Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Over the past 100 years, beet tops in Our Country have ceased to enjoy due respect, but in vain. In southern countries, in Europe and in America, it is still considered even more valuable product than the beet itself. And recipes from beet tops are so diverse that even green salads and herbs cannot compare with it. After all, in fact, it is in the tops of beets that contains more vitamins and nutrients than in beet roots.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

What can be cooked from beet tops

Experienced chefs are well aware of the fact that it is beet tops that can bring unusual tastes to a variety of dishes and convey their beneficial properties. It is not for nothing that in traditional national cuisines it is difficult to imagine some dishes without it. So, in cuisine, not a single botvinya can do without it, and in Belarusian – khlodnik. The famous Georgian pkhali and fillings for Ossetian pies are made from young beet tops, and among Armenians it goes well with sour-milk products and spicy herbs.

From beet tops you can cook not only the first, second courses and salads, but even casseroles and other various pastries. Moreover, even a delicious sauce is prepared from it. The most delicious recipes for various dishes from beet tops with photos are described in detail in the article.

For the happy owners of their own land, growing beets is not difficult. The rest, choosing beet tops on the market, should prefer bright and resilient greens with strong and short petioles.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

The main step in preparing beet tops for cooking is to thoroughly wash them. This is done first in a large container filled with water. Finally, the greens are washed under running water and slightly dried on a towel.

Important! Sometimes in recipes, beet greens can be replaced with chard (chard) or spinach, or vice versa.

That is, in most recipes, these green foods are interchangeable.

Salads from beet tops

Salads from beet tops are very popular, first of all, because they completely preserve all the useful elements.

Vitamin beetroot salad

This salad is made from the freshest and most tender vegetables and herbs, so for a hot summer day this is an indispensable and very healthy meal.

You need:

  • a bunch of beet tops;
  • a bunch of green garlic or onions, parsley and dill;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 st. l. natural apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 art. l. olive or sesame oil;
  • salt to taste.

The main thing in this recipe is to stock up on a sharp and convenient knife and chop everything finely.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  1. All vegetables and herbs are rinsed in cool water.
  2. Then finely chopped.
  3. Cucumber and sweet pepper cut into small cubes.
  4. All components are mixed in a large bowl, salt is added, apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil are added.
  5. Mix thoroughly and serve in a spectacular vase.

Delicious salad of beet tops with egg

Eggs will add satiety and nutrition to a fresh beet green salad.

You need:

  • 200 g of fresh young beet tops;
  • 50 g of green salad leaves;
  • 30-50 g of dill and parsley – optional;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil;
  • salt to taste.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. All beet tops and greens are finely chopped;
  2. The egg is peeled, also finely chopped and mixed with juice from half a lemon. Whisk thoroughly.
  3. Chopped greens are mixed with butter, egg beaten with lemon, salted.

Salad “Peasant” with beet tops

It is hard to imagine anything simpler than this salad in terms of the composition of the ingredients, it is not for nothing that it has such a telling name. Meanwhile, a properly cooked recipe dish turns out to be incredibly tasty and very healthy.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

For 2 servings you will need:

  • 200 g of beet tops;
  • 2 onions of medium size;
  • 4 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Beet tops are divided into petioles and leaf blades.
  2. Petioles are cut into small pieces (about 1 cm) and boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then take out and cool.
  3. Leaf blades are washed, finely chopped and kneaded with hands, mixed with a small amount of salt.
  4. Onion finely cut into cubes.
  5. Mix an equal amount of decoction from under the petioles and vegetable oil.
  6. Leaves, boiled cuttings and onions are combined in one container, poured over with the prepared mixture and salted if necessary.

Healthy salad with herbs and beet tops

Salad according to this recipe is usually made from young beet tops. If you use tops from ripe beets, then it is pre-boiled.

You need:

  • 200 g of beet tops;
  • 200 g of radish along with herbs;
  • a small bunch of green lettuce (50 g);
  • a bunch of dill, celery, parsley;
  • 2 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • 1 st. l. grape vinegar;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. The tops of already ripe beets are boiled in salted water for 10 minutes. The young is used fresh.
  2. The cooled greens are finely chopped.
  3. Lettuce leaves are cut into thin strips, radish – into cubes, greens – finely chopped.
  4. In a separate small container, mix oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
  5. This sauce is poured over the salad, mixed thoroughly and after 10 minutes of infusion it can be tasted.

