Recall of contaminated products: what is ethylene oxide?

Recall of contaminated products: what is ethylene oxide?

Since September 2020, several food products sold in supermarkets have been the subject of consumer recalls. The responsible is the potentially carcinogenic ethylene oxide when the doses exceed the authorized thresholds.

Why is this a “health scandal”?

The alert originally came from the Kingdom of Belgium. Today, no less than ten countries are concerned by the marketing of foodstuffs contaminated by ethylene oxide. It is Foodwatch which is now responsible for hunting down products, because they represent a risk to the health of the consumer. Indeed, the non-governmental organization’s mission is to protect it from dangers relating to food, but also to make it accessible to all. In its press release, Foodwatch indicates that edible products are not in compliance with the regulations because they contain ” ingredients illegally treated with ethylene oxide. This colorless gas is used in the food industry and serves to sterilize equipment. The problem is that this organic compound can come in contact with food. However, it is carcinogenic and capable of mutating, in addition to being toxic to reproduction. It was already at the heart of a health scandal in 2010, because this disinfectant was widely used to destroy bacteria in bottles, teats and nipples. In 2020, sesame seeds are contaminated and at present, the French Ministry of the Economy gives a list comprising more than 9 products concerned. Foodwatch has waged a battle against the Commission, deeming the handling of this situation as a ” chaos on a European scale. »

In fact, faced with legal uncertainty, several countries have hitherto relaxed the conditions for recalling products contaminated with ethylene oxide. They are then found directly in the body of consumers without their knowledge. This is not the only reason Foodwatch is rising up. Indeed, the use of this chemical is prohibited in Europe. For the NGO, it is a “new food scandal” and the repression of fraud wonders how it is possible to “ classify a substance as dangerous (carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic) and therefore ban it in the European Union and ‘at the same time’ tolerate its presence in certain products incorporating contaminated ingredients from third countries. »

What products are affected by this recall?

According to the Ministry of the Economy in conjunction with the French health authorities, many food products must be returned. Among them, some: 

  • spices (dried peppers, turmeric, pepper, etc.);
  • aperitif products;
  • cereals, flour;
  • rusks, sweet foods, ice cream, sorbets;
  • teas and coffees, etc.

The complete list is regularly updated and can be consulted on the website of the French ministry. Unfortunately, Foodwatch also reports that carob flour and guar gum contaminated with ethylene oxide are used as thickeners in anti-regurgitation milks intended for babies. The good news is that no reports of intoxication have yet been made. To protect the health of consumers, in particular that of the youngest, the organization ” requests transparent and rapid information for consumers and the recall of any product Which can be toxic.

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