Recipe with povidla from dates

From year to year, standard strawberry and raspberry blanks become boring, and you want something original and unusual. Alternatively, you can make a wonderful persimmon jam. This preparation is not only tasty, but also very useful. Persimmon contains elements that help restore well-being after an illness. Also, this fruit has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Therefore, persimmon blanks are not only possible, but should be consumed by everyone. The only exception is that it is better not to use fruit jam for those who have diabetes. Below we will consider several recipes for a delicious preparation from this fruit.

Recipe with povidla from dates

Recipe with povidla from dates

Everyone knows that marmalade, jam and jam are not very different from each other. It is enough to slightly change the method of making jam and you get a tasty and fragrant jam. As a rule, jam is fruits cut into pieces or whole, boiled with sugar syrup.

But jam has a more uniform consistency. To do this, the fruit is ground and boiled with sugar. In such a blank, there are no bones, and the skin of the fruit is not felt either. For this reason, many prefer jam. Let’s look at the recipe for such a persimmon treat.

Persimmon has a pleasant, slightly bitter, but not pronounced taste. Therefore, it is customary to add various aromatic additives to blanks from it. For example, this fruit goes well with cognac and vanilla. To prepare fragrant jam, you should prepare the following components:

  • kilo of dates;
  • half a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 150 grams of good cognac.

Recipe with povidla from dates

The delicacy is prepared as follows:

  1. The fruits must be thoroughly washed under running water, remove the stone and leaves.
  2. Then the fruits are peeled and the juice is squeezed out.
  3. The resulting pulp is covered with sugar and set aside until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. After that, the mixture is put on a small fire and boiled until it decreases in volume. Since the persimmon itself is very soft, it will not have to be cooked for a long time.
  5. In the meantime, the juice is combined with vanilla and the mixture is also put on fire. After the juice boils, it is removed from the fire and about 100 ml of cognac is added.
  6. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking jam, pour juice with cognac into the container. The mixture is brought to a boil again, boiled for a couple of minutes and removed from heat.
  7. The cooled jam is poured into sterilized hot jars. First, they are covered with paper discs soaked in 50 g of the remaining cognac. Now you can roll jam with ordinary metal lids.
Important! The workpiece is stored in a dark cool place.

Recipe for fragrant persimmon jam

For those who do not like to use alcohol during the preparation of blanks, there is an equally interesting way to make tasty and fragrant jam. In this case, only the fruit itself and some spices are used. Such a preparation has a simply indescribable aroma and taste. The delicacy is prepared quickly and simply.

First you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients:

  • kilo of dates;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • two star anise;
  • vanilla tube up to two centimeters long.

Recipe with povidla from dates

Preparation method:

  1. The fruits are thoroughly washed, the bones and cores are removed, and the skin is peeled.
  2. Then the fruit is cut into medium pieces and put everything in the prepared pan.
  3. Star anise and vanilla are added to the persimmon container.
  4. The pan is put on the stove and boiled for a couple of hours. The contents must be constantly stirred so that the jam does not stick to the bottom.
  5. After that, the mass is ground through a sieve and boiled for another hour and a half.
  6. Jam is poured into jars and rolled up with sterilized metal lids. The workpiece is well stored in a cold place throughout the winter.

Recipe with povidla from dates

Persimmon and dried apricot jam recipe

The next workpiece is done very quickly and simply. Jam turns out very fragrant with a slight sourness. First you need to prepare the components:

  • half a kilogram of dried apricots;
  • two glasses of granulated sugar;
  • a quarter teaspoon of whole cloves;
  • two tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • four persimmons (large size).

The process of preparing treats is as follows:

  1. The washed dried apricots are transferred to a clean pan, poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  2. Then the dried apricots are ground through a sieve and again transferred to the pan.
  3. Persimmon must be washed and peeled, as in previous recipes. After that, the fruits are cut into small cubes and the mass is added to the pan with dried apricots.
  4. The container is put on a small fire, brought to a boil and boiled for about half an hour. The fire should be so small that the jam does not boil, but languishes.
  5. Next, the workpiece is poured into clean sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Recipe with povidla from dates


We are sure that every housewife will be able to cook jam using any recipe from this article. All of them are pretty simple. Most of the time is spent on cooking the workpiece itself. Persimmon is a large fruit, so it is peeled and cut very quickly. As additional ingredients, various aromatic additives most often act. This is exactly what is missing in the winter. I opened a jar with a blank and rejoice in the taste, aroma and amount of vitamins received.

Jam (jam) from persimmon!

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