Appetizer salad from beet tops in Georgian

In this national dish, the taste of beet greens is very harmoniously complemented by nuts and garlic.

You need:

  • 100 g of beet tops;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 50 g parsley;
  • Xnumx cilantro;
  • 1/3 cup shelled walnuts;
  • 1 Art. l. Adjikas;
  • 2 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • 2 Art. l balsamic vinegar;
  • salt as needed and to taste.


  1. The beet tops are washed, cut into small pieces and, dipped in boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes.
  2. Cool down, throwing it in a colander.
  3. Onions are cut into thin half rings, garlic and herbs are finely chopped.
  4. Nuts are crushed with a pusher or rolling pin.
  5. The tops are mixed with onions and herbs, seasoned with a mixture of adjika, oil and vinegar, salted to taste.
  6. You can serve both in a small salad bowl, and forming small balls from the green mass.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

First courses with beet tops

Beet tops are one of the main ingredients for making many national first courses. This is beetroot, and botvinya, and hlodnik, and sarnapur, and even borscht.

Classic beetroot botvinia recipe

Botvinya is a national dish, which is a cold kvass soup with the addition of beet tops and a variety of garden greens, cucumbers and boiled or smoked fish.

The dish has practically disappeared from use, since it is quite laborious to manufacture and, according to the classic recipe, requires the use of expensive fish species. However, you can try it as a festive dish for a special celebration.

You need:

  • 1,25 l of sweet and sour natural kvass;
  • 1 cup of chopped sorrel and nettle greens;
  • 100 g of dill;
  • 3 young beets with tops;
  • 1,5 tbsp. l. grated horseradish;
  • ½ cup chopped green onions;
  • 1,5 fresh cucumber;
  • 100 g of borage (borage) if possible and desired;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 tsp ready mustard;
  • 1 tsp each of salt and sugar;
  • 0,5 cups of beetroot broth;
  • 0,4-0,5 kg of a mixture of red fish (stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, salmon).

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. The beets are washed with the tops and boiled until softened in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Sorrel is steamed in the same broth for no more than 3 minutes.
  3. Nettles are only scalded with boiling water and thrown into a colander.
  4. All greens, including dill and green onions, cut as small as possible.
  5. Rub the beets on a coarse grater.
  6. Combine the beets with chopped herbs and mash with salt.
  7. At the same time, the zest is cut from half a lemon, chopped with a knife and combined with squeezed lemon juice, mustard, horseradish, beetroot broth.
  8. All this dressing is mixed with kvass and the resulting liquid is poured into the bottling mass.
  9. Finely chopped cucumber is added and sent to a cold place to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  10. Meanwhile, the fish is being cooked. For botvinia, you can use both raw and freshly salted and even smoked fish.
  11. A set of small pieces of different fish species is boiled in a small amount of water with the addition of salt, black pepper, dill and bay leaf.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

    Attention! Fresh fish is boiled for 10 minutes, and salted or smoked – 2-3 minutes. Boiling fish to use it in botvinya is a must!
  12. Pieces of boiled fish are placed in a chilled soup base and put on the table together.

How to cook botvinia with fish from beet leaves

There is a slightly different, slightly simpler recipe for making botvinia, in which less valuable fish species are used, to which, if desired, crayfish necks are added.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 220 g beet tops;
  • 170 g of beets;
  • 120 g of pike perch and salmon;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 8 cancer necks (optional and possible);
  • Xnumx sorrel;
  • Xnumx g of cucumbers;
  • 30 g of green onion;
  • 20 g of dill;
  • several stalks of thyme and tarragon;
  • 240 ml of bread kvass;
  • 30 g of horseradish and mustard;
  • 5 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 20 ml of lemon juice;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • 1 g black pepper.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put onions, dill, carrots, thyme, tarragon, bay leaf and black pepper.
  2. They put it on fire and after boiling put fish and crayfish necks into the water.
  3. Boil for about 7-8 minutes, then take out the fish and crayfish, cool, and filter the broth and pour 240 ml into a separate container.
  4. Boil the beets until tender and pour 120 ml of broth.
  5. Beet tops are blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling salted water and cooled.
  6. Blanched tops and other greens are finely chopped, cucumbers and boiled beets are cut into cubes.
  7. In a separate container, mix all the chopped components, add horseradish, mustard, a little sugar and salt, lemon juice.
  8. Pour beetroot broth, fish broth and kvass.
  9. At the last moment, fish pieces and crayfish necks are added and infused for about 10 minutes.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Recipe for beetroot soup

