Recipe for garlic tincture on alcohol and vodka

In addition to vampires, garlic drives away a whole horde of evil spirits, especially the smaller one – different viruses, ugly bacteria. What is remarkable, this plant can be used in various forms and garlic tincture is one of the most delicious of these forms. Cooking it is quite simple and fast, you can drink it during stormy feasts and simply, for the sake of preventing colds. We will cook on vodka and alcohol.

Garlic tincture according to V.A. Soloukhin

Vladimir Soloukhin was a real village esthete. He loved to collect mushrooms, he loved tinctures and he loved to write about it. In one of his books, namely The Third Hunt (1967 edition), he wrote:

Once in Warsaw, at the Bristol restaurant, I met the Muscovite writer Lev Romanovich Sheinin. During dinner, we talked about Moscow, and in particular about tinctures. It was then that Lev Romanovich told me one recipe, which is now, thanks to my diligence, adopted by all my friends and acquaintances. In a bottle of capital vodka, you need to cut two or three cloves of garlic, and also lower one pod of hot red pepper. Close the bottle tightly and put in a dark place for three days. After three days, strain and pour into a clean clear glass decanter. Isn’t it simple? Meanwhile, a drink is obtained, the charm of which is impossible to imagine. Only you need to drink from a small glass, so that thirty, no more than fifty grams enter it.

This is the whole uncomplicated recipe for garlic tincture, which today many call “classics”. Of course, this drink can be safely called peppercorns, but there is no honey in it, and the taste is not the same. So what needs to be done in the end.


  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 pod of hot red pepper;
  • 0,5 liters of vodka.

Here it is very important not to make a mistake with the components. When the highly respected comrade Soloukhin prepared exquisite tinctures, Chinese garlic would have been a real curiosity. Today, unfortunately, these are the realities of life – tasteless and odorless fruits, called garlic, direct deliveries from the DPRK. So we stomp to the market, this is if you don’t have your own land behind the house where you can grow a little domestic product, we are looking for a smiling grandmother and we buy from her only one head of garlic or more, since we decided to take a walk.

Take any vodka, you can even have well-purified moonshine or diluted alcohol – garlic in this case is the very ingredient that can ennoble a drink of not the best quality.


Cut the garlic into small cloves, first removing the middle sprout part, which is the most fragrant. Put chopped garlic in a jar, put 1 small pod of pepper there, and preferably 3 plates 0,5×0,5 cm and pour vodka. Place the jar in a dark, warm place for 3 days; during the day, the jar can sometimes be disturbed without stirring very intensively. After 3 days, filter through cotton wool and pour into a bottle.

As a result, you will get a fairly strong, masculine drink that goes well in nature with a good snack. In principle, the taste of this elixir can be compared with the taste of homemade horseradish, but there is one “BUT” …

Attention! It is not recommended to store garlic tincture for a long time – over time it loses both in aromatic and taste qualities. Prepare the tincture just before a feast or going out into nature, where it can be fully consumed within 3-5 days. As Soloukhin himself bequeathed, you need to drink “garlic” in small glasses, 30-50 ml each, no more. Bon Appetit!

Here is a video recipe for you from the highly respected Mr. alcofan:

Garlic tincture on alcohol, Tibetan

A curious recipe for Tibetan garlic tincture is circulating on the Internet, which archaeologists allegedly found in 1971 while exploring Tibetan temples. Your obedient servant does not believe in all this “Tibetan” heresy, because there could not be 96% ethyl alcohol in Buddhist temples, but there, who knows? But I will write the recipe and method of taking this potion so as not to infringe on the interests of folk healers.

By the way, according to eyewitnesses, this tincture cleans blood vessels and lowers cholesterol, which, in principle, should not be far from the truth, since garlic itself is an excellent tool for lowering cholesterol. In addition, she is credited with a rejuvenating effect and so on.


  • 350 g of garlic;
  • 200 ml of alcohol.


Grate the garlic or crush it in a mortar with a wooden pestle, place this homogeneous mass in a small jar. Pour pure alcohol, close with a tight lid and leave in a cool dark place for 10 days. After that, the “magic elixir” should be squeezed out through a dense cloth and poured into a bottle, closed with a cork and sent to a dark, cool place for another 2-3 days. Now garlic tincture on alcohol can be used for its intended purpose.


In a quarter cup of cold milk (50 ml), drop Tibetan tincture in the amount described in the table below (drops are best measured with a pipette), and drink 15-20 minutes before eating.

After the 11th day comes, the tincture must be completely destroyed by drinking 25 drops of the elixir 3 times a day. At this point, the course of treatment can be considered completed, it can be repeated in 5-6 years. Of course, if as a result of taking garlic tincture you feel an exacerbation of any chronic diseases or discomfort, the course of treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor. Self-medication can be hazardous to your health, so be sure to check with your doctor.

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