Recipe for cough milk with figs

The recipe for making figs with cough milk is a simple and effective way to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. Folk remedies with figs are successfully used to treat dry and productive cough in adults and children.

Useful properties of figs with milk against cough

To understand why it is milk, and not water or other drinks in combination with figs, that cures a cough, you need to remember the healing properties of each of the products.

Useful properties of figs:

  • acts as an antipyretic at high temperatures;
  • dried fruit improves the condition of the bronchi, trachea and the respiratory system as a whole;
  • due to the high content of vitamin B, actively fights bacteria and viruses;
  • strengthens the immune system and restores strength after illness;
  • has anti-inflammatory effects;
  • due to a mild diuretic and laxative effect, it cleanses the body, removing toxic substances;
  • the expectorant effect on coughs, which figs have, helps to thin sputum and remove it faster;
  • excellent diaphoretic.

Medicinal properties of milk:

  • used as a prophylactic in general health promotion;
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances, so it is often used to treat colds;
  • has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties;
  • restores the metabolic balance, replenishing the level of potassium.

Recipe for cough milk with figs

The effectiveness of cough treatment with figs with milk

Milk softens the mucous membrane of the throat, reducing its irritation and stopping the cough reflex. Organic acids contained in figs make the remedy a natural antibiotic. The drink warms the tissues, stimulating blood circulation, so that inflammation is removed faster.

Fig fruits are rich in essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on immunity, reducing the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes and tissues, contributing to the saturation of cells with oxygen.

Reviews of recipes for cough milk with figs indicate that the remedy has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the decay products of bacteria and viruses are excreted from the body faster. The main value of the remedy is a powerful expectorant property. The discharge of sputum ensures that a thick secretion will not stagnate in the bronchi, which means that inflammation is excluded.

The drink will alleviate the condition of a sick person. It is used to treat both adults and children, as the remedy consists only of natural ingredients.

How to cook figs with cough milk

Preparing figs for coughing is not difficult. It is desirable to prepare the medicine on the basis of fresh homemade milk. If there is none, you can use a store-bought, high percentage of fat content.

Important! This is important, since it is the fatty product that has a pronounced softening effect.

Figs are used both fresh and dried. The main thing is that the product is ripe. Unripe fruits contain caustic milky juice, which will not only spoil the taste of the medicine, but also have an irritating effect.

The drink is drunk warm in small sips.

Milk with fresh figs for cough


  • 300 ml homemade or pasteurized milk;
  • 4 things. figs.


  1. The fruits are washed well, doused with boiling water and put in a thick-walled saucepan.
  2. Berries are poured with milk, covered with a lid and heated over medium heat until boiling. The fire is reduced to a minimum, and the dishes are tightly closed with a lid.
  3. Simmer in milk, stirring occasionally, for at least 2 hours. The finished product will be sweet, with a slight creamy aroma and a brown tint.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, cool to a warm state and drink. Figs can be taken out and eaten, or mashed to a puree and left in milk.

Recipe for cough milk with figs

Figs with cough milk are suitable for both adults and children.

Quick recipe


  • 5 figs;
  • 1 st. boiled fat milk.


  1. The fruits are washed, crushed and placed in a bowl. Pour in hot boiled milk.
  2. The swollen fruits are ground through a sieve and re-combined with the broth.

The resulting mixture is divided into 3 parts and drunk throughout the day.

This cooking method is good because, due to minimal heat treatment, the fruit retains all the nutrients.

The recipe in the multivariate


  • 4 large figs;
  • 1 liter of fat milk.

Method of preparation:

The fruits are washed, cut into arbitrary pieces and placed in a multicooker container. Pour milk and select the “quenching” mode on the panel. The timer is set to 2 hours. The gruel is kept warm in the “heating” mode. Take ½ cup before dinner.

Fig tincture with cough milk

This remedy helps with hysterical and unproductive cough. The expectorant effect is fully manifested after 2 days. The sputum is liquefied and easily departs. Boil figs in milk for coughing exceptionally dry.


  • 1 fig;
  • 1 st. fresh full fat milk.


  1. The figs are thoroughly washed, chopped with a knife and placed in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Berries are poured with fat milk and put on low heat.
  3. The mixture is brought to a boil, then poured into a refractory dish and sent to languish in the oven for half an hour.
  4. The heating of the oven is turned off, and the container with the drug is left in it until completely cooled.

Fig toffee for cough

Butterscotch quickly relieves throat irritation, stimulates easy sputum discharge, so that the cough weakens. In addition, toffees with milk, butter and figs will appeal to children.