To prepare an unusual sour-milk soup from beet tops, the recipe of which belongs to Armenian cuisine, you will need:

  • ½ cup dry green split peas;
  • ¼ cup of rice;
  • a bunch of beet tops;
  • 750 g of yogurt;
  • a few sprigs of cilantro and mint;
  • ground black and red pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Peas are washed, placed in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of cold water and boil until tender for about 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam that appears.
  2. 8 minutes before cooking, pour rice into the pan.
  3. In a separate saucepan, boil beet tops cut into strips in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes over low heat.
  4. The tops are poured along with the broth into a saucepan, where peas and rice are boiled, and salted.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  5. Add chopped greens, boil for another 3-4 minutes.
  6. The finished soup is removed from the stove, kefir or yogurt is added (matsun is used in the original recipe of Armenian cuisine).
  7. In bowls, the soup is seasoned with ground pepper.

Beetroot recipe from young beets with tops

You need:

  • 1 kg of beets along with tops;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 150 g of dill, parsley and green onions;
  • Xnumx g of cucumbers;
  • Xnumx radish;
  • about 2,5 liters of water;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. Beet roots are peeled and ground on a grater. The tops are finely cut.
  2. Stew the beets together with the tops in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding sunflower oil and closing the lid, until soft.
  3. Add lemon juice and water according to the recipe.
  4. Boil the eggs, separate the protein from the yolk. The protein is cut into strips, and the yolk is kneaded into gruel, after which they are added to the pot with soup.
  5. Cucumbers, herbs and radishes are cut into strips and also added to the soup.
  6. Add salt, spices and sour cream and cool in a cold place for about 2 hours.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht from beet tops

Very tasty and vitamin borscht is also prepared with young beet tops.

For this you will need:

  • 300 g of young potatoes;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 2 beets;
  • 500 g beet tops;
  • 4 tbsp. l. tomato paste or sauce;
  • 4 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • 1 st. l. wine vinegar
  • salt to taste.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. Potatoes are cut into small cubes, pour 2,5 liters of water, add salt and place on fire.
  2. Carrots and onions are cut into strips and stewed in a pan with tomato paste for about 10 minutes, after which they are added to the pot with potatoes.
  3. The beetroot and its tops are finely chopped, transferred to a frying pan with sunflower oil, where vinegar is also added. Stew for about a quarter of an hour until soft.
  4. When all the vegetables are ready, stewed beets with tops are added to the borscht, mixed and removed from the heat.
Important! No need to let the borscht boil after adding beets with tops – this will allow you to get a beautiful and rich color of the dish.

Interestingly, on hot summer days, borsch with beet tops prepared according to this recipe can also be consumed cold.

Soup with beet tops and mushrooms

You need:

  • 500 g fresh mushrooms or 100 g dried;
  • 200 g of beet tops;
  • 600 g of potatoes;
  • 200 g cucumbers:
  • 80 g of green onion;
  • 20 g of horseradish;
  • salt and vinegar to taste.

Very tasty this soup is obtained from the tops of young beets.


Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  1. Mushrooms are boiled until tender (dry ones are pre-soaked in warm water until they swell). Then cut into strips and again placed in the broth.
  2. Potatoes are boiled and cooled at the same time.
  3. Beet tops, cucumbers and green onions are cut into small pieces, and horseradish is rubbed on a grater.
  4. Add all the ingredients to the mushrooms, salt and boil for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. At the very end add vinegar and sour cream.

Second courses from beet leaves

And the variety of delicious second courses that can be prepared from beet tops is simply amazing. And again, most of the recipes belong to the national cuisines of the southern peoples.

Recipe for cutlets from beet tops

You need:

  • 2-3 bunches of beet leaves;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 Art. l wheat flour;
  • 3 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • ½ tsp. hops-suneli and salt.


  1. Beet greens are washed, poured with boiling water for 5-7 minutes and crushed with a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Salt the mass, stir in the egg, half a serving of flour and suneli hops.
  3. Form small patties.
  4. Each breaded in the remaining flour and fried in hot oil on each side for 3-4 minutes.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Cabbage rolls from beet tops

You need:

  • 1 bunch of beetroot leaves;
  • 1 beet, carrot, onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • 2 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • 100 g sour cream.


