Recipe for longevity. The advice of a Japanese doctor who lived 105 years

Discovering the secret of longevity is an extremely welcome knowledge. Good health allows you to enjoy life to the fullest. It turns out, however, that in life it is enough to follow a few simple rules. A Japanese doctor who lived to be nearly 106 years old shared his invaluable tips.

  1. Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara loved his work sincerely and was very devoted to it. He believed that retirement was unnecessary because if you love what you do, work will give you a sharp mind
  2. He also emphasized that it is worth nursing the inner child within you, not sticking to the set eating or sleeping times, and using the beneficial effects of laughter
  3. In addition to a proper diet, physical activity and a planned daily schedule, inspiration and a role model were also very important to him.
  4. Doctor Shigeaki Hinohara lived to be nearly 106 years old, and he treated his patients a few months before his death
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage  

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara was born in 1911. For more than half a century, he collaborated with the Saint Luke International Hospital in central Tokyo. He was a pioneer of comprehensive control tests that are now standard. Thanks to your actions the doctor contributed to the extension of the life expectancy of the JapaneseDoktor Shigeaki Hinohara he was seeing his patients a few months before his death, and his calendar was planned for the next five years. The Japanese doctor died on July 18, 2017.

In many interviews, the doctor has been eager to share his 10 tips for longevity. In the early 2000s he also published a book called “Living Long, Living Good”.

  1. A balanced diet for seniors – 5 rules that we should remember

Take care of your diet

Eating healthy food allows our body to maintain the energy it needs to function properly. However, the doctor emphasized that you should not overeat. Even in old age, Dr. Hinohara ate sparingly, and his meals consisted mainly of vegetables and rice. He only allowed himself a small portion of meat twice a week.

All people who live long regardless of nationality, race or gender they have one thing in common: they are not overweight

Dr. Hinohara quoted by Frame Cosmetics magazine.

Dr. Hinohara started his mornings with coffee, a glass of milk, and a little orange juice mixed with a spoonful of olive oil. As he himself emphasized The olive oil cleans the arteries and keeps my skin in perfect condition. For lunch, he ate a few cookies with a glass of milk.

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Stay in good shape

“I always climb two stairs at once to get my muscles to work harder” a 105-year-old man assured. In his opinion walking up the stairs and carrying your own things allows you to keep a healthy, strong body and mind.

If you don’t have to, don’t retire

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara lived according to the saying “love what you do and you will not work a single day in your life”. He believed that if you love what you do, work will give you mental acuity, increase your joy in life and bring you a sense of fulfillment.

There is no need to ever retire, but if someone has to, it should be much later than the age of 65

said the man later in the article in “Frame Cosmetics”.

Plan ahead

Due to constant professional activity, the calendar of dr. The Hinohary was planned many years in advance. However, the doctor believed that even in retirement it is worth planning your time carefully. He claimed that In order not to lose the joy of life, all you need to do is find the things that excite you and put them on your scheduleto have something to wait for.

In his opinion, however, one should not pay too much attention to the daily rules.

We all remember how, as children, when we played, we often forgot to eat or sleep. I believe we can keep this approach as adults it’s best not to tire your body with too many rules, such as lunchtime and bedtime

we read the words of Dr. Hinohary in The New York Times.

Share your knowledge

Knowledge is power. Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara was well aware of this and therefore willingly shared his experience.

I give 150 lectures each year, some for 100 primary school children and some for 4500 business people. I usually say 60 to 90 minutes standing to keep myself strong

– emphasized Dr. Hinohara quoted by the magazine “Frame Cosmetics”.

However, they do not always have to be lectures and public speeches. In our daily lives, we can share our knowledge with the people we live with.

Don’t blindly follow your doctor’s advice

While surgery is the only option for some serious conditions, the doctor believed that before we decide to do it, we should make sure that there are no less invasive methods by which we can recover.

When the doctor tells you to have an examination or surgery, ask him if he would advise his spouse or child to do the same.

– claimed Dr. Hinohara quoted by Frame Cosmetics.

Remember that healing is about more than learning

The Japanese specialist also emphasized that science alone cannot cure everything. He explained that in his opinion «music and animal therapy can help more than most doctors imagine«.

He also pointed to the beneficial effects of… play. He explained that instead of complaining about your pain, it is worth following the example of the youngest the best way to take your mind off your injured knee is to have fun together.

It is also worth emphasizing that laughter stimulates the secretion of endorphins, and also contributes to the reduction of cortisol, i.e. stress hormone. A decent dose of laughter also relaxes the muscles and strengthens the immune system.

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  1. Osteopathy way to health

Don’t focus on material things and find inspiration

Sharing pleasant experiences with people close to us and collecting positive experiences gives us much more joy than the things we have. Dr. Hinohara insisted that accumulating unnecessary material goods is only an additional burden for us.

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Dr. Hinohara believed that inspiration can have tremendous power to lead a happy life. For some, a photo, painting or a fragment of a poem may be an inspiration. Favorite song for others. Therefore, it is worth discovering what is the greatest inspiration for us at the moment and surrounding ourselves with these elements in everyday life.

Find a role model

As with inspiration, a real role model can motivate us to act. For Dr. Hinohara, this model was the figure of his father. The doctor emphasized that at a time when he was in a difficult situation, he always tried to imagine what his pattern would do at any given moment.

According to The New York Times, his father advised him “to have great visions and to put them into practice with courage”.

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