  • 4 large dried fruits;
  • 25 g of high-quality butter;
  • 2 st. fatty milk;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Method of preparation:

  1. Dried fruit is cut into pieces, placed in a blender container and crushed until smooth.
  2. The fig mass is transferred to a saucepan, poured with milk and put on slow heating. The drug is simmered for about half an hour.
  3. A glass of sugar is poured into a cast-iron pan and melted to a caramel shade. Add oil and stir well. Pour in the milk-fig mixture, simmer for another half an hour, stirring continuously, and pour into molds. Leave until completely solidified.

Ready toffees are transferred to a dry glass jar and tightly closed with a lid. Suck on candy for sore throats or coughing fits.

Recipe for cough milk with figs

Figs for cough without milk

Figs with a strong cough can be used without milk.

Cough syrup for children

The remedy is effective in the treatment of sore throats, whooping cough and colds.


  • 10 large dried figs;
  • 2 tbsp. boiling water.

Method of preparation:

  1. The fruits are washed, placed in a saucepan, poured with a glass of boiling water and put on fire.
  2. Boil for half an hour so that the fruit swells and becomes soft.
  3. Then pour another glass of water and add sugar.
  4. Continue to simmer the mixture until a syrupy mass is obtained.

For even greater effectiveness, you can add to the chilled syrup:

  • 5 drops of echinacea tincture per spoon;
  • 2 tablets of crushed ascorbic acid per daily dose;
  • 5 g ginger powder;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Children take a large spoonful of funds, adults – two or three times a day. Treatment is continued until the symptoms disappear.

Important! The syrup is used as an immunostimulant and prophylactic during colds.

Honey-fig mix

Figs with cough honey is an excellent remedy to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Method of preparation:

  1. The fruits are washed, cut into pieces and crushed in a blender to a paste-like state.
  2. Combine with honey in a ratio of one to one.
  3. Stir.

The remedy is taken in a small spoon three times a day. For greater effectiveness, you can mix it with radish gruel.

Alcohol tincture


  • 5 ripe figs or 3 dried fruits;
  • 0,5 liters of vodka.

Method of preparation:

  1. Fig cut into cubes, pour alcohol and leave for 10 days, shaking daily.
  2. If desired, add a vanilla stick, spicy cloves or ginger root.
  3. Before use, dilute 5 ml of the product in a third of a glass of water. Taken twice a day.

Recipe for cough milk with figs

Rules for the use of figs against cough

Prepare figs with cough milk for 1-2 doses. If the number of products is increased, you can stock up on the product for 2 days.

The drug is taken orally up to 5 times a day. Figs with milk for coughing during pregnancy are drunk no more than 3 times a day. To enhance the effectiveness, the medicine is consumed half an hour before a meal.


  • adults – a whole or half a glass up to 5 times a day;
  • elderly – ½ cup 4 times a day;
  • pregnant women – ½ cup three times a day;
  • children over 3 years of age – ¼ cup 4 times a day.
Important! A homogeneous mixture is eaten with a spoon. After filtering the liquid, it is advisable to eat part of the figs, and then drink it with filtered milk.

The medicine is allowed to take up to a month, until the symptoms disappear completely. With exacerbation of pulmonary pathologies, the product is stopped from the moment the cough passes into a wet form. With chronic cough, the treatment is extended, reducing the number of doses to 2 times in essence.

Contraindications to cough medicines with figs

It is worth remembering that figs as a cough medicine are not suitable for everyone. For example, with diabetes, dried fruit is categorically contraindicated. In some cases, the use of fresh fruits is allowed, but only after consultation with a specialist.

The tool is not recommended for use in the presence of an allergy to fruits. With intolerance to dairy products, another liquid is taken as the basis. If you are allergic to honey, replace it with sugar.

Warning! The fruit has a laxative effect, so a medicine based on it should not be taken for intestinal diseases, diarrhea or acute poisoning.

The fruits contain oxalic acid, which irritates the kidneys, so for pyelonephritis, nephropathy and urolithiasis, the drug is used with extreme caution. Also, oxalic acid is contraindicated in people suffering from gout.

With gastritis, colitis and ulcers, the remedy is taken with caution. Fiber, which is found in large quantities in fruits, can significantly aggravate the condition of the intestines or stomach.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is better to prepare a fresh remedy daily. You can store the medicine in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Reviews of milk with figs for cough

Tatyana Ivanova, 56 years old, Moscow
I love figs in itself, I didn’t even consider it as a medicine, but, it turns out, in vain. Really helps.
Victor Pavlov, 67 years old, Moscow region
Thank you friend for the helpful recipe! Helped my XNUMX year old grandson. Dropped the temperature. Now I will use this remedy for colds.
Valentina Teplichnaya, 45 years old, Saratov
I suffer from frequent colds with a prolonged cough. Having learned about the recipe with figs, now I always drink this remedy. It gets better almost immediately. At first, the cough turns into a wet one, and after a few days it disappears altogether.


The recipe for making figs with cough milk is an effective expectorant that has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Cough, cold and immune booster. Figs with milk – a cough remedy.

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