- How to cook meat with mushrooms in a creamy sauce: a step by step recipe
- Recipe for meat with mushrooms in a creamy sauce with garlic
- Meat with mushrooms in sour cream sauce: a step by step recipe
- Recipe for meat with mushrooms in white sauce with currants
- Chicken meat with mushrooms and carrots in tomato sauce
- Meat with mushrooms in cheese sauce with mustard
- Meat with mushrooms in sweet and sour chili sauce
- Meat with mushrooms in a cream cheese sauce with oregano
- Meat with mushrooms in soy sauce with honey
Thanks to the sauce, any dish of meat, vegetables and cereals becomes more tasty and appetizing. You can prepare a sauce from tomatoes, sour cream, cream or butter, as well as cheese. So, meat with mushrooms in sauce turns out to be amazingly fragrant, satisfying, refined and, most importantly, delicious.
Recently, the popularity of sauces has been growing, so a wide variety of recipes for preparing this dish has appeared. In this article, we will talk about how to properly cook meat with any fruit bodies, as well as with the addition of cream or sour cream. It is thanks to these sauces that any, even the toughest meat will become soft, juicy and tender.
How to cook meat with mushrooms in a creamy sauce: a step by step recipe
Meat cooked in a creamy sauce with chanterelle mushrooms is ideal for festive occasions. Such a delicious and beautiful dish is sure to be in the center of everyone’s attention. For cooking, beef, which is considered one of the healthiest foods, is best suited.
- 500 g beef pulp;
- 400 g of peeled chanterelles;
- 3 bulbs;
- 100 g butter;
- 200 ml cream;
- Salt, parsley;
- 3 Art. l. olive oil.
A step-by-step recipe will help you properly cook meat with mushrooms in a creamy sauce.
- Cut the beef into long pieces, about 2×4 cm.
- Grate with salt, put in melted butter and fry on both sides until browned.
- Boil chanterelles for 15 minutes. in water, put in a colander and leave to cool.
- Cut into pieces, add to the meat and fry for 10 minutes.
- Peel the onions, cut into half rings, pour into fruiting bodies, pour in olive oil and, with constant stirring, fry over low heat for 10 minutes.
- Pour cream into a deep plate, salt, add chopped parsley, beat a little with a whisk.
- Pour over meat and mushrooms, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
Recipe for meat with mushrooms in a creamy sauce with garlic
The recipe for meat with mushrooms in a creamy sauce with garlic is sure to please you for its ease of preparation, and your household for its taste. A juicy, hearty and fragrant dish diversifies the daily menu and even decorates a festive feast.
- 700 g of pork;
- 4 bulbs;
- 1 carrots;
- 500 g champignons;
- 100 g butter;
- 200 ml of water;
- 300 ml cream;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- Salt and a mixture of ground peppers – to taste.
Prepare meat with mushrooms in sauce according to the proposed recipe with a detailed description.

Meat with mushrooms in sour cream sauce: a step by step recipe
Meat cooked with mushrooms in sour cream sauce will turn out just incredibly tasty and fragrant. An easy-to-prepare dish will not leave anyone indifferent.
- 500 g of pork;
- 3 bulbs;
- 400 g of oyster mushrooms or champignons;
- 300 ml of sour cream;
- 70 g butter;
- 200 ml soda;
- 2 Art. l wheat flour;
- Salt, ground black pepper;
- 2 pcs. bay leaf and allspice.
The recipe for cooking meat with mushrooms in sour cream sauce is described step by step.
- Cut the peeled mushrooms and onions into cubes, melt the butter in a frying pan and fry everything together for 10-12 minutes. on medium fire.
- Cut the prepared pork into strips, salt and pepper to taste, add flour, mix thoroughly and put on the mushrooms.
- Fry over low heat until browned, pour in sour cream, sparkling water, mix.
- Add allspice peas, bay leaves, and simmer under a closed lid on a minimum heat for 30 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to stir the contents of the pan from time to time to prevent burning.
In the same way, in sour cream sauce, you can cook chicken meat with mushrooms, which will be less nutritious, and add seasoning for chicken to taste instead of salt. The dish can be supplemented with carrots, after frying it together with onions.
Recipe for meat with mushrooms in white sauce with currants
Meat with mushrooms cooked in a white sauce with the addition of red currant berries will look amazing on the festive table. In addition, this is an excellent dish that will help make a romantic dinner unforgettable.
- 600 g of pork;
- Xnumx white mushrooms;
- 100 g red currant;
- 2 bulbs;
- 100 g butter;
- 1,5 Art. l flour;
- 400 ml cream;
- Pinch of nutmeg;
- Salt and ground black pepper – to taste.
A detailed description of the recipe for cooking meat with mushrooms in white sauce will be needed for those housewives who are just starting their culinary journey.
- Cut the meat into pieces, about 2×3 cm, boil until tender.
- Put with a slotted spoon in a saucepan and fry over high heat for 10 minutes, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula.
- Salt and pepper to taste and place in a separate bowl.
- Peel mushrooms, wash, boil for 20 minutes. in salted water.
- Cut into cubes and fry for 1/3 of the butter until browned and send to the meat.
- Separately, fry the chopped onions in cubes, put them with a slotted spoon in the fruiting bodies.
- Melt the remaining butter, add the sifted flour and mix quickly so that no lumps form.
