly. This is a plant-based substance, which is usually obtained industrially from apples, citrus peels. Therefore, it is ideal for fruit and berry preservation, including raspberry jam in the form of jelly.

In addition, the use of pectin has a number of its advantages:

  • well preserves and emphasizes the aroma of berries, fruits;
  • helps to preserve the original shape of the fruit, does not contribute to their rapid boiling;
  • retains the original color of the berries;
  • reduced cooking time ensures better preservation of nutrients in the berries.

Pectin is mixed with a small amount of sugar and added to the already boiled raspberry jam. From now on, it should not be exposed to high temperatures for more than 5 minutes. Further cooking will negate all its gelling properties. Pectin itself is harmless, but in large quantities it can cause unwanted reactions in the body, such as intestinal obstruction, food allergies.

With the help of gelatin, you can also get raspberry jam like jelly. In addition to its gel-forming properties, amino acids and minerals bring benefits to a person. Gelatin of animal origin is rich in such substances. It prevents the sugar contained in raspberry jam or jelly from crystallizing over time.

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

Jelly Raspberry Jam Recipes

Many people like raspberry jam for the winter to be thick like jelly and look like marmalade. So it is more convenient to put it on top of a bun covered with butter, use it in baking, when preparing sweet desserts. To obtain the desired consistency, additional ingredients such as gelatin, pectin, gelfix or agar-agar are used as part of raspberry jam (jelly) for the winter.

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

A simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter with gelatin


  • raspberries (red) – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • gelatin – 1 pack (50 g).

Clean the berries from dust and debris. Lightly dry by placing on a sieve. Then place in a deep enameled bowl or pan, cover with sugar. Wait for the juice to come out. Transfer the container with raspberry jam to the stove and heat to a boil, stirring all the time. As a result, all the sugar should dissolve.

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

When the raspberry jam boils, remove the foam from its surface, add the gelatin pre-diluted in water, which is already thoroughly swollen by this point. Stir everything together and put the finished raspberry jam with gelatin into sterilized jars. Roll up with the same clean, as well as airtight lids.

Raspberry jam with gelfix


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0,5 kg;
  • gelfix 2:1 – 1 pack (40 g).

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

Do not wash the berries if they are from your own dacha or garden. Grind with a blender, pour the puree into a saucepan. Add a package of gelfix, pre-mixed with two tablespoons of sugar. Stir, bring the whole mass to a boil. Then add the rest of the sugar. Stir, wait until the berry mass boils again, cook for 3 minutes. Preserve hot raspberry jam (jelly) in sterile, hermetically sealed jars.

Raspberry jam-jelly with pectin


  • raspberries – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg;
  • pectin – 1 bag.

Raspberries must first be prepared for cooking: lightly wash, dry, remove spoiled berries and debris. If white worms come across, soak the raspberries in a weak salt solution and they will float. It will be easy to separate them from the berry mass by simply draining the water.

Mash dried berries until smooth. Pour pectin into raspberry puree and put on the stove. After boiling, cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on the desired density. Roll the finished raspberry jelly jam for the winter into small jars, clean and sterilized.

Attention! Such raspberry jam (jelly) can be cooked not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also use a slow cooker or a bread machine for this purpose.

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

Jelly-like jam for the winter from raspberries and currant juice


  • raspberries (berries) – 1 kg;
  • red currant (juice) – 0,3 l;
  • sugar – 0,9 kg.

In this recipe, currant juice will replace water, give the necessary sourness and act as a jelly-forming substance. As you know, red currant contains a lot of pectin, which is an excellent natural thickener.

Mix all the ingredients and put on fire to evaporate excess liquid. After half an hour, rub the raspberry puree through a sieve. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, pour into jars. Roll up raspberry jam (jelly) with clean boiled lids.

Recipes for jam with gelatin for the winter from raspberries

Calorie jelly-like raspberry jam

Raspberry jam (jelly) prepared for the winter is a rather sweet product, which determines its high energy value. Calorie content, as a rule, ranges from 350-420 kcal per 100 g of product. The indicator directly depends on the amount of sugar introduced into raspberry jam (jelly). The sweeter, the more calories.

Many people, fearing the harm of sugar for the figure, teeth, or for medical reasons, do not add it to the recipe for raspberry jam with gelatin, replacing it with natural or artificial sweeteners. Some do without them completely, preserving raspberries with those taste data that are given to them by nature.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is better to store raspberry jam in the basement, where the temperature is maintained relatively stable all year round and its performance is much lower than in a residential area. If this is not available, you can get by with a pantry, equipped right on the square meters of the apartment. To place such a corner for household needs should be at a considerable distance from batteries, fireplaces, stoves. An excellent option is a pantry located on an insulated loggia, where the temperature even in the coldest winter does not fall below +2 – +5 degrees.


Raspberry jam as jelly for the winter should be prepared using food additives such as gelatin, pectin. They will help to achieve the desired consistency in the finished product and will reduce the amount of sugar used when cooking raspberry jam.

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