  1. Beet tops are washed, poured with boiling water and left for 7-8 minutes.
  2. The onion is cut into half rings.
  3. The rest of the vegetables are peeled, cut into strips or grated for Korean carrots.
  4. Then they are fried in a pan with hot oil for 5-6 minutes, pepper and salt are added.
  5. Beet leaves are slightly crushed at the thickest vein to soften, put on each leaf 1-2 tbsp. l. cooked vegetable filling.
  6. Wrap in the form of an envelope and place seam side down in a flat saucepan with a thick bottom.
  7. Top with chopped garlic and pour sour cream.
  8. Turn on moderate heat and cook under the lid for about a quarter of an hour.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Stewed tops of beets in Armenian style

This versatile dish can be prepared in several ways. The most delicious and tender it is obtained when using young tops. But mature greens are also suitable, for it you just need to increase the heat treatment time.

And the ingredients for the recipe use the simplest:

  • a couple of bunches of beet tops;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g sour cream (original thick matsun);
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • 1-2 bulbs optional.


  1. First, the tops are divided into two parts: coarser burgundy petioles and delicate green leaves.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  2. The petioles are cut into pieces 4-6 cm long, and the leaves are cut into strips, 1,5 cm wide.
  3. Pour a little water into the bottom of a deep frying pan and place the chopped petioles. Simmer covered for 3 minutes.
  4. Then chopped leaves are added there and the same amount is stewed, turning the green mass over for uniform heating.
  5. Then butter, pepper, salt are added, as it should be, everything is mixed and, covered with a lid, simmer until cooked for about 5-10 minutes.
    Attention! The finished petioles should remain slightly crispy, and the bottom of the pan should not dry out completely – you can see the remains of vegetable juice on it.
  6. The dish is almost ready, but garlic sauce is necessarily served with it, which is prepared from fermented milk products (matsun, sour cream) mixed with crushed garlic.
  7. You can diversify the dish by adding separately fried onions at the end of the stew.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Vegetable stew with beetroot

In this recipe, beet leaves act as an auxiliary component, but add harmony and usefulness to the overall dish.

You need:

  • 500 g beet tops;
  • Xnumx zucchini;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar;
  • 2-3 Art. l olive oil;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. In a frying pan heated with oil, first spread the onion, cut into half rings, then thin circles of zucchini.
  2. Fry for about a quarter of an hour until golden brown.
  3. Then add grated carrots, chopped sweet peppers, after 5 minutes, finely chopped beet tops.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  4. Add some water, salt, pepper.
  5. Preheat the oven to + 180-200 ° C.
  6. The dish is supplemented with chopped garlic and parsley, vinegar, sprinkled with grated cheese on top and placed in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Omelet with beet leaves

You need:

  • several bunches of tops from beets;
  • 2-3 Art. l olive oil;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 4-5 eggs;
  • pepper and salt.


  1. Beet tops are cut across into small ribbons and steamed in a colander until softened.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the chopped onion.
  3. Add chopped tops, fry for a few more minutes, stirring the contents of the pan.
  4. Beat eggs in a separate bowl, season with salt and pepper.
  5. Pour the egg mixture into the fried vegetables, let them brown for 6-7 minutes.
  6. Then, using a large flat plate, carefully turn the omelet over to the other side and heat it for another couple of minutes.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Beetroot Sauce

The sauce made according to this recipe is not only distinguished by its delicate texture and seductive aroma. It can even be used as a separate dish, like putty on bread.

You need:

  • 2 bunches of beet tops;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 2 Art. l tomato paste;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 Art. l soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 0,5 tsp a mixture of ground black and allspice peppers.


  1. All ingredients are cleaned of everything superfluous, washed and cut into pieces of arbitrary size.
  2. Spread in a pan with oil, add 100 ml of water and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  3. The contents are then cooled slightly and puréed with an immersion blender.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  4. Add spices, soy sauce, tomato paste and heat again to a boil.

The sauce is ready, it is poured into glassware and stored in the refrigerator.

Bakery products

But most of all, the recipes for baking using beet tops are surprising. It turns out that it is in perfect harmony with the dough and it makes delicious and healthy fillings.

