The problem of sweet taste is found not only in distillates (classic moonshine), but also in drinks obtained on a column and even in rectified alcohol. Raw materials do not matter: all sugar, fruit and grain mashes are affected. At the same time, sweet moonshine can be crystal clear and odorless, which is even more confusing. The reason is in the specific substances that are formed during the fermentation of the mash or during the distillation process (strong heating), and then fall into the selection.
Novice moonshiners believe that sweet moonshine is obtained due to the sugar that appears in the drink from unfermented sweet mash. However, sugar does not evaporate when heated and remains in the distillation residue (distillery residue). A very rare exception is spray entrainment, when, at too high a distillation temperature, part of the mash “flies” into the cooler. This can easily be corrected by re-distilling with the correct selection of “heads” and “tails”. In most cases, the distillate after double distillation or rectified sweetens, which cannot be explained by sugar.
![Reasons for the appearance of a sweet aftertaste in moonshine or rectified alcohol](
The sweet taste of alcohol is given by two substances: glycerin and diethyl ether, both of which evaporate easily when boiled and get into the drink even after two or more distillations.
A high concentration of glycerin appears when the acidity of the water is shifted towards alkalinity. In such an environment, the yeast produces more glycerol. The problem is exacerbated when the raw materials are suitable – grain or fruit must, less often just sugar.
Diethyl ether enhances the smell of alcohol, and at high concentration gives a sweet aftertaste with hints of bitterness in the aftertaste. The amount of diethyl alcohol in mash depends on several factors:
- strains of yeast – lactic acid bacteria create it more than others, in addition to sweetness, they give a taste of toffee or honey;
- characteristics of raw materials – grain and fruit mash have a higher concentration;
- the duration of fermentation – the longer the mash plays, the more diethyl alcohol will be released;
- temperature – can affect both plus and minus, depending on the composition of the mash.
It should be borne in mind that some raw materials themselves give a slight sweetness. For example, wheat moonshine, which should be soft and slightly sweet, but not nasty sugary. Because of this feature, pure industrial wheat distillates are rare, mostly blended with barley and rye. Other grain and fruit spirits also sweeten a little – this is how they convey the peculiarity of their raw materials. If, along with a sweet aftertaste, a characteristic aroma of grain or fruits (berries) is felt, then you should not worry, this is normal.
![Reasons for the appearance of a sweet aftertaste in moonshine or rectified alcohol](
Prevention of sweet moonshine
From the theory it becomes clear that it is necessary to minimize the appearance of glycerin and diethyl alcohol in the mash during fermentation and try to cut off these substances during distillation. For this you need:
- Use water for mash of normal acidity, preferably bottled.
- Reduce fermentation time to a minimum by making the right water ratio (1:4 or 1:5) and maintaining the optimum temperature of 26-29°C.
- Avoid contamination of the wort with lactic acid bacteria.
- Change yeast (if the problem of sweet moonshine has occurred before).
- Try to do the first distillation quickly so that as few harmful substances as possible appear during the boiling process.
- Properly perform distillation and rectification, adhering to optimal temperature conditions, as well as selecting a sufficient number of “heads” and “tails”.
- Keep the equipment (especially copper) clean, do regular flushing and cleaning.
- Use beer and distillation columns capable of performing normal purification of alcohol (correct design, sufficient length of the drawer side, densely packed nozzle of the SPN or OLTC, cooler of suitable capacity, heater with smooth power control, automatic temperature control, etc.).
How to fix sweet moonshine (alcohol)
The easiest option is to pass through a new carbon cartridge to purify water without impurities. The technology for cleaning moonshine through a filter is described separately. Not sure if this will eliminate the alcohol’s sweetness completely, but it should make it less pronounced. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times.
![Reasons for the appearance of a sweet aftertaste in moonshine or rectified alcohol](
It is also advisable to do a second distillation if it is known that errors were made during the previous one.
The sweetness of moonshine can be reduced and even completely leveled by keeping the drink in a barrel or insisting on oak chips. During the aging process, the tannins of the wood will bind glycerin and diethyl alcohol, but this requires a minimum of 3-4 months, preferably 8-10.
In the case of beer and distillation columns, you first need to understand the reasons for the sweet rectified product (distillate), then upgrade the equipment, make sure that the technology for working with it is clear, and only after that do the second distillation.
In terms of health effects, sweet moonshine or alcohol practically does not differ from ordinary moonshine from the same raw materials. If the cause of sweetness is glycerin, then such a drink can cause even a smaller hangover, this is a feature of the liver.