- Pour in the cream in small portions, let thicken over low heat, add nutmeg, salt and sauce.
- Combine vegetables, meat, mushrooms, sauce and currants in one container, mix.
- Simmer over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.
Chicken meat with mushrooms and carrots in tomato sauce
Meat cooked with mushrooms in tomato sauce will perfectly complement the daily menu of the family. Instead of pork, it is better to take chicken fillet, and forest mushrooms can be replaced with champignons.
- Xnumx chicken;
- 300 g champignons;
- 4 bulbs;
- 1 carrots;
- 3 Art. l tomato paste;
- 100 ml of water;
- Sunflower oil;
- 1 tsp seasonings for chicken;
- Salt and a mixture of ground peppers – to taste.
- The prepared meat is cut into cubes, sprinkled with seasoning and salt, mixed with hands and left for 30 minutes.
- During this time, vegetables are prepared: cleaned and chopped into cubes.
- Mushrooms are cleaned, washed, dried on a kitchen towel, then cut into strips.
- The meat is laid out in a frying pan with hot oil, fried for 10 minutes. on medium fire.
- Mushroom straws are added, mixed and fried for another 10 minutes.
- Onions are introduced, fried for 5 minutes, then carrots are added and fried for another 7 minutes.
- Tomato paste is diluted with water, salted to taste and poured into the total mass.
- Stew over low heat for 30 minutes, served hot with boiled potatoes or rice.
Meat with mushrooms in cheese sauce with mustard
Use the recipe and cook meat with mushrooms in cheese sauce – the result will be amazing, everything will be so tasty and satisfying.
- 1 kg of pork;
- 600 g champignons;
- 200 g hard cheese;
- 150 ml of sour cream;
- 1 Art. liter. mustard;
- 3 bulbs;
- 2 Art. water;
- Vegetable oil;
- Salt, ground black pepper and bay leaf.
- Cut the meat into small cubes, cut the fruit bodies into strips after cleaning, chop the onion into cubes.
- Heat a frying pan, pour in the oil and put the pieces of pork, fry over high heat until browned.
- Transfer to a saucepan, add mustard, sour cream and pour in water, mix.
- Simmer over low heat for 30-35 minutes, and in the meantime, fry in a pan where onion meat was fried.
- Pour the mushroom straws, salt, pepper and fry until the liquid evaporates.
- Pour over meat, add grated cheese, mix, add bay leaf and simmer for 10 minutes.
- Before serving, remove the bay leaf, serve with boiled rice, buckwheat or mashed potatoes.
Meat with mushrooms in sweet and sour chili sauce
We can say that meat with mushrooms cooked in sweet and sour sauce is a classic example of Asian cuisine. The piquancy of a delicious and fragrant dish is sure to please gourmets.
- 500 g of veal;
- 400 g champignons;
- 1 carrots;
- 30 ml of rice vinegar;
- ½ chili pepper;
- 2 bell peppers;
- 100 ml of soy sauce;
- 100 ml of water;
- 1 Art. liter. starch;
- 2 Art. liter. sugar;
- 100 ml of sour cream;
- 2 Art. l. vegetable oil.
- Meat cut into cubes, pour soy sauce, sour cream and leave to marinate for 40 minutes.
- Bulgarian pepper and carrots cut into small cubes, chop the chili.
- Peel the mushrooms, cut into strips and fry for 10 minutes. In oil.
- Mix water, vinegar, starch, sugar, beat with a whisk.
- Fry vegetables and meat together with the marinade until browned.
- Add mushrooms and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
Meat with mushrooms in a cream cheese sauce with oregano
Meat with mushrooms cooked in a creamy sauce with cheese is a recipe that will conquer your taste buds and become one of the most popular in your family.
- 600 g of pork;
- 400 g champignons;
- 500 ml cream;
- 200 g hard cheese;
- 1 st. l. dried oregano and basil;
- Vegetable oil, salt and ground black pepper.
The recipe for meat with mushrooms in a creamy cheese sauce is designed for 6-7 servings.
- Cut the pork pulp into cubes, fruit bodies into strips, grate the cheese.
- Fry the meat in a small amount of oil over medium heat for 30 minutes.
- Add mushrooms, salt, pepper, stir and fry for 10 minutes.
- Pour in herbs, pour in cream and add cheese, mix.
- Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
Meat with mushrooms in soy sauce with honey
The proposed recipe for cooking meat with mushrooms in soy sauce can bring an exquisite variety to your menu.
- 1 kg of beef pulp;
- 500 g champignons;
- 3 bulbs;
- 200 ml of soy sauce;
- 2 tbsp. l. honey;
- 2 Art. l lemon juice;
- Vegetable oil.
- Rinse the meat well, beat a little with a kitchen hammer, cut into strips, put in a pan with a little oil and fry until browned.
- Pour in soy sauce, mix, cover and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. If during the extinguishing process a lot of liquid has evaporated, pour in 100 ml of water.
- Fry 10 min. in a separate pan with 2 tbsp. l. butter diced champignons, pour into the meat.
- Fry the peeled and chopped onion, and as soon as it becomes soft, put it on the beef.
- Introduce honey, pour in lemon juice, mix, simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes.
- Remove from stove, let stand 5-7 minutes. and serve to the table.