Recipe for Ossetian pie with beet tops

You need:

  • 2 cups flour and water;
  • 5 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 2 bunches of beet tops;
  • 1 bunch of greens;
  • 1 Art. l salts;
  • 1,5 tsp Sahara;
  • pinch of hops-suneli;
  • 200 g of Adyghe cheese.


  1. In 220 ml of warm water, yeast and sugar are diluted and left until foam forms on the surface.
  2. The flour sifted through a sieve is poured into a deep bowl, in the middle they pour a glass of water with yeast and the same amount of ordinary warm water.
  3. Add vegetable oil and salt, knead a soft dough and set aside in a warm place for 22-25 minutes.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  4. At this time, the filling is prepared: the tops and greens are finely chopped, crumbled cheese and, if desired, salt are added.
  5. The risen dough is divided into approximately 3 parts (for three pies) and one part is laid out on a flat plate thickly sprinkled with flour.
    Advice! Hands are greased with vegetable oil to avoid sticking of the dough.
  6. With your hands, create a circle of dough on a plate with a diameter of about 25 cm, place a cake of filling in its center and wrap all the edges on top so that the filling is completely covered with dough.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  7. Sprinkle flour on top and knead the future cake with your hands, so as to end up with a cake with a diameter of 40 cm.
  8. The baking sheet is sprinkled with flour, the resulting cake is carefully laid on it, a through hole is made in the middle of it to let the steam out.

    Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  9. Put in an oven preheated to + 250 ° C for 10 minutes to the lower level, and then rearrange for the same time to the upper level.
  10. Take out of the oven and brush the surface with butter.

Khachapuri stuffed with beet tops

Exactly the same principle is used to prepare khachapuri with beetroot and cheese filling. The difference between these two pies is only in the composition of the dough. And the whole cooking process and even the appearance of baking are very similar.

Only a cake with a filling already enclosed inside can even be carefully rolled out with a rolling pin.

But the dough for khachapuri is used without yeast, on kefir and soda.


  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp. sugar and salt;
  • 4-5 glasses of flour;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 200 g of beet tops and hard cheese for the filling.
Attention! Khachapuri, unlike Ossetian pies, can not be baked, but fried in a heated pan.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops

Cottage cheese casserole with beet leaves

You need:

  • 300 g of tops;
  • Xnumx curd;
  • 300 g cream cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 grams of sugar;
  • 1 Art. l flour;
  • 1 art. l. lemon juice.


Recipes for dishes from beet tops

  1. Finely chop the tops and cook for 5 minutes in boiling water with lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  2. Throw in a colander and let dry.
  3. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, beat with a mixer and add flour and the remaining sugar. Beat the resulting mixture again.
  4. Add crushed tops to it, mix gently.
  5. Grease a deep form with oil and lay out a casserole blank in it.
  6. Place in an oven preheated to + 180 ° C and bake for 50 minutes.

Pie with beet tops and mushrooms

The recipe for a pie with mushrooms and beet tops refers more to national cuisine.

You need:

  • 300 g ready-made puff or regular yeast dough;
  • 120 g suluguni;
  • 100 g beet tops;
  • 300 g of mushrooms (chanterelles or champignons);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 bulb;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 10 g of garlic;
  • 2 Art. l. vegetable oil.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. To make the filling, beet tops are blanched for several minutes in boiling water and finely chopped. Garlic, onion and cheese are also chopped and mixed with beet leaves.
  2. The dough is divided into 2 unequal parts. Most are rolled out and placed in a baking dish, making punctures with a fork over the entire surface.
  3. Then the filling is evenly laid out and covered with a thin layer of dough obtained from another, smaller part of it.
  4. The top of the pie is smeared with a beaten egg and baked in the oven at a temperature of + 200 ° C for 25 minutes.

Beetroot fritters

For this summer recipe, it is advisable to use young beets.

For 6 portion pancakes you will need:

  • about 200 g of tops;
  • 30 ml of 10% cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion and a few cloves of garlic;
  • a few branches of any greenery – optional;
  • 1 st. l. whole grain flour;
  • pepper, salt.

Recipes for dishes from beet tops


  1. The tops are cut into thin strips, an egg, cream, flour, herbs and spices are added to it to taste. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Spread in small portions on a frying pan heated with oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.


The recipes from beet tops presented in the article demonstrate all the variety of dishes that can be prepared from this healthy greens, which some young housewives underestimate.

Beetroot dish recipe! Simple recipes! Cooking recipes for